
founding meeting of the ISTC-IWW Sherbrooke

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Section SITT-IWW Sherbrooke goes ahead and founded his local! We will hold a founding meeting on Thursday 26 March, the 187 Laurier, Alphonse Desjardins room, from 19 hours.

The objective of this meeting is to inform the SITT-IWW in Sherbrooke, de formaliser la création de notre branche (adoption des règlements du syndicat, élections), d’annoncer et de définir nos actions futures, et bien entendu de recruter tout-e nouveau ou nouvelle membre intéressé-e à se joindre au combat!

Le SITT-IWW est un syndicat inclusif, who, par le réseautage et la solidarité, souhaite créer un véritable réseau de travailleurs et de travailleuses capables de se défendre les un-e-s et les autres pour, ensuite, viser un meilleur contrôle de leur milieu de travail.

Que tu sois travailleur ou travailleuse, que tu sois étudiant-e ou bien chômeur, chômeuse, viens nous rencontrer le jeudi 26 March!


La section locale de Sherbrooke du SITT-IWW.

Montreal Police, Militia capital !

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As the week against police brutality is coming and that a significant social movement approach, it seems important to recall some elements of analysis needed to understand the role of the police, of all body. More precisely, we wish to mention here the various reasons that lead us to oppose the police, whoever she is, from any source, and in all situations.


Every week, every day spent in this company deadly extension further the list of injustices by a member of a police force. They are and they are private-are never to humiliate us, hurt us, we amputate, playing with our lives and those of our loved ones and our fellow-nes, even murder us if this is their pleasure.

Strangely, we find that the individual-e-s-e-s touched by these "blunders" repeatedly belong overwhelmingly to the working class, employé-e-s or not. bosses, bankers, traders and other dominant gangrene are spared this scourge. If the wage robs us every moment of our time, Police reminds us that even our own lives longer belong to us, and since they have the right to permanently deprive us.

Anyone who has participated so slightly in a social movement during its existence has probably faced-e, at one time or another, to police forces of repression. The riot police, groups tactical interventions, police stations and other law enforcement groups have sole vocation to break strikes, prevent contestation of the established order, suppress more or less violently political opponents. this violence, that of the State, still more arming police, equipping it with a neo-military technology and weapons "non-lethal", gives it the full capacity of "crowd control" virtually autonomously. There are trades, and trades, whose social utility is only to "break the protester", increasingly effective, ever faster, ever more inhumanity.

To ensure its reproduction and maintenance of its own domination, the ruling class uses two tools : ideology and violence. If ideology is diffused throughout society, and invites us to e-remain in the rank which is his, violence must bring in the right way deviant and opponents. The State, guarantor of this class of reproduction, ensures the monopoly of violence through its police. In other words, the social function of any police force is to ensure the continued domination of one class over another, or so 'soft' by simply applying the law, either by repression properly speaking. As a revolutionary union, we want to overthrow the ruling class, and therefore we strongly oppose to its dominant ideology, and its police.

Against police, build solidarity among each-e.

No justice, no peace.

Call for strike on May 1 2015

A specter is haunting Quebec. this spectrum, it is the general strike. Since that time 2012, our elites know that the working class, the students, and all those that injustice and repression are not indifferent yet, may take to the streets and impose their legitimacy facing the State. But despite this dread, the apostles of capitalism, and particularly his liberal vision, cannot help but wage an open war against everything that is not a commodity, against anything that is not financially valuable. From budget cuts to police over-arming, from our underpaid jobs to public insults against the poor and the exploited, everything leads us to believe that Quebec has been blighted by unbridled capitalism. This neo-liberal paradise, protected by the state and its henchmen, ruin our daily life and that of our loved ones, willfully tramples on the remnants of our freedom, spits in the faces of the most destitute and of a misery that he himself has engendered. We long ago stopped believing in the regulatory capacity of this system. By self-destructing, he will lead us all simultaneously in his wake. Every day we experience new reminders of this planned failure: environmental disasters, rising inequalities, deterioration of working conditions, institutional racism, systemic corruption of our political system, harassment of women in their workplaces or at university ... In general, these are all forms of dominations that are increasing dangerously, pushing the exploited and dominated of our society to their limits, to install our elites on a pedestal far too comfortable.

This is why we call the rebels to the insurgency. We hope this spring will see all the rabid ones, all those who dislike this system, in the streets and in action. Because apathy is not for us, we strongly believe in our common ability to create a better world. Beyond a simple one-off fight against austerity, we see in the distance the premises of a social war, including the strike of 2012 was just the beginning. Successive and repetitive governments, from right to left, have been trying for too long to impose on us their deadly conception of the economy, and more broadly from society. A single day of strike is not enough to roll back a government that protects the financial interests of the dominant. We believe that a global revolt of the whole of society must emerge this spring. This revolt must take place on the long term : in Quebec as in Europe, too many examples of recent social movements have proven the uselessness of ad hoc actions against governments now accustomed and prepared for social discontent.

Against capitalism and liberalism, we reaffirm our right to manage our own lives, whether or not it suits those who lead us. Our daily life is ours, our cities are ours. We firmly believe that capitalism must be banned from Quebec. For that, we will always show solidarity with those who fight, but forever unsympathetic in the eyes of the resigned and prostrate. We will be alongside workers and students in struggle, and we will oppose police brutality with proletarian solidarity. In the street, in the workplace and study, in our neighborhoods, we are here to support and help you.

Let’s not be afraid of our utopias.

Dare to fight to overthrow the established order.

Le congrès contre l’austérité et vers la grève générale du 1er mai 2015 a eu lieu les 15 and 16 on November. L’objectif de ce congrès était de créer une coalition large regroupant différents groupes et syndicats de divers horizons politiques afin qu’ils s’unissent pour une journée de perturbation et/ou de grève générale le 1er mai 2015.16418_478768425597432_605857773974586701_n

Le Syndicat industriel des Travailleurs et des Travailleuses (SITT-IWW) souhaite réaffirmer son appui à la Coalition du 1er mai 2015 et rappeler qu’il n’est pas au centre du processus décisionnel. Tel que statué lors du congrès de fondation de la Coalition, les membres gardent leur autonomie de base, ce qui veut dire qu’ils et elles sont libres d’agir dans leurs champs respectifs lors de la grande mobilisation qui aura lieu le 1er mai 2015.

Le SITT-IWW est membre de cette coalition afin de faire valoir ses luttes particulières tel que l’abolition du salariat et du patronat dans une perspective autogestionnaire, voire révolutionnaire. Le SITT-IWW est d’avis qu’il faut s’unir et être tous et toutes solidaires afin de résister contre l’État pilleur, mais surtout pour faire des gains afin d’améliorer nos conditions de vie en tant que travailleurs et travailleuses. La solidarité est d’autant plus importante par temps d’austérité. Il faut mettre nos efforts en commun et passer de la parole à la pratique. Les coups se font sur tous les fronts, ripostons sur tous les fronts!

En tant que SITT-IWW, nous pensons qu’il est grand temps de mettre en causele patronat, l’État et ses subordonnés! Le droit de grève au Québec et au Canada ont été écrit par cette même classe dirigeante et possédante à notre détriment. Comme si c’était à eux de déterminer la façon qu’on les abolira. Le SITT-IWW est d’avis que tant qu’il y aura des classes et des patrons, la grève sera toujours légitime! Reprenons-nous en main, le 1er mai 2015, bloquons nos milieux de travail, ralentissons nos moyens de production, take the street, grevons! Dans la solidarité, on ne pourra nous réprimer. La classe ouvrière et la classe dirigeante n’ont rien en commun!

Le 1er mai 2015, je ne travaille pas, je n’achète pas, je ne chôme pas, je combats par la grève générale!


Social, Journal of Power Workers of Community Sector

La Sociale est le nouveau journal d’organisation des travailleurs et des travailleuses du secteur communautaire, fruit d’une campagne de l’Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) from Montreal.
Nous cherchons à regrouper les gens qui travaillent dans l’ensemble du secteur communautaire dans le but de bâtir une solidarité syndicale présente dans l’ensemble du réseau ainsi qu’un rapport de force vis-à-vis des bâilleurs de fonds qui contrôlent, often, nos conditions de travail. Indeed, plusieurs travailleurs et travailleuses du milieu subissent du harcèlement psychologique au travail ou sont victimes de coordonnateurs et coordonnatrices qui contrôlent tout, surtout dans les petits organismes. D’autres groupes, souvent les plus gros, sont gérés carrément comme des entreprises privées à but lucratif et brassent beaucoup d’argent tout en donnant souvent, paradoxalement, de moins bonnes conditions de travail aux employé- e-s.
Il est important de s’organiser pour que les travailleuses et travailleurs du secteur soient bien traité-e-s par leur employeur