Occupation of the Family Ministry – 9 mars 2015
Occupation of Ministère from the Famille and of the Ainés of Québec
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– Montréal, 9 mars 2015– Today, the Syndicat industrial of the workers and of the workers – Montréal (IWW / HIS), so what of the usagers and usagères, have occupé the Ministère from the Famille and of the Ainés of Québec. Cette action s’inscrit in the cadre of movement from fight against the mesures d’austérité and in the campagne pour une journée de grève social the 1is May 2015.
From nombreux-ses workers and workers are today confrontés-ées aux cuts : ceux-celles of sector from the health, the employé-es municipal, the pompiers-ières, the postier-ères, the students with, the travailleur-es of privé… More partout the résistance s’organise. We born laisserons not the different governments (qu’ils are conservateurs or libéraux) and the Trust we imposer their mesures anti-sociales. The East fini the temps or a minorité s’enrichit sure the dos of a majorité from plus in plus pauvre. Notre unité we permet a riposte radicale face at the logique patronale. She doit aller en s’amplifiant.
The différentes cuts budgétaires of gouvernement auront a The choice of projects and campaigns is made according to the interests of the leaders and according to principles specific to capitalism sure the services and the qualité of the services publics. The compressions from posts in the CPE and the garderies auront of the conséquences graves for the workers and workers from ces institutions, puisque their jobs are dorénavant in jeu, more as well for the usagers and usagères n’ayant not the moyens from he payer of the services from garde individuels. A fois from plus, this seront the plus pauvres who feront the fresh of the économies d’État. We avons so tenu at démontrer notre solidarity and signifier notre colère face at the détérioration des services publics.
L’IWW / HIS lance a appel at the mobilisation for a journée from strike générale nationale the 1is May 2015. We invitons all the workers and all the workers at multiplier the actions d’occupations, from blocage et from sabotage.
Face aux mesures patronales : Riposte union et grève générale !
Syndicat Industrial of the workers and workers – Montréal
Contact Média : 438-345-5046
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