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Newfoundland : The wildcat strike in Long Harbor continues despite an injunction from the Supreme Court

translated libcom.org by the Collectif Emma Goldman

UPDATE 21 July
The strike would have ended on Monday 16 July evening

Discussion with the CBC president Labrador Federation of Labor on the use of the wildcat strike

UPDATE 16 July
The syndicate “Resource Development Trades Council” call the stop workers to strike, but they say that the union no longer represents their interests

The company Vale returns to court to enforce the injunction pursuing workers

The strike continues for 5th day.
The President of RDTC Union implies that the striking workers of the requirements are similar to those of young children.

The Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador has given an injunction to employers to help break a wildcat strike on a construction site in Long Harbor.

Near 2000 workers illegally stopped work Thursday, and subsequently carried blocking site entrances. Workers are angry against the level of payroll. Site workers earn on average 15$ Time less than comparable workers elsewhere in Canada.

Another issue is the manner in which employers interpret the collective agreement; on issues such as travel and subsistence allowances.

Furthermore, Workers are angry against their own union for not defending their interests. Of course, the union does not support the action. The bosses and the union have still not commented on the conflict.

Video reportage de NTV (mass-media)

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VIDEO | That’s Our Power — Rank and File Organising

Strikes, workplace occupations, food banks, workers in Greece haven’t been paid for months, and are facing huge pay cuts. Some have gotten pay cheques of less than 10 €. We spoke to doctors, steel workers and journalists on strike and on the streets.
[http youtube://www.youtube.com/watch?v = 1g2WeWD16rQ&w=640&h=360]

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Get the DVD: http://reelnews.co.uk/issue-32-june-2012/
UK screening tour: http://reelnews.co.uk/greece-our-present-is-your-future-dvd-and-uk-tour/

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statement of solidarity with the Quebec student strike!

Members of the Industrial Union of Workers (SITT-IWW) across Canada stand in solidarity with all students and workers in Quebec who bravely oppose rising tuition fees, this capitalist offensive against the working class supported by the government in the age of austerity.

By blocking courses and going down often, and sometimes hundreds of thousands, in the streets, the people who are mobilizing in the fight alongside the members of our union who are actively involved show the rest of Canada that direct action can really bear fruit.

SITT claims at the same time that the police stop attacking the independent media in Quebec, particularly Concordia University TV (CUTV). Their work of live video transmission is essential to the democratic changes we encourage.

SITT also calls for provincial government to repeal special law 78 which suspends freedom of expression, freedom of assembly and the right of those who struggle to defend their choices in relation to the future that education in Quebec should have. Government must hear, recognize and respond to the movement's claims, not legislate repressively to end the conflict and restore “social peace” by force.

The Canadian Committee for Regional Organization of SITT (CCOR) encourages members and local branches to donate to student associations, including the Association for Student Union Solidarity (ASSÉ), and independent media, dont CUTV. CORR also invites them to join as much as possible those who defend the picket lines and who mobilize in the streets in solidarity with this fight for the right to education and freedom.

Ultimately, students jointly with workers and professors are building a powerful movement of solidarity that will mark Quebec. This strong union allows us to hope that one day the education system can be controlled by those who work there., study and teach there with the aim of universally promoting social and human development rather than enslaving it to a sinister logic of monetary return which benefits insatiable banks and capitalists of all kinds.

If you are interested(e) by what you read, contact us. It doesn't commit you to anything, and be sure(e) that we don't talk about it or your colleagues, nor to your patron. If you decide to unionize, we will be there to help you.

To join a(e) delegate(e):



*Everywhere in Quebec
[email protected]

* Ottawa-Outaouais
[email protected]

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The repression continues after the Spanish general strike

On the morning of April 26th, the Catalonian police arrested the Organization Secretary of the CGT-Barcelona, Laura Gómez, while she was on her way to work. They do not like the fact that every time there are more and more of us protesting against the negotiation of labour reform, against the “social pact” and not in favor of it.
taken from anarkismo.net

CGT statement on the arrest of Barcelona Organization Secretary, Laura Gómez

The repression continues after the general strike. This morning [Wednesday April 26th], while she was on her way to work, the Mossos d'Esquadra [Catalonian police] arrested the Organization Secretary of the CGT-Barcelona, Laura Gómez and took her to the police station in Les Corts. The charge by the police is arson and fire damage to the Barcelona Stock Exchange. This and other charges against her have no foundation and are an attempt to create an image of a violent person. Laura does not have a criminal record, and all that the police can cite are peaceful actions during the struggle for labour rights in Barcelona.

The truth – without exaggerating – is that already after the general strike we said, literally, “it is true that members of the CGT burned a couple of papers in a box in front of the Barcelona Stock Exchange, and threw a few eggs, actions that were fully symbolic and carried out openly. That is what the plainclothes police in the crowd must have thought too, given that they did not bother to identify anyone. It is by no means true that it was the first fire, in Mercabarna, in the Zona Franca, etc., there were several fires throughout the night, most of which were started by other unions’ pickets”.

What a coincidence that this arrest occurs on the same day that the famous site for posting photos of “violent” protestors was presented. What a coincidence that the various state establishments, both the Generalitat and the Barcelona Municipality have not stopped pointing at the CGT and have not stopped exaggerating with regard to the CGT. We know that we are not to your liking, nor do we want to be, but we will not apologize for our continued growth. We know you want to make an example of individuals and organizations that refuse to humour the system, but to go from that to persecuting and harassing our members is a big step. The abuse of power that those in authority often fall into against those who think differently is something that we are used to, though great care is taken to hide it.

The CGT believes that there is an attempt to hide the growing number of people attending events by organizations that are not to your liking. They do not like the fact that every time there are more and more of us, protesting against the negotiation of labour reform and against the “social pact”, not for it. The decline in work and social conditions, the increase in injustice, the enormous differences between the rich and poor, all this has without doubt led to greater conflict and now the politicians are looking for excuses to toughen crime laws. It is sickening to see how public money is given to banks, how de facto “tax amnesties” are announced to the benefit of major tax evaders, how permissive the system is in order to allow tax evasion by means of sly practices and economic bureaucracy, how SICAVs [1] which pay nothing are encouraged, while all the while they are seeking to criminalize anyone who disagrees.
Press Office
CGT Barcelona

Translation by FdCA-International Relations Office.

1. Open-ended investment schemes or mutual funds. In Spain they pay 1% corporate tax.

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Montreal Stock Echange Tower Blocked by Hundreds / Blocking the Tower of the Montreal Exchange [Eng-Fr]

Police peppersprayed about 45 people. © PC/Ryan Remiorz

Here’s a great audio interview that explains it all very quickly.
Thanks to Montréal COOP Media and Alexia Conradi from the Quebec Women’s Federation.
Hundreds of people participated in a major action in Montreal [on Thursday February the 16th], shutting down the Montreal Stock Exchange [Tower], the heart of the city’s financial district, for several hours. The blockade was organized by the Coalition opposée à la tarification et à la privatisation des services publics. Alexa Conradi is the head of the Quebec Women’s Federation and one of the spokeswomen for today’s action. In this clip she speaks about the organization and the reasons behind this action, as well as the ongoing campaignsincluding the province-wide student strike against tuition fee increasesthat are certain to make it an eventful spring in Quebec.

En français cette fois, Concordia University TV fait un bon tour d’horizon de l’évènement en 7 minutes.
In French, this CUTVvideo takes a good big picture of the event.
[http youtube://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjJo-yavDKQ&w=560&h=315]

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USA: Shaking in the ports of the West Coast

Loren Goldner, DNDF

Nous vous écrivons pour vous informer du sérieux affrontement de classe qui se déroule sur la côte nord-ouest des USA à Longview (Washington) In this small town, an international grain company EGT , jointly owned by three firms ( Bunge North America (American),Itochu (Japanese) a STX Pan Ocean (Korean), a investi 200 millions of dollars (160 millions d’euros) dans la construction d’un nouveau terminal céréalier dernier cri.

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Story of a wildcat strike: Pop-Corn strike at NATAÏS

Here is the first episode of an autonomous workers' struggle waged mainly by women in a Pop-Corn company called Nataïs in a town in Gers, France.. Here's how it started a year ago.

Strike, it's like popcorn

if it gets too hot, it bursts


In the middle of the woods, the fields, and vines, in the peaceful and hilly landscape of the Gers, the Nataïs company, posed at the crossing of some sinuous departmental roads, made, by the ton, you pop-corn industrial. In such a bucolic context, we would expect peaceful working conditions… Read more

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Third day of general strike in Nigeria

via communismeouvrier.wordpress.com

AFP, 11 January 2012 :

For the third consecutive day, Nigeria remains paralyzed Wednesday by general strike about to expand into key oil sector, with riots in the center of the country (…).

Two oil workers unions in Nigeria, Africa's leading crude producer, have threatened for the first time since the start of this social movement against the rise in fuel prices, to stop producing crude.

The president of the PENGASSAN union, whose leaders are gathered in Port Harcourt, the oil capital in the south of the country, asked “all production platforms to go into red alert in anticipation of a total production halt”.
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London IWW Cleaners: Workplace Occupation Stoped by Police Threats

[http youtube://www.youtube.com/watch?v = vtjsJSBeZ7c&w=560&h=315]

Cleaners at the Guildhall have been holding a sit in and stopping work since the 22nd of December because of mistreatment and intimidation. Early this morning [4th of January] management called the police, who came and intimidated and threatened the cleaners. The cleaners protested that they were holding a completely peaceful sit-in. They finally left due to police threats to drag them out physically.
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