
Unshaken by the union election presqu'ex aequo, the union Jimmy John's vows to continue the fight.

Picket outside a branch of the franchise's étatsunienne JimmyJohn

The workers-workers denounce the widespread illegal activities of the company.

MINNEAPOLIS, E.-U. - The workers-workers 10 franchised restaurants Jimmy John’s Minneapolis crying foul after a questionable union certification election marred presqu'ex aequo behavior from the owner of the company Miklin. 85 proletarians have voted in favor of unionization and 87 against, with two unknown contested ballots. According to the National Labor Relations Act, Equality is the employer.

The workers-workers realized several clear evidence of violation of the law of the National Labor Relations Act and before election day. These violations include bribes attempts at worker-workers, ask-ed employees to wear anti-union pins, massive layoffs threats, and targeted layoffs to break the union. The company is currently accused of Miklin 22 alleged violations of the National Labor Relations Act.

“We are extremely disappointed with the conduct of the company in this matter; rather than simply letting us vote, Management has chosen to break the law repeatedly over the last six weeks. They spent more than 84 500 $ on a country anti-union vicious denigration, it's over 1000 $ vote for "no". We do not recognize the election results as legitimate and will continue to fight for our demands “, to déclaré Erik Forman, a worker Jimmy John’s and union member.

Ayo Collins, a delivery man, said the union "did not put all your eggs in one basket" and still has several courses of action before them. He said the union plans to launch a lawsuit against the company judicière about his misconduct short of the pre-election period.

“In a company with an employee working near 50% per month, a majority at a given time means a lot. We have a mandate, more than 85 concacrent of us in the pursuit of the struggle for decent wages, a consistent scheduling, sick days, and to respect and basic dignity that all workers-workers deserve. This is only the beginning of the fight “, Collins said.

The union workers-workers Jimmy John's, inclusive and all-ed employees of this company to national level, is the first fast food union in the country, and is affiliated with the Industrial Workers Union-Workers.

Having gained fame in recent years for organizing the workers cafes Starbucks, Industrial Workers Union-Workers is an international union founded a century ago for all working people.

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The sub-minimum wage in BC: 6,35$ /h

Le président de la Fédération du Travail de la Colombie-Britannique, Jim Sinclair, demande auxrestaurant officiel” (McDonald’s) des jeux Olympiques de cesser de payer leurs employés moins que le salaire minimum provincial, qui est déjà le plus bas au Canada.

J’ai parlé à plusieurs employés de McDonald’s qui font moins de 7$ de l’heure au cours des dernières semaines, et je dois vous dire qu’ils ne sont pas impressionnés par la compagnie”, déclare Sinclair. “Ces travailleurs ont droit à un salaire décent et au respect.

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New employer idea for precarious: the minimum wage 2/3

Île-du-Prince-ÉdouardLe débat autour d’une idée patronale ultra-réactionnaire d’un salaire minimum modulable selon l’expérience fait rage à l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard, où la ministre conservatrice a lancé l’idée cet automne. Vaguement comparable aux fameux CPE (contrats de première embauche) qui avaient embrasés la France en 2006, l’idée est présentée comme étant une correction del’injusticequi fait qu’un travailleur au salaire minimum qui a 5 ans d’expérience gagne le même salaire qu’un travailleur nouvellement en poste, comme si les travailleurs les moins payés et les plus précaires devaient payer parce que les patrons sont trop cheap pour donner des augmentations à leurs employés les plus fidèles.

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