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Wobbly in Dublin – Episode 1: The Phantom Menace

Introduction et mise en contexte

Lorsque j’ai décidé de partir vivre en Irlande pendant deux ans, I had just joined the IWW-SITT and was eager to learn more and take part in the fight. So, the first thing I thought is : "Is there a branch in Ireland ?»

Eh bien non, me confirme le GHQ (General Headquarters), qui me met quand même en contact avec ERA (European Regional Administration), qui elle, me met en contact avec des Wobblies d’Écosse qui, finally, me mettent en contact avec de potentiels membres, dont un en particulier semble plus motivé encore, un certain dénommé Jules. Read more

Unshaken by the union election presqu'ex aequo, the union Jimmy John's vows to continue the fight.

Picket outside a branch of the franchise's étatsunienne JimmyJohn

The workers-workers denounce the widespread illegal activities of the company.

MINNEAPOLIS, E.-U. - The workers-workers 10 franchised restaurants Jimmy John’s Minneapolis crying foul after a questionable union certification election marred presqu'ex aequo behavior from the owner of the company Miklin. 85 proletarians have voted in favor of unionization and 87 against, with two unknown contested ballots. According to the National Labor Relations Act, Equality is the employer.

The workers-workers realized several clear evidence of violation of the law of the National Labor Relations Act and before election day. These violations include bribes attempts at worker-workers, ask-ed employees to wear anti-union pins, massive layoffs threats, and targeted layoffs to break the union. The company is currently accused of Miklin 22 alleged violations of the National Labor Relations Act.

“We are extremely disappointed with the conduct of the company in this matter; rather than simply letting us vote, Management has chosen to break the law repeatedly over the last six weeks. They spent more than 84 500 $ on a country anti-union vicious denigration, it's over 1000 $ vote for "no". We do not recognize the election results as legitimate and will continue to fight for our demands “, to déclaré Erik Forman, a worker Jimmy John’s and union member.

Ayo Collins, a delivery man, said the union "did not put all your eggs in one basket" and still has several courses of action before them. He said the union plans to launch a lawsuit against the company judicière about his misconduct short of the pre-election period.

“In a company with an employee working near 50% per month, a majority at a given time means a lot. We have a mandate, more than 85 concacrent of us in the pursuit of the struggle for decent wages, a consistent scheduling, sick days, and to respect and basic dignity that all workers-workers deserve. This is only the beginning of the fight “, Collins said.

The union workers-workers Jimmy John's, inclusive and all-ed employees of this company to national level, is the first fast food union in the country, and is affiliated with the Industrial Workers Union-Workers.

Having gained fame in recent years for organizing the workers cafes Starbucks, Industrial Workers Union-Workers is an international union founded a century ago for all working people.

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LaSalle: Blue-collar workers are demanding the resignation of Manon Barbe

Surprise and consternation to the city of Montreal: after declining tax, overpaid for the services of building contractors and increased police funding, the city is dry ! The finished housing bubble, maintenance bills of outdated infrastructure and not maintained for decades pile, and cronyism and corruption with cronies obviously have a cost that the bosses and the rich do not want to pay. So guess who will go to the checkout ?

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The German left support the prohibition of a trade union

News of Anarcho-syndicalism

The FAU-IWA (Free Workers- and Workers Union, free union of workers') is a small German labor organization, section beyond the Rhine the International Workers Association (AIT). It tries to promote an autonomous mode of organization of workers, thereby reviving the original unionism, without permanent or elected officials. A integration in joint bodies that refuse, it favors the collective organization of workers in general meeting, and direct action (that is to say without intermediate) rather than the class compromise. In a word, it tries to promote and practice anarcho-syndicalism.

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self-managing occupation of France

Tiré du Blog occupants

147 salariés de l’entreprise Philips EGP de Dreux (Eure-et-Loir) ont « pris le contrôle de production » de leur usine afin de « dénoncer la fermeture programmée de site en janvier par la direction », a-t-on appris jeudi de sources syndicales.

«Nous avons pris le contrôle de l’entreprise depuis deux jours sous forme de SCOP (Société Coopérative de Production) sous le contrôle des ouvriers. Nous voulons ainsi montrer que le site de Dreux est viable économiquement» , a déclaré à l’AFP, Manuel Georget, délégué CGT. «Sur les 217 salariés restant, toujours en attente de leur lettre de licenciement, 147 ouvriers, frames, ingénieurs etc. ont accepté de travailler en autogestion, lors d’une assemblée générale, et ainsi montrer que l’usine est rentable, si l’on n’engraisse pas financièrement les actionnaires», a indiqué M. Georget.

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A first unionized Starbucks in Quebec

starbucks_syndicatQuébec, 14 July 2009 - Monday morning, the union of workers of Starbucks, affiliated with the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), filed an application for union certification from the Commision of labor relations, to represent the employees of Starbucks Germain-des-Prés, in the district Ste-Foy, in Quebec. Recent changes to the schedule management system and the new employer's requirements as to the availability employees finally convinced some fifteen baristas, mainly students, to come together to defend their interests against an inflexible and arrogant employer.

« Starbucks, it's a little MacDonald's coffee. The jobs are precarious and low-paid, but so far, at least working hours were flexible, which suited for students who work there ", comments Simon Gosselin, union member. "The clause which will require a minimum of 24 hours per week for shift supervisors and 16h for baristas is the workhorse of our union. This is an abrupt change that will ensure that 6 current shift supervisors will be demoted, which implies for them a pay cut 10% and the loss of their current benefits ", he continues.

Starbucks has since 2004 the target of an organizing campaign led by the Industrial Workers of the World, an alternative union operates primarily in the United States, but also in Canada, Britain and Australia. "Starbucks claims to be a socially responsible employer, friendly communities and contributing to economic development ", says Jean Mathieu, spokesman IWW. "With its precarious and poorly paid and frequent snags minimum labor standards, Starbucks tends to impoverish communities and take working conditions down ", He adds.

Indeed, despite the company's claims, coffee multinational was 17 Once found guilty of violations of trade union rights of its workers to the only city of Minneapolis, and was condemned for its anti-union practices by the National Labor Relations Board, a US government agency. Last December in New York, the company was found guilty of 30 heads of similar charges against her. And several other causes of gender are pending.

"We do not intend to be intimidated by the employer, and if he wants to play hard, he will find to talk to ", says Jean Mathieu. "But Starbucks now has the opportunity to demonstrate that its social pretensions are anything but a hollow shell. The ball is now in their court, "he concluded.

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Unionize with the IWW: "If we can do at Starbucks, we can do it everywhere "

sbuxLogocat3When Bank of America held a conference call to organize the protest of the Employee Free Choice Act, a bill deemed favorable to unions, one of the present executives launched the formula: "Starbucks problem".

his concern ? Workers could follow the example of Starbucks baristas and form their own organizations without delay after the big traditional unions.

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