
Decreased school tax: CAQ wishes a merry christmas to his buddies full of cash

The draft laws to 'standardize' 'school tax arrives just in time for the wealthy Quebec can still spoil a little Christmas. And U.S? Let eats shit.


So far the school tax was included as a fixed rate per region, based on evaluation of a property (residential or commercial). That is to say that in Montreal, for example, Each owner had to pay 0,18 cents per 100$. The owners of a house valued at 300 000$ So some paid annually 540$ to finance the school board of its territory. Over the residence is big, most expensive residence, more one can imagine that the owners have money and therefore the tax bill is high.


Or, These are substantial savings that this new bill introduced on Thursday 6 Last December the National Assembly will do our bosses who will therefore, pay even less tax.


Le Journal de Montreal revealed this week that the Desmarais family, only for his mansion area Sagard, would see its tax bill drop 169 000$ at 57 000$ per year. By including some of their other properties, we talk about a savings of over 146 000$ for the richest family in Quebec.


Robert Gratton, former President of Power Financial (also belonging to the Power Corporation of Desmarais) whose estate is valued at 30,4 millions, will meanwhile his tax bill lightened 25 000$.


Julia Posca, researcher for IRIS, it is a regressive tax that will only serve to widen the imbalance between Quebec households.


Rage and Solidarity,


Class struggle and protection of animals

Note: Les views expressed in this article are those of the author-e and should not be considered as official statements of the IWW-SITT.

Recently, an article had reported the situation in which live horses pulling carriages of Montreal and had updated the abuse that lived them. To follow, a group for the protection of animals had therefore organized a demonstration against the carriages in Montreal. It was a peaceful demonstration that was intended in response to unhealthy conditions and establishments where these animals live.

Until there, it means that if the horses live in poor conditions, should not bear the fact that they are forced to work in these. On the other hand, the organizers had well have a nice message, people who were left in the window of the protester-e-s that day, these are not the owners of the teams that push drivers to leave the horses in the heatwave, is the boss of these workers, but the drivers and blankets and they themselves. Read more

The 1% the richest never gained much

The 1% of the richest Canadians have more than ever captured the fruits of economic growth in history, we learn a report from the Canadian Center for Policy Alternatives.

The rise of 1% richest in Canada looks at the historical evolution of income during the 90 past years and reveals that 246 000 privileged who constitute the 1% the richest in the country have appropriated almost a third (32%) of all the revenue growth between 1997 and 2007.

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Québec: The talented entre les riches et les pauvres s'accentue

The gaps between the rich and the poor have widened in Quebec, while the poorest work more to earn less and the poor 70% the poorest get less than there is 30 years, concluded a recent study.

L’écart actuel entre les revenus des riches et les revenus des autres Québécois.e.s est le plus grand jamais observé depuis 30 ans et pourrait bien croître à cause de la récession, selon cette étude, co-publiée par l’Institut de recherche et d’informations socio-économiques (IRIS) et le Centre canadien de politiques alternatives (CCPA), qui trace le portrait des inégalités entre les familles du Québec ayant des enfants de moins de 18 years.

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