

Completing the Phillips occupation of France

Communiqué Blog occupants

Mardi 12 January, Philips management Dreux brought officers to regain control of the production. vigils were also called in by management to discourage the fight.

The same day 6 Continental employees, exposed to the employer repression, were tried in court Amiens, 9 Philips Dreux employees received dismissal for gross misconduct warning letters threatening them if they did not obey the leadership of Philips.

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self-managing occupation of France

Tiré du Blog occupants

147 salariés de l’entreprise Philips EGP de Dreux (Eure-et-Loir) ont « pris le contrôle de production » de leur usine afin de « dénoncer la fermeture programmée de site en janvier par la direction », a-t-on appris jeudi de sources syndicales.

«Nous avons pris le contrôle de l’entreprise depuis deux jours sous forme de SCOP (Société Coopérative de Production) sous le contrôle des ouvriers. Nous voulons ainsi montrer que le site de Dreux est viable économiquement» , a déclaré à l’AFP, Manuel Georget, délégué CGT. «Sur les 217 salariés restant, toujours en attente de leur lettre de licenciement, 147 ouvriers, frames, ingénieurs etc. ont accepté de travailler en autogestion, lors d’une assemblée générale, et ainsi montrer que l’usine est rentable, si l’on n’engraisse pas financièrement les actionnaires», a indiqué M. Georget.

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Occupy Factory, it works !

The Workers of M&I Air Systems, a company active in industrial ventilation systems, occupied their factory and won the case the 22 December 2009.

The company had suddenly decided to close its doors 15 December, leaving 180 workers in limbo. The employer then refused to pay for important employees are owed them, and these were then answered by immediate action. They decided to organize a show of support and occupy factory. The next day, they received their due.

Like what direct action, it is much more efficient and faster than the legal remedies.