Employment agencies, cheap labor and misery.

As part of the organized eventIt isBy theAssociation of Workers ofplacement agencies (ATTAP), a member of the IWW MontrIt isto a pris la parole, here is thathe had at say.

Hello at everyone, I am a member of the Industrial Workers Union and Workers, the IWW MontrIt isal. We are here aujourdhui in solidaritIt is with workers ofplacement agency. We are here to support, as workers, and to It isfor at their claims!

Before you talk about their claims, jloves like to sharea RIt isreflection on placement agencies. The leaflet of theATTAP, inviting us aujourdhui, said the following : « Lare not created employment agenciesIt isent of notemployment, they prIt iscarisent jobs that exist toIt isjat. » Cis right, for dIt isjat workedIt is in an employment agency when I arrivedIt is in QuIt isbec, jhave been findingis at How could we enjoy. Car on born va pas se lecacher, in Lplacement agency oÙ j'It issuch, BIt isdart resource for not naming them, when I mthere rendais morning, j'It isshut the only white. Employment agencies, cis the last resort for newcomers, often the most prIt isCaires and moreIt isprovided. I jI was lucky, ça nno hardIt is long before I found a permanent employment, payIt is the course minimum wage.

I'll tell you a little anecdote mhas arrivedIt ise a journIt ise in an employment agency. I lisve in the morning at 5h15 to get theatlow at 6H15, because cEast at lacross the city It isVidement. Jexpect thaton mcall. 7h00. 8H00. 8H15 and finally we got into a van. DIt isshare with 5 other guys, all immigrants, for a plant in the depths ofOuest de l’îthe.

We arrive around 9am
00, we enter the rest room ofplant and foremanîbe coming to us. He says at notre dispatcher : « DIt issolIt is, jhad askedIt is women. » We go in the van, back to


lagency, say nothing. Back at lagency, the Nthere is nothinganother for me aujourdhui. Cis my Premiisre journIt ise working with BIt isdard, then as is the risgle, I do not payIt is to dIt isplacement. a journIt ise loste!

What strikes me in placement agencies, cdothey sell : of the labor’œout. They produce nothing. their merchandise, their matiisking awardsisre cis us. And I trade in the hand’œout good-marchIt is, EcoRVIt isable at thank you, ça reminder to methe lslavery. Of themodern slavery of courseandr, framedIt is by the law. Cis for çthat hasis joined at lAttap aujourdhui to ask, again, labolition of this slavery ofIt isguisIt is and we demand, diss now :

1) A minimum wage at 15$ of thehour, And this, NOW, not in 2022. Those who tell usor wait'Patients can be can-willbe afford, not us!

2) The co-responsibilityIt is customers-employers and placement agencies in the rights of workers'.

3) Hiring ADiss three months of work for the mwillme employeur.

4) Salary It isgal for work It isgal, no matter whether the person is employeeIt isan agency or directly fromemployer.

These claims must willbe appliedIt isare now!

a finalisre thing saddress at some unions. It is themodern slavery still exists, arrwillcomplexion nIt isnegotiate with our myîthree. Arrwillcomplexion nIt isnegotiate what should willbe the length of our stringîbecause. Take to the streets. No more parades. Come help us at brewing cage le 1er Mai!

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