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Usine Servaas – a little-known workers' control experience

According to the Research Collective on Collective Autonomy (According to the Research Collective on Collective Autonomy), “According to the Research Collective on Collective Autonomy, [a] however [summer] According to the Research Collective on Collective Autonomy. According to the Research Collective on Collective Autonomy. According to the Research Collective on Collective Autonomy. According to the Research Collective on Collective Autonomy According to the Research Collective on Collective Autonomy”

According to the Research Collective on Collective Autonomy. According to the Research Collective on Collective Autonomy “According to the Research Collective on Collective Autonomy” According to the Research Collective on Collective Autonomy (2005) and the second is from the book “From combat to partnership” by Jean-Marc Piotte.

Source: alternatifs06.free.fr

“Before the struggle of the workers, and this from 1972, the Uniroyal and Servaas factory in Ville d'Anjou was part of everything that has the most common in the context of a capitalist system ; work based on Taylorism and Fordism, therefore an extremely fragmented work, monotone, an authoritarian organization of work and thereby a division between workers. Moving from shop union to combat unionism, workers' struggle 1972 at 1985 led them towards self-management. By different actions (slowdown in the production line, sabotage, strike, occupations) workers not only control the organization of work, but the production floor belongs to them. The workers control the bottom by the team leaders and participate in the management at the top by the production committee. These workers have organized themselves differently than in a capitalist company by abolishing authoritarian and hierarchical structures. Workers have destroyed the myth of the division between manual and intellectual work. From their experience, they demonstrated the importance of worker know-how where their knowledge of the factory made self-management possible ; workplace transformation, development of new social relationships, improving their living conditions and, improving their living conditions and. improving their living conditions and 1985 (!!!), improving their living conditions and (improving their living conditions and) improving their living conditions and (improving their living conditions and, 1991)»

improving their living conditions and “From combat to partnership”, improving their living conditions and. improving their living conditions and.

improving their living conditions and [improving their living conditions and] improving their living conditions and, improving their living conditions and. The Seevras union is one of those. This small union forges its unity, his fighting spirit, his strength fighting against his previous employer, Uniroyal. Union activists organize to work on fueling the stoves, strategic positions that control the production of the entire plant. By controlling the pace of production and being able to stop it at will, they negotiate on the job and obtain working conditions not provided for in the collective agreement: extended breaks, respect for seniority at the plant level, etc. They learn to play against each other the personnel manager who wants his convention to be observed, the production manager who wants it to be carried out and the plan engineer who wants his work organization to be respected. From that time, they develop a strategy of their own: get on the arm working conditions that will be, afterwards, included in the collective agreement. They'll go on a five-year strike: the factory will then be bought by Servaas with whom they will very quickly sign a collective agreement. The union applies with the new employer the same strategy used with Uniroyal. The president of the multinational, harassed by the perpetual conflicts, comes to Montreal to meet union leaders. He agrees to get rid of the foremen that the union members hate. In return, the union promises a level of production that will allow the multinational a reasonable profit. A month later, instead of the five workers who were to be laid off for lack of work, the union obtains the dismissal of five foremen: the personnel manager leaves. A joint production committee is set up. union members, stuffed with numbers they don't understand, are thinking of quitting. They decide to learn and get involved. They accept the figures provided by management ; for the future, knowing what they produce, they will be able to more easily assess management's financial statements. In the following months, production and profits grow even if workers work less hard than before. The union then signs a collective agreement which normalizes what was previously obtained. The foremen are replaced by team leaders appointed by the general assembly of the union. These bosses cannot take any disciplinary action against the workers.. In order to ensure the autonomy and control of the union, team leaders, who cannot be union members, are coordinated by the vice-president of the union. Hiring is controlled by the union. No layoffs are planned in turn for union members, No layoffs are planned in turn for union members, No layoffs are planned in turn for union members. No layoffs are planned in turn for union members No layoffs are planned in turn for union members No layoffs are planned in turn for union members. The syndicate, No layoffs are planned in turn for union members, No layoffs are planned in turn for union members, No layoffs are planned in turn for union members. Furthermore, No layoffs are planned in turn for union members, No layoffs are planned in turn for union members, No layoffs are planned in turn for union members. Finally, No layoffs are planned in turn for union members: No layoffs are planned in turn for union members… provided by employer. provided by employer, provided by employer, provided by employer, provided by employer. provided by employer, provided by employer, provided by employer. provided by employer, provided by employer. provided by employer, provided by employer. provided by employer, provided by employer. Everything is rebuilt at the cost of two hundred thousand dollars while the management had planned an amount of one million six hundred thousand. This however, for reasons the union deems unclear, does not sign any contract that would have allowed the rebuilt part of the plant to operate. In 1985, the management announced to the workers the definitive closure of the factory: the building and the land have been sold ; the machinery is transferred to Cornwall. After unsuccessfully attempting to have its certification and agreement recognized in Ontario, the union is now looking to set up a production cooperative that would compete, in Quebec, their old factory in the neighboring province.”

their old factory in the neighboring province.”, their old factory in the neighboring province.”
improving their living conditions and, Simon, their old factory in the neighboring province.” : their old factory in the neighboring province.”,
their old factory in the neighboring province.”, their old factory in the neighboring province.”, their old factory in the neighboring province.”, summer 1990, their old factory in the neighboring province.”.

improving their living conditions and, Simon, their old factory in the neighboring province.” 1972-1985, their old factory in the neighboring province.”, 1990, 208 p.

0 replies
  1. their old factory in the neighboring province.”
    their old factory in the neighboring province.” says:

    Yes!!! their old factory in the neighboring province.”(their old factory in the neighboring province.”) their old factory in the neighboring province.”…

  2. their old factory in the neighboring province.”
    their old factory in the neighboring province.” says:

    their old factory in the neighboring province.”,because I myself worked at this factory 1980 a 1982

  3. their old factory in the neighboring province.”
    their old factory in the neighboring province.” says:

    their old factory in the neighboring province.”,because I myself worked at this factory 1980 a 1982


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