The SITT-IWW Montreal endorses the & rsquo; call CLAC: 150 years of colonialism. Nothing to celebrate !

As you know, This year is the 150th anniversary of Canada. The government plans to spend 500 million in 2017 for ceremonies, parades and festivals to proudly celebrate colonialism, imperialism and racism that mark the history of this country. We must never forget that the territory that & rsquo; we call Canada has been stolen by European settlers to indigenous who lived here for thousands of years, in a greedy desire for natural resources to enrich the crowns of France and & rsquo; England. Why should we celebrate this ?

Canadian colonialism n & rsquo; is not a thing of the past, l & rsquo; oppression and racism against indigenous peoples still exist. Just that & rsquo; we think of the massive incarcerations, abuse that & rsquo; they and they suffer from the police or military interventions (Restigouche, 1981, Reason, 1990, Gustafsen Lake 1995, Elsipogtog 2013) for "discipline" and when they claim the rights that Canada has secured them in its own treaties (which were signed after the & rsquo; invasion of the territory and the destabilization of ecosystems on which their communities depend). Once again, how do we want to celebrate ?

Although the vast majority of Canadians comes from the & rsquo; immigration, with colonization began in the 16th century, our government still keeps a racist face new vision and new immigrant. New and newcomers are marginalized, deprived of basic essential services to live in dignity and too often treated as criminals or even terrorists. Should we be proud of & rsquo; welcome we have people who immigrate here because life in their country has become unsustainable, often because of the imperialist policies of Canada and other rich countries that n & rsquo; get enough power and d & rsquo; money ?

C & rsquo; is why we dérangerons Canada Day as possible on July 1, because there is no pride to live in a country built on stolen land and accumulates all this time wealth through the savage exploitation of resources here and around the world, nor a racist country that marginalizes indigenous and immigrant.

Call to & rsquo; Action :

You can come to our event and you can also make d & rsquo; other actions. All around us there are symbols of Canadian colonialism : the buildings of the & rsquo; Canadian Army, guns and other symbols and military museums, government offices, stores of the Company's Bay & rsquo; Hudson, prisons, courts, parliaments, cities hotels, offices of CSIS and the RCMP, etc. Let creativity !

fun activity to do with your girlfriends for July 1 : pluck all the flags of Canada and Quebec. There are plenty of things you can do with after, like a campfire. additional challenge : replace the torn flags with black flags. Hours of fun !

For more & rsquo; information:

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