
One year with the SITT-IWW Montreal

Here twelve months I was active in the Montreal chapter of the Industrial Union of Workers and Workers - Industrial Workers of the World (SITT-IWW). This organization is actively involved in union renewal made necessary by our time. I would like to explain a little what attracted me to this union .


To begin, a brief history of the Montreal chapter. It has existed since 2008, but she's been really active since 2013, while about twenty people, very determined, joined the organization. Today, the Montreal section has more than 160 members. She is the first section (in part) French-speaking IWW, therefore a titanic work of translation and production of texts has been done. By the way, I congratulate the Translation Committee for doing an incredible job and, Unfortunately, barely visible.

A first section in French therefore, but not the only one! A section was recently formalized in Sherbrooke and others are being formed in Quebec and Drummondville. Read more

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Solidarity and Immigration : a tract against Islamophobia

To read this article in English, click here.

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Note: Les views expressed in this article are those of the author-e and should not be considered as official statements of the IWW-SITT.

In these times strongly influenced by the austerity measures around the world, many find themselves in precarious situations whose gravity reminds us that of the Second World War. As was the case at this event and as is the case of major devastating events, we stick together and do our best to show our solidarity with our brothers and sisters of different backgrounds. So why are we not in solidarity with the e-s-refugee Syria ?

Whether Muslim-e-s, of Christian do-s, atheists, these people are first and foremost human beings and it is our duty to help them in their struggle for democracy and better living conditions. Spread the word, as Quebeckers, we are first and foremost everyone of immigrant-e-s. There he really such a difference between coming there to this 400 years or just a few days ? Read more

Against the work that kills

Note: Les views expressed in this article are those of the author-e and should not be considered as official statements of the IWW-SITT.

Today the site of the Champlain Bridge a worker fell under the parapet of the pier to dive into the waters of the St. Lawrence River. The platform on which it was sold, his three comrades have been spared. The site is closed until further notice. The body was fished out in the early evening.


Credit : SITT-IWW

The worker was hiring Group TNT, the biggest player in the civil engineering sector in Quebec, Consolidated conglomerate of several years of restructuring from one environment to the damaged reputation.

This is a TNT site, as well, there is about a month, the 20 August, a worker had a fall of ten meters where the works are located in the Bonaventure. That same day, an employee of a subcontractor G.T.S. the construction of the Ville-Marie highway fell into a "shaft" of hollow concrete 16 feet. Both have fared living. The story does not say later. Read more

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A 7 very busy in September!

This 7 September, history of thumbing its nose at employers, on the occasion of the "Day" of work, Montreal branch of the IWW held a colloquium under the theme "Make the fight ! ». Under a blazing sun and the watchful eye (read harassing) for SPVM patrol, a few tables occupied the Parc des Faubourgs and this, from noon. On schedule : music, food, workshops, info tables and merchandise, and to conclude, popular demonstration.
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Back on May 1, the IWW-SITT

To read this article in English, click here

On the occasion of the May 1 2015, the SITT-Montreal IWW organized and participated in many actions of disturbance. Planned for months, This day of action was part of a context of struggle against the austerity measures imposed by the government. A call for a general strike was relayed almost a year on the workplace, in universities and schools, hospitals, post services, and among community organizations. On the eve of May 1, there are hundreds of organizations and workplaces that had passed in general meeting a strike mandate for the May 1, as well as many institutions of higher education.


Blocking the tower CBC

On the evening of 30 april, the SITT-Montreal IWW organized a locking action of the tower CBC, where significant cuts and job cuts are expected. Several hundred people present responded to our call, allowing this action to be a great success, despite some arrests and the use of pepper spray. While a very large police force blocked the event and we twirled in circles, we were able to disperse without arousing suspicion and end up almost as many-its on the site of action.


Blocking parking the Enforcement Section of the SPVM parking regulations

At 7 am Friday, May 1, tens of Wobblies blocked the four exits of the parking of the Enforcement Section of the SPVM parking regulations. For almost two hours, no vehicle could leave the parking, to the quiet intervention by riot police.

After a popular underground operation, we converged with several community groups to participate on strike en masse in the demonstration organized by the Coalition Red Hand, we happily extended wild event around Victoria Square. Several hundred people were then followed us spontaneously. We also provided support to the manifestation of the FTQ.

Between 14h and 17h, the SITT-Montreal IWW organized a barbecue in the park near our local. Once more, our mobilization capacity has surpassed all expectations, turning this moment of well-deserved rest in a blocking action of the adjacent street.

We then joined the northern districts of event to go down to the center, which was to take place a blocking action of the HSBC tower, organized by CLAC. A few minutes before our arrival, the main demonstration was violently attacked by riot police, splitting into several small demonstrations have spread throughout the city center. This was followed several hours of clashes with police, whose violence was proportional to the uselessness throughout the day. That day, the police have protected and served person, apart capitalism.

It is important to note that our actions have all benefited from a free support on the part of workers, and the passing-e-s. It is quite rare to receive so many expressions of support from motorists, even as our contingent proudly showed our colors red and black. Workers blocked institutions sometimes meant we desire to put also on strike, although the legal conditions did not permit yet. We have driven to take their own legitimacy.

Of course, the SPVM was also strongly mobilized for this day. The courage of police officers has been matched by their inability to control the crowds, As the number of organized actions was important. We can say that the police were clearly overwhelmed throughout the day, and wanted to catch up during the evening event. It is certainly easier to suppress a localized one big event that hundreds of small actions scattered. Information on movements of the SPVM have allowed us to understand that we were a prime target (see "Priority number 1 ») Following our blocking action of their parking officers, and escaping an attempted mousetrap noon (with the support of the QFL). So, we could avoid criminalization of our members and sympathizers-e-s, and we came out with only 5 contraventions.

Ultimately, we take great pride / proud to have participated in the organization of this day. The benefits in terms of image of the union, broadcast our speech, and new members are already being felt. We managed to introduce ourselves as a unifying factor, especially vis-à-vis other trade unions of workers in struggle, without denying or concealing our revolutionary convictions. Efforts to organize these actions probably will the next day from May 1 to be as interesting and challenging as this, to make a real day of revolutionary struggle. But we do not we rely, and we are already in the conquest of new struggles.

The IWW’s May 1st in Montreal

To celebrate May 1st 2015, To celebrate May. To celebrate May, To celebrate May. To celebrate May, To celebrate May ; To celebrate May, To celebrate May, To celebrate May. To celebrate May 1st, To celebrate May, To celebrate May, To celebrate May.


To celebrate May

To celebrate May 30th, To celebrate May, To celebrate May. To celebrate May, allowing for the action to be a frank success, allowing for the action to be a frank success. allowing for the action to be a frank success, allowing for the action to be a frank success.


allowing for the action to be a frank success

allowing for the action to be a frank success 7:00 allowing for the action to be a frank success, May 1st, allowing for the action to be a frank success. allowing for the action to be a frank success, allowing for the action to be a frank success, allowing for the action to be a frank success.

allowing for the action to be a frank success’ allowing for the action to be a frank success, we converged with several striking organizations in order to massively participate in the morning demonstration organized by the we converged with several striking organizations in order to massively participate in the morning demonstration organized by the (we converged with several striking organizations in order to massively participate in the morning demonstration organized by the), we converged with several striking organizations in order to massively participate in the morning demonstration organized by the (we converged with several striking organizations in order to massively participate in the morning demonstration organized by the). we converged with several striking organizations in order to massively participate in the morning demonstration organized by the. we converged with several striking organizations in order to massively participate in the morning demonstration organized by the (we converged with several striking organizations in order to massively participate in the morning demonstration organized by the’ we converged with several striking organizations in order to massively participate in the morning demonstration organized by the).

we converged with several striking organizations in order to massively participate in the morning demonstration organized by the, we converged with several striking organizations in order to massively participate in the morning demonstration organized by the. we converged with several striking organizations in order to massively participate in the morning demonstration organized by the, we converged with several striking organizations in order to massively participate in the morning demonstration organized by the, transforming a well-deserved moment of rest into a blockage of an adjacent street.

transforming a well-deserved moment of rest into a blockage of an adjacent street, transforming a well-deserved moment of rest into a blockage of an adjacent street (transforming a well-deserved moment of rest into a blockage of an adjacent street). transforming a well-deserved moment of rest into a blockage of an adjacent street, transforming a well-deserved moment of rest into a blockage of an adjacent street, transforming a well-deserved moment of rest into a blockage of an adjacent street. transforming a well-deserved moment of rest into a blockage of an adjacent street, transforming a well-deserved moment of rest into a blockage of an adjacent street. transforming a well-deserved moment of rest into a blockage of an adjacent street.

transforming a well-deserved moment of rest into a blockage of an adjacent street. It is indeed rare to receive as much support from passing drivers as we did, It is indeed rare to receive as much support from passing drivers as we did. It is indeed rare to receive as much support from passing drivers as we did, It is indeed rare to receive as much support from passing drivers as we did. It is indeed rare to receive as much support from passing drivers as we did.

Of course, It is indeed rare to receive as much support from passing drivers as we did (It is indeed rare to receive as much support from passing drivers as we did) It is indeed rare to receive as much support from passing drivers as we did. It is indeed rare to receive as much support from passing drivers as we did, It is indeed rare to receive as much support from passing drivers as we did. It is indeed rare to receive as much support from passing drivers as we did, It is indeed rare to receive as much support from passing drivers as we did. It is evidently much simpler to repress one large and localized demonstration rather than hundreds of diffuse actions. It is evidently much simpler to repress one large and localized demonstration rather than hundreds of diffuse actions (It is evidently much simpler to repress one large and localized demonstration rather than hundreds of diffuse actions 1 It is evidently much simpler to repress one large and localized demonstration rather than hundreds of diffuse actions, It is evidently much simpler to repress one large and localized demonstration rather than hundreds of diffuse actions) It is evidently much simpler to repress one large and localized demonstration rather than hundreds of diffuse actions, It is evidently much simpler to repress one large and localized demonstration rather than hundreds of diffuse actions (It is evidently much simpler to repress one large and localized demonstration rather than hundreds of diffuse actions). It is evidently much simpler to repress one large and localized demonstration rather than hundreds of diffuse actions, It is evidently much simpler to repress one large and localized demonstration rather than hundreds of diffuse actions, It is evidently much simpler to repress one large and localized demonstration rather than hundreds of diffuse actions 5 It is evidently much simpler to repress one large and localized demonstration rather than hundreds of diffuse actions.

It is evidently much simpler to repress one large and localized demonstration rather than hundreds of diffuse actions, It is evidently much simpler to repress one large and localized demonstration rather than hundreds of diffuse actions. It is evidently much simpler to repress one large and localized demonstration rather than hundreds of diffuse actions, It is evidently much simpler to repress one large and localized demonstration rather than hundreds of diffuse actions, It is evidently much simpler to repress one large and localized demonstration rather than hundreds of diffuse actions. We were able to present ourselves as a uniting force for other unions and strug gling working folks, We were able to present ourselves as a uniting force for other unions and strug gling working folks. We were able to present ourselves as a uniting force for other unions and strug gling working folks. We were able to present ourselves as a uniting force for other unions and strug gling working folks, We were able to present ourselves as a uniting force for other unions and strug gling working folks.

Radicalization of the May 1st 2015 Strike

To read this article in French, click here.

A phantom haunts the province of Quebec. It is the phantom of the General Strike. Since 2012, our elites have known that the working class, the students, and all those who continue to decry injustice and repression have the power to take to the streets and impose their legitimacy in the face of the State. Despite this dread, the high-priests of capitalism, and especially those preaching its liberal vision, can not hold back from waging an open war against everything that isn’t merchandise, against everything that isn’t financially valuable. From budget cuts to over-arming police forces, and from underpaid jobs to public insults against the poor and the exploited, everything leads one to believe that Quebec is now the foreground of unbridled capitalism. This neo-liberal paradise, protected by the State and its minions, ruins our lives and those of our families and friends, quashes what little is left of our liberty, spits in the faces of those most hard on their luck and on the misery of its own creation.

We have long ceased to believe in the regulatory capacity of this system. By destroying itself, it will destroy us too. Each new day we are reminded of this programmed failure: environmental disasters, increased inequality, the deterioration of working conditions, institutional racism, systemic corruption of our political system, and harassment of women in their workplaces or at school. Generally speaking, it is all forms of domination that are dangerously increasing, pushing the most exploited and dominated to the breaking point, all in order to install our elites on a too-comfortable pedestal.

This is why we call the rebellious among us to insurrection. We hope that the spring will bring out the most angry, those who are disgusted at the system, in the streets and in actions. Because apathy just isn’t enough, we firmly believe in our common capacity to create a better world. More than a simple timely struggle against austerity, we see on the horizon the premises of a social war, of which the 2012 strike was only a beginning. Each government, left or right, has tried time and again to impose their rotten economic and societal concepts upon us. A single day of strikes is not enough to push back a government which dearly protects the financial assets of the most dominant in society. We believe that a global revolt of all society must emerge during the spring. This revolt must be planned on the long term: in Quebec as in Europe, there are too many recent examples that demonstrate the futility of punctual and singular actions against governments that are now used to and prepared for social discontent.

Against capitalism and liberalism, we reaffirm our right to manage our own lives, whether the people who rule us like it or not. Our daily lives belong to us, our cities too. We firmly believe that capitalism must be erased from Quebec. In this goal, we will always be in solidarity with those who struggle, and always at odds with those who remain resigned and prostrate. We will be alongside workers and students in their struggles, and we will oppose all police brutality with working class solidarity. In the streets, in our workplaces and schools, in our neighborhoods, we are here to struggle and help.

Let us not fear our utopias!

Let us dare to overthrow the established order!

Wobbly 101 : Introduction au SITT-IWW

To read this in English, click here
It is with great pleasure that the Organizing Committee wishes to invite you to the IWW-Wobblie-101 Training. This will take place on Wednesday 11 mars, at 18 o'clock, at the SITT-IWW premises (5323 rue de Brébeuf, 2th floor).

This training is first open to members who have just joined the union or whose membership dates only a few months. Its objective is thus to communicate within a few hours the essential basic information on the IWW so that everyone has equal access to the knowledge of our union.


The elements addressed:

-Mission and function of SITT-IWW;
-History of the SITT-IWW;

-Structures locale, national and international du SITT-IWW.

Non-members who have a sustained interest in membership are also welcome..

For the union of all workers!

Le IWW entre en force chez Whole Foods San Francisco!

For informations in English about the IWW Whole Foods campain, visit


Durant l’après-midi du 6 November, une délégation de 20 caissiers/caissières, commi-e-s et cuisiniers/cuisinières de la franchise de Whole Foods à San Francisco initiait un arrêt de travail temporaire afin de remettre une pétition à l’administration exigeant une augmentation de salaire de $5/heure pour tous et toutes les employé-e-s, et la promesse qu’aucune représaille ne serait menée contre ces derniers/dernières dans leur volonté d’instaurer un syndicat.

Après que la pétition ait été présentée au patronat, une manifestation eut lieu devant la succursale au coin de la 4e rue et de la rue Harrison à San Francisco, où plusieurs supporters vinrent gonfler les rangs des syndiqué-e-s.

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disturbance action Canada Post, 16 February

To read this text in English, click here.

This morning, Industrial Union of Workers – Montréal (IWW / HIS), the Union of Student Employees of UQAM, as well as users disrupted the Canada Post sorting center in Laval.
This action in solidarity with postal workers is part of the movement to fight austerity measures and the campaign for a day of social strike on May 1st. 2015.
Many workers are today faced with cuts : those in the health sector, municipal employees, the firefighters, les postier-you are, the students, private sector workers…
But everywhere resistance is organized. We will not let the different governments (whether conservative or liberal) and the employers impose their anti-social measures on us. Gone are the days when a minority is enriched on the back of a majority of increasingly poor.
Our unity gives us a radical response to the employer's side logic. It must go by amplifying.
The various government budget cuts will have an impact on services and the quality of public services. So, it is the population that will suffer the effects and this, in his daily life. The abolition of the home mail delivery service is no exception since this will affect accessibility for the elderly., single parents, living with a disability, etc.
This also has consequences for Canada Post workers., since their jobs are now at stake, only for users. We, we therefore wanted to demonstrate our solidarity and express our anger at the deterioration of public services.
Faced with employer measures: Union response : General strike!
It is in this context of austerity that the Industrial Union of Workers section of Montreal is launching a call for mobilization for a day of national general strike on May 1st. 2015.