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Film | Class Dismissed: How TV Frames the Working Class

Les séries télévisées américaines contribuent à forger l’image que la classe ouvrière a d’elle-même. Voici un excellent documentaire à visionner et à partager pour comprendre le rôle de ces médias dans la disparition d’une conscience de classe aux USA et en Amérique du Nord.

Sitcoms, reality shows, police dramas are actively constructing America’s working class self-representation or in other words the image the workers have of themselves. Here’s an excellent documentary to watch, and share, in the mean of raising awareness about how corporate media drives us workers away from the consciousness of being who we are as a social economic and political class today.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6ZS91cqpa8&w=420&h=315]

Class Dismissed dares to open our eyes to television’s role in disappearing class from the American consciousness. The carefully crafted interviews set against humorous clips show how stereotypes of working-class buffoons distance us from the reality of corporate greed. Class Dismissed drives home the connections between class, gender and race to ongoing systems of inequality and reminds viewers of the importance of raising class consciousness if we are to succeed in forging meaningful models of citizenship in the future.

– Elizabeth L. Krause | Assistant Professor of Anthropology | University of Massachusetts Amherst
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«Locked out 2010» movie: 560 combative miners against RioTinto’s 107 days lock out and scabs

A compelling story of 560 unionized borax miners in the desert town of Boron, California who faced off against Rio Tinto, a British-Australian multi-billion dollar global corporation, which is the 3rd largest mining company in the world. Boron, population 2000, is home to one of the largest borates mines in the world, where close to 600 workers blast, dig, process and transport the refined mineral to a thousand manufacturers around the world. Rio Tinto threatened the miners in Boron–either accept their cutbacks in the new contract or find themselves locked out of work. On January 30th, 2010 the workers voted unaminously to reject the company’s proposed contract and on January 31st, 2010, they were locked out of work and replaced with scabs. Who will win this David and Goliath struggle?


http://www.lockedout2010.org/ Lire la suite

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Video reportage de CUTVnews de la manifestation anti-capitaliste du premier mai

Ce reportage a été fait par le Concordia University Television CUTV. Les premières minutes sont les discours d’ouverture. La suite des premières 11,30 minutes s’intéresse à un contingent appelé “Baby Block” qui s’est formé en réponse à la répression des années précédentes.

This video is made by Concordia University Television CUTV. It’s first minutes are the opening speaches in french of the demo. The rest of the first 11,30 minutes are about a specific block of the demo called Baby block and how it came to be a necessity for some people that wanted to participate without being attacked by the police.[blip.tv ?posts_id=5126530&dest=-1]

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Video reportage de CUTVnews de la manifestation anti-capitaliste du premier mai

Ce reportage a été fait par le Concordia University Television CUTV. Les premières minutes sont les discours d’ouverture. La suite des premières 11,30 minutes s’intéresse à un contingent appelé “Baby Block” qui s’est formé en réponse à la répression des années précédentes.

This video is made by Concordia University Television CUTV. It’s first minutes are the opening speaches in french of the demo. The rest of the first 11,30 minutes are about a specific block of the demo called Baby block and how it came to be a necessity for some people that wanted to participate without being attacked by the police.[blip.tv ?posts_id=5126530&dest=-1]

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L’affaire Coca-Cola

Radio-Canada nous apprends que Coca-Cola vient de déposer une injonction pour empêcher la diffusion d’un documentaire faisant état de son implication dans des meurtres de syndicalistes dans plusieurs pays.

Dans le film L’Affaire Coca-Cola, les réalisateurs German Gutiérrez et Carmen Garcia dressent un réquisitoire accablant contre l’empire Coca-Cola, soupçonné d’être impliqué dans l’enlèvement, la torture et le meurtre de chefs syndicaux qui luttaient pour l’amélioration des conditions de travail en Colombie, au Guatemala et en Turquie.



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