
workers interview: A strike from the SAQ is tabarnak!

The employee-s SAQ (Société des alcools du Québec) themselves with-e-s a strike mandate 6 days to pressure the corporation as part of their trading. A member of the IWW asked some questions to SEMB-SAQ Comrade (CSN) about strike. To avoid employer reprisals, his name will remain anonymous. Solidarity!


Quickly, can you tell us a little about your background? Is this your first strike?


I am an employee of the SAQ for almost ten years, before that, I had worked in an emergency CHUM from my 18 years. 2012 was my first fight, Now I fight as an employee at the SAQ.


Why are you on strike, What is your claim?


To date, we used one of our 6 go slow days ** and it was on Tuesday 17 July 2018 as many have found out. Our main demands are the following : reducing the precariousness of employment with our members and the work-family balance. What you should know is that 70% our employee-s on 5500 are e-s-time employee who does not have insurance, no paid vacation, no paid day off, no pay scale and no time guarantee the schedule week after week.

They and they receive their schedules three days in advance, and this creates a "surembauche" and staff turnover, because we can not keep workers in those conditions. Not to mention that it takes between 10 at 15 years to get a job. It is by portraying the people as children spoiled-e-s because our starting salary is 19,33$ /h, but when multiplied by 0 pendant 3 straight month, it's still a basic multiplication giving 0$ by salary. Basically, SAQ can not keep the employee-s, And this, even with a salary that could be called attractive because it can not guarantee hours.

Our other claim is work-life balance and I think I have no need to elaborate too much on it, it's pretty obvious. Serious, Couillard the government made its campaign, but to believe that it is not for us as it plans to privatize us. If already, must be between 10 and 15 years for a position at the SAQ, it would be cool to have a schedule that has no or a single day weekend. schedules of the floor we want to keep our present agreement and / or improve, but when your employer refuses even the status quo, we realize that despite its record profits, it crunches in us. If I get a job after 13 years and I want to hope to have a good life with my family, it will not be at the SAQ, So I fight!


SAQ bosses are how? Executives tell you what?


Where to start? Basically, their bonus system is done on the backs of workers. The more they cut their hours and bonuses are proving attractive. So, it's not worth the trouble of really talking. My opinion is as follows, I studied industrial relations from a variety of people think that when they will arrive in a company, they can demonstrate "leadership", is cute.


What do you do as equity?


At the beginning, we started off the uniform, but that has not reacted population. On the other hand, the beginning of the pressing means, which were voted on 94.7%, had the effect of changing the balance of power. It was through actions gradation we do understand that the employer stands. We are 5500 members throughout Quebec and they are 350 and several branch managers. They tiring-e-s we were to see us at work, dressed-e-s the way we wanted and they were no longer recognized as an authority figure.

After, we made a sticky campaign that was never requested by our nego table and not by the executive. I think it is important to mention to tell the employer that it is an autonomous movement of members of HE Mr. B. has grown, for we have been insulted-e-s by the lack of employer recognition, so they should forget their formal notices! We must also say that some of our customer-e-s we asked tights to put them inside or outside the store. This kind of action on the part of these has shown us that they love us and that it is not the workers who are in the wrong, but senior leaders of monopoly.

At the moment, we made "facing" alternative, before spinning the bottles, is put in reverse the signs and made himself indispensable with customers. Then the rest, it's still a secret.


Picketing happens how?


After a day, it is very well among our ranks. Members answered the call in an extraordinary way. We realized, shortly before the strike began, the employer would operate small stores, which SAQ Express.

On the other hand, people have kept the watchword : prevent deliveries! The response of our members was incredible.

However, we saw people from many unions who were wearing clothes identified with the colors of said unions cross our picket lines, And this, shamelessly. The SEMB-SAQ is known to support all the struggles of union-e-Colleagues! I will not lie, but it makes me when tabarnak / syndicated e-pass our picket line during a strike day ONLY for buying wine. It is as if we members SEMB-SAQ were worthless for them. I advise them reading "Traîneux foot, Boreal Edition ", because we were the first to organize in the mid-sixties in the public service. We have a history of union struggle which we are proud-e-s.

To Montreal, I would like to acknowledge the presence of Manon Massé and several e-s-Québec Solidaire candidate who came-e-s we press lines.


If the world in general would support you, what actions they could?


a premier, when you go to the SAQ, you can fill out a survey. So, if you write that you would like the employee-s have a good collective agreement, it would be great appreciated (you can also say that the boss was on the phone all the way to his office)! Ensuite, never be embarrassed-e-s ask for the boss (even if he is in his office) branch to tell him that you find unacceptable that the employer rule by the labor dispute with the employee-s. If you get your hands on tights, treat yourself! Especially tell the workers that you press!


The other unions, they can do anything for you backer?


DO NOT MISS OUR picket lines, please!


Solidarity and good next strike days!


If you want to follow the negotiations and strikes following days, you can do so via the SAQ-SEMB Facebook page (CSN) :


** go slow : which interrupts the activity of a company by a succession of small work stoppages. Like the fellow said : "That is one vote 6 days, but they can be used one day at a time. It makes the employer more nervous because he does not know when it will come out versus an indefinite strike. »


17 month lockout at GMC Bérubé at Rivière-du-Loup

It's already been 17 month that employé.e.s home GMC Berube in Riviere-du-loup are locked out and picketed the garage at the rate of twenty hours per week. They were 13 in the beginning, but since, 3 filed their resignation against the arrogance of the bosses, calling it proud old man who must always be right. These are all mécanicien.nes, Workers in the body and préposé.e.s to parts that are now unemployed. These employé.e.s, many have 30 at 35 years of service to the garage and certain.e.s are agé.es more 60 years. Kick out people almost retired and have offered their work throughout these years, never enjoy the appreciation course, is doing in the dirty and greedy. It remains now that gérant.e.s and in establishing. For guarantees, the company sends client.e.s Montmagny or in Rimouski.

The collective agreement expired in February 2016. In July, the boss has left five days to decide whether to employé.e.s il.elle.s wanted to '' negotiate ''; or, it was the lockout. To begin negotiations, the boss said: «going to have to lower myself to consent 5,5 % in pension funds and two years of wage freeze, if not, we not lose time discussing. "With the premise that way, there is agreement that the negotiating word comes to take a slap. Basically, he asks them to drop their gains. The reason for this request: it must remain competitive. Sure, The option to lower his own salary was not a but more, the company is already competitive. For exemple, Volkswagon charging $ 99 / hr while GMC Bérubé request $ 94 / hr currently. At the competition aspect, we will return.

Last July, the employé.e.s finally agreed to a wage freeze but not the pension decrease. Thing the boss refused. Result: negotiations have not been included. It is important to remember that the pension fund has already been cut 5% in 2009. after negotiations, il.elle.s had finally accepted to cut their pay 1% per year over five years to keep the retirement fund.

Another return to the negotiating table was scheduled for 28 September 2017. The boss offered two scenarios (always BEFORE starting negotiations):

1- Acceptance of decline 5% the pension fund.

2- We keep the 5% pension funds, but cutting 4% on the indexed salary in year 2016.


We could quickly believe it's four 25 for a dollar. Well no, It's worse! because in 2016, la CSN (representing tou.te.s other syndiqué.e.s dealers in the region) obtained a gain 2,5% salary. This means that employé.e.s GMC Bérubé should lose 4% their salary + the 2,5% qu'il.elle.s did not get compared to other the region. We are talking over a pay cut of around 6,5%. Another osti pernicious and dishonest boss. Of course, the union and its members refused and negotiations have stalled.

As il.elle.s are locked out since 15 month, the employé.e.s therefore no longer entitled to unemployment. In September, il.elle.s asked the boss to do back at least to their unemployment stamps. The boss has offered to resume 3 for urgent needs. This offer was refused : It's everybody or nobody. A fine example of solidarity. In terms of other car dealers in the region, CSN union at, il.elle.s supported the GMC Bérubé employé.e.s home by a hot dog dinner and a picket of a day to offer more visibility during the summer.

The problem of this conflict is that with the loss of the banner in his GMC another garage in Trois-Pistole, the boss has received a large amount of compensatory money and it has deep pockets for cash a long labor dispute. It is therefore in no hurry to return to the negotiating table.

Because the world of "crossers" is small, imagine that the owner is very thug "chummy chummy" with the car dealers owners Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean (Jean Dumas Multiconcessionnaires and Sewing Group). These same bastards who have been locked out more 450 for employees 35 month. Apparently a customary practice

in the middle. Not to mention the use of Scabs. Jean Dumas Multiconcessionnaires at the time had acquired an independent garage to make to its work during lockout. As this is a new facility, it was legal before the law. For GMC Bérubé, poor boss did not afford another garage (in Rivière-du-loup, because of course, he has another in Trois-Pistole). He therefore urged his son to be the Manager garage parts and so be able to continue its operations. He happily lost in court because of strike-breakers use. A beautiful family history stuff : The grandfather used capital, father used an iron hand and the son who serves scab… like what the rotten apples never fall far from the tree.

To finish, it will be interesting to monitor the sewing group has just bought the company ClicheAuto Beauce and leaves to predict the same scenario lockout shortly…


The absurdity of the world: poaching

The Communication Committee is proud to present the first transcription of chronic’Live Action. To start the ball rolling, the first column of Eric, is poaching in the health sector, exceeded topic? Nothing is less sure. The sad truth is that we had the right to a raiding campaign more typical. Changing the name of trade unions and find us in the construction sector, Public Service or the nearest you assembly line.

I decided to make this column, the absurdity of the world, presented to the Action radio program Direct, to show how we live in a world full of contradictions and how the establishment, Media, education and mastery of the official discourse often succeeds in us believe anything. It's also a bit of a snub to the various official and independent media right who say anything in a tone choleric. I decided to essentially do the same thing, but a progressive view.

Today I'll talk about the union health poaching. Basically, poaching, is when two union centers are fighting for the representation of a union certification unit. More or less, if you're in the CHUM nurses union, for example, there is a scheduled time in the law where you can change unions, for example, if the union was the CSN, it may decide to go to the FTQ. This one is special, because he was forced by the state. Not so long ago, our trade union centers were all united on the same floor, common front, everyone together against the government and against the health cuts. Then the government has passed the law 10, forcing a grouping, passing CSSS in CIUSSS, which modified union certification units. So instead of fighting this law there, Central decided to clashing to win new accreditation. Oh surprise, we hear no more of Law 10, Now all we hear, it is "our union is better, yours is worse, it has better insurance "etc.. So we can see that the winner of this raid forced out, it is the State, it is the employer, and it just shows how this is bad for trade unionism. It also comforts me in our positions, aux IWW, not to try to go grabber members to other unions and does not decide to accredit, because the government can easily decide to play with these accreditations to put shit in unions.

Before you start to get into the thick of it, I wanted you to hear this advertising FIQ (Interprofessional Health Federation of Quebec) :

To describe some, a nurse is seen appears to be in a health facility awaits the elevator. A first door opens with a lot of people who have nothing to do with a nurse : a guy construction, a shop worker, a girl who plays the cello, even a fakir. and there, the nurse made a grimace can be interpreted as "cursed! it is not me ". and there, another door opens with Régine Laurent, the president of the FIQ, worse a nursing gang powder blue smocks that says "embark with us", we look like, Unlike everyone else!

What it tells us this publicity then, and why it is also a bit of bait, is that we should not unite as working class to deal, ensemble, the same pattern. for example, in health, there is, Yes, the professional, the health that the FIQ syndicates, but also, all kinds of craft quarters, as cooks, janitors, orderlies. The message that sends the FIQ, is that we must not unite with the other quarters of business, that have the same pattern as we struggle and solidarity. Non, FIQ'd rather enjoy their professional status-the health to get more crumbs than other quarters of business, considered less important. Short, do not unite on an industrial basis, all having the same boss, but do a craft unionism kind that allows a working elite of going to look for better conditions than their colleagues.


Heeding my courage, and following several discussions with comrades working in the health sector, I went on the website of the various corporatist unions to see the arguments they give for voting for them :

The first thing that strikes, is the emphasis on the insurance plans and union dues.

first argument.
Each union explains how her insurance plan is the best.
It seems to shopping an insurance policy.
Question : Do you trust your insurance company? Now imagine what degree of confidence of the people towards the unions ...

second argument : Our contributions are lower.
Without much explanation of why, all unions have the lowest fees and best managed. It's simple as "Pay less to get more in your pockets" This is also the sales pitch of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (SCFP) to sell their votes. With CUPE, more money in your pockets.
There's even calculators how much you save on their website. By the way I checked, dues Wobblies beat all the competition, but OK.


third argument : It is the most numerous
Push this argument further. Did you know that the Journal de Montreal is the most read newspaper in Quebec ? Radio X is the most listened to radio in Quebec ? That gives you an idea ... So the FIQ which groups the most professional, CUPE is in FTQ, which has the largest number of members in Quebec, CSN is one that has the most unionized-e-s health. That gives you an idea ... It is the most numerous, so you are cellars if you are not with us.


fourth argument : Our employee-s are the best.
Another major trend, e-s-used of all these unions are the best, most competent, most helpful, best organized. You get the picture.

It comes almost to wonder why the IWW have chosen not to have employee-s. It's almost as if these unions boasted of being the best bosses. Or to be the best service machine, it still comes back to the old insurance salesman.

fifth argument : the goodies

They do not brag about it on their website, but everywhere on the workplace, central roam distributing various goodies to buy votes. This is so ridiculous that many workers and health workers went to collect. T-shirts, toques, agendas, crayons, bloc-notes, aprons and even glasses of champagne. There's nothing to say, the unions are really there for our needs in times of raiding. It's even worse than politicians campaigning.


Short, what should we learn from this?
Never, unions talk of militancy, direct democracy, collective defense, short of all that is the basis of trade unionism.
Business unionism is pathetic, shown in its most grime form, that the insurance salesman, that of the small peddler trying to get you for your contributions, that of the multinational trying to buy us blows advertising and empty slogans.


The government is the one that has gained across the board and the unions entered its high-speed game instead to join forces and fight.

Expect nothing central.




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Hospital in Verdun: workers organize and discontent representatives CSN and FIQ

— Exclusive —

Update: Verdun workers have a blog: Verdun Mobilization Committee

This is a story that illustrates the pitiful state in which the Quebec unionism is, mired in a disincentive legalism, which is too often an excuse for inaction, which favors small petty wars and confined to the base of the unions in an apathetic inaction and a childish frame.

The IWW has always been for the action and direct democracy, the control of the union and resources by all working people at the base, the involvement of members is both a guarantee of fighting the union and its internal democracy.

The following letter tells the story of workers and workers in the health system that are trying to organize their workplaces to inform, politicize and mobilize their colleagues with a view to fighting, while union representatives trying to sabotage the initiative and behave like small shopkeepers afraid that “their” base could think to organize and move.

The workers in question are not anti-union, are not reactionary, of right, anti-worker… Nothing of the sort. These are just people determined to make things happen, who do not accept to wait indefinitely after bureaucrats who view their base as their private fiefdom, as their captive clientele.

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