Here is an excerpt from the booklet “a union for everyone!” French version “One Big Union”. We will post the rest of the brochure online soon!
Democracy within the union
The objective of I.W.W. is to establish democracy in our daily lives at work, as well as the entire economic system. Its organizational principles are in line with this objective, and are essential to achieve. They are based on two core beliefs : solidarity and democracy within the union. It is necessary to avoid any practices which could disrupt the unity of our class, just as it is essential that the union is member-driven, and not the opposite. Exclude democracy I.W.W. leave the door open to what the union becomes an instrument for fascists or other authoritarian political groups, and therefore a huge handicap for the working class. Around the world and throughout history, authoritarian regimes have found it necessary to bring together the work force in an organization of this type. The power of the Union for all(your) must be exercised by us, not on us.
As protection against any clique who would lead this union for personal purposes, the following rules have been designed:
1. No(e) officer may be elected(e) for more than a year.
2. No(e) officer may be elected(e) for more than three terms.
3. All(your) Officers are elected(e)s in referendums where all(your) members they represent have the right to vote : all(your) branches of members vote for officers union branches that unite ; all(your) members of an industry vote for industrial union officers ; and all(your) members I.W.W. vote for the officers of the general organization.
4. All(your) officers are subject(e)s to be HALF(e)s from office by a majority vote.
5. The election poll, and not appointed, is the setting for all policy.
No levy contributions on payroll
business methods within the union are an additional guarantee of democracy. "The portfolio of power" must remain in the hands of members, especially as regards the collection of contributions that for expenditure control. Le I.W.W. does not accept the wage sampling system, where employers plays the role of a bank union by collecting union dues directly from the pay of workers(Artists), then pay official(they) union. We believe this system bypasses the direct control between the members and their representative(e)s elected(e)s.
This system reinforces the idea (that company management would maintain) whereby dues are just another unpleasant fee deducted from pay check. This ensures that the union is similar to an external thing (such as a lawyer) that are hired, rather than our own organization, in which we participate and we control. Furthermore, This system involves the management of the company in the internal relations of the union, relationships do not look.
If treasurers(eras) the union now receive a check contributions levied on payroll, they (they) might feel more concerned(e)s by the goodwill of the company by one of its members. With this income, they could hire their friend(e)s to control the union assemblies, and thus remain in power by directing the union as if it was a dues collection agency for the benefit of the company and officials(they) union.
Beside, when contributions are automatically deducted from pay, how these contributions are paid is a good indicator of satisfaction (or lack of satisfaction) members to their representative(e)s. Officials(they) the union does not want to serve the interests of their members, or who will not listen, prefer mostly the premium collection system payroll. So, or can they do something which members oppose, without fear of facing unpaid contributions or paid late, or disobedience Member. Direct collection of dues establishes therefore much more contact between members and officers. For all these reasons, le I.W.W. does not accept the deduction of contributions on the payroll.
In place, le I.W.W. has designed a simple and convenient system for collecting dues by delegates(e)s on the workplace - a system that is secure against the improper management of funds, and allowing workers' committees(Artists) as well as working branches to know the union status of each member of the workplace. All(your) delegates(e)s and officers are required to report at meetings of branch. Their accounts are audited by an elected committee at each meeting. With this practice, it becomes necessary to manage the affairs in member satisfaction. No financial contribution may be collected without having been approved by referendum by those who will have to pay.
No control cliques
All these constitutional measures and business methods, established to preserve democracy in the union, are strengthened by the elimination of all the reasons that could lead any clique whether to seek to take control of the union. This is accomplished through these additional safeguards:
1. There can be no financial gain by a ruling clique, since payroll officers can not exceed the average of that of workers(Artists) represent(e)s. Also, effective bookkeeping accounting books as well as a rigid honesty are ensured by the publication of monthly and annual financial reports, which are all checked. The accounts for "general expenses" are banned.
2. No power will be given to officers, except that required for the execution of members instructions. Officers can not start or stop a strike, because only members concerned(e)s have the power to do so. The agreements with the employers can only be negotiated by committees bringing together workers(Artists) concerned(e)s. The members of these committees and the Standing(e)s does not have permission to speak with employers(Artists) without the approval of the committee itself.
3. Political or other cliques seeking to take control of the union to divert or corrupt its equipment (local, photocopies etc), resources or reputation for their own purposes, face the apolitical regulations that were adopted in our ranks to ensure our own unity.
No policy in this union
It's healthy trade unionism not to express a preference for one religion, a political party or candidate over another. These questions have no relation with the union, and each individual member(she) the union must respond according to their personal beliefs. The union exists and forms to make decisions on industrial issues and apply. His power in the matter can be destroyed by the diversion of its resources to political campaigns.
For all workers(Artists), regardless of their religious or political preferences, can unite to achieve the best possible conditions for their use, le I.W.W. must be non-political and non-religious. Le I.W.W. allows its members the freedom to respond to these questions as they (they) hear personally - by leveraging social awareness, regard for his fellow, as well as general educational and they derive from trade union activity.
This does not mean that the I.W.W. is indifferent to the current major economic and social issues, on the contrary. We believe I.W.W. provides practical solutions to these issues. When the world is led by industry workers(Artists) for their own good, we see no reason that endures any of our major social problems, such as unemployment, the war, social conflicts, large-scale crime.
With the kind of organization that built the I.W.W., the work force can exert the pressure required to minimize the antics of politicians. It can also perform more constructively, through direct action, what we have often failed to achieve through political lobbying.
The actions at work and the law
for example, as workers(Artists) and community members, we want the oil storage sites or chemical plants are still located in safe places, far from where we and our fellow workers(Artists) live. One way to achieve this is to try to pass laws, then to try to ensure that they are applied. It would be much simpler, More reliable, and certainly more useful to the development of our ability to solve our own problems, we refused to build in places that we consider dangerous, and that we refuse to work in factories that endanger a community. Habitually, laws are inspired by a concrete practice. The best thing to do for the workforce is to focus on the control of these concrete practices. This makes it easy to make good laws, and hard to do bad. Who makes the law is attentive to those who have power in society.
The Union for all(your) makes the strength of almighty work. When the work force is well organized, the lawmakers will be duly attentive. And if they are not, it will not matter, because what happens from that point will be that the organized working class decides.
To unite the working class industrially, it is obviously necessary to avoid such practices as high union dues, Closed accounts books, and racial discrimination, religious or political. What we need, it is a union for all(your) the workers(Artists), regardless of their language, their belief, or the color of their skin. In the union we are equal, because we are also operated(e)s by the same system. What the majority decides about any industrial question is a decision that everyone must respect. This is why it would be inappropriate to try to reach decisions on issues that are not related to the industry.
Effective unionism
The principles underlying these policies are solidarity and democracy within the union. Another facet of these principles is efficiency (and performance that results). We reach our effectiveness by our united strength, measurable only by what we can accomplish. Our performance is measured by the balance between our earnings and the costs of these gains, whether in time, in silver, in difficulty and effort, or all the other sacrifices that the working class must often. Killing a fly with a sledgehammer works fine, but it is only very effective in terms of yield. We want maximum gains at minimum cost.
Que le I.W.W. is effective in terms of yield has been proven repeatedly, by the fact that, despite a number of member(e)s restricted, he managed to acquire huge gains for the workforce. It gains its effectiveness of its democracy, control by the base. There is a myth that democracy makes it ineffective. The union experience refutes this myth.
In the first place, to get the results we wanted, we must aim these results. Allow the union to be led by others that its members would be like trying to chop wood when it's someone else who holds the ax.
Secondly, most members have their say in union affairs, and we take care, the Source of the union's strength grows. We do not win our struggles by paying dues to the union cash. The money can only pay the union equipment. This advances the union, is the enthusiasm and the efforts of its members - things that can not be bought.
It is this direct involvement in union affairs, and how to manage this business, by delegate(e)s union(chosen) elected(e)s on the workplace and the working committees rather than permanent(e)s or consultant(e)s external, that develop the skills of the members. This makes I.W.W. a force with which we can organize our own future.
Finally, is organized autonomy and independence of the component parts of I.W.W. going with this control by the base, which allows us to solve problems in the most convenient and least expensive way. This union is built like a hand : each joint may move separately, but all its parts can instantly form an effective closed fist.
Direct action
Direct control of our union business is reflected in the direct action on the workplace, for which the I.W.W. became famous. A few years ago, le I.W.W. modernized the wood on the west coast of the United States and Canadian industry. Our members have established the eight-hour day by ringing them(they)-same the end of their shift after eight hours and he went, instead of continuing to work for the additional two hours to which the boss expected. Some teams were disbanded, but the teams that replaced them did the same thing, until the eight-hour day become an established practice. (Later, a law was adopted.)
The ancient practice was for workers(Artists) sleeping on bunks stacked and unhealthy, and carrying around their own coverage in their research work. The workers(Artists) the wood industry, membres du I.W.W., made bonfires with couches and bedding, and reported to the companies if they wanted workers(eras), they should now provide decent beds and mattresses, as well as clean sheets and blankets.
Sometimes, long strikes are unavoidable, mais le I.W.W. tries as possible to avoid. We prefer a series of short strikes placed at the right times to get the maximum benefit. This will often produce similar results if not superior, and cost to us. Why should we disengage because the company refuses to get rid of a foreman who puts workers(Artists) in danger? Why workers(Artists) under the orders of the foreman they elect not to place one(e) of their, in whom they trust and whose judgment they respect to direct the work? Would thus applied the instructions of their own delegate(e) elected(e), rather than those of a foreman in place by the company.
With the support of workers(Artists) from a company, this can normally be. Why disengage because a workmate was fired? It costs us nothing and it costs a lot to the company if we are going to work, while expressing our way of working sorrow we feel in relation to such treatment.
The logic of direct action is quite simple. If we stop doing what we are told to do, and instead we begin to do what we collectively decide to do, there is not much that can stop us. Le I.W.W. plans to build a decent world in this simple way.
In short, these few principles of organization are among the I.W.W. found the best, in light of the wide and varied experience gained through the struggles it has conducted in the industry since its founding in 1905. Through the experience of its many members who contributed to build and to maintain the, le I.W.W. is able to offer the working class a rational plan of industrial organization, a set of principles trustworthy, a set of policies and procedures, and winning strategies and tactics. All this ensures success not only in the common fight for better wages and better working conditions, but also in the struggle to establish a healthy social order.
At a textile strike organized by the I.W.W. in Lawrence, Massachusetts, some striking women picketed with each hand a banner that read : "We want bread and roses, US too ". When I.W.W said she wants more of the good things in life, we are not talking just about getting employers it gives a little more money to workers(Artists) - we want a better life here and now, we want a new society in the shell of the old.
What to do?
A healthy world, managed by producers(trices) wealth and for the common good, is a goal that should be achieved and can be. Le I.W.W. can build a movement of workers(Artists) able to reach. There is really only one big problem in the world : too disorganized working class in order to act for its own good. Le I.W.W. has the solution to this problem. It's a shame to be part of the problem, but it is an honor to be part of the solution. To you do your part.
If your workplace is not organized in trade unions, contacte le I.W.W. and we will help you, you and your workmates, to do it. While you will struggle to reduce work hours, better pay, better working conditions, and the democratic resolution of grievance procedures, you'll also have the satisfaction of contributing to building a better world and help solve the labor problem.
If you're already a member of another union, you still have your place in the movement "One Big Union(your) ». Several members of I.W.W. are also part of other unions. They and they adhere to I.W.W. because to do otherwise would be contributing to the problem of the working class rather than the solution, and also believe that the approach of I.W.W. offer more complete solutions, and better inspiration. They and are also among the most active members(ives) their other union. Attention to I.W.W. for solidarity and union democracy is a satisfactory guarantee against fears of preference for I.W.W. lead them to seek control or disruption of other unions.
Le I.W.W. asks its members and that they continue their membership regardless of their professional changes. He asked them to develop a good understanding of its ideas and its organizational principles, so they can make even more useful as members. It also requires them to have the ability and the willingness to explain these ideas to other workers(Artists), and be on the lookout for any union growth opportunity. Finally, it asks its members to make their service more frequently co-workers girlfriends, both on their own workplace as other.
List of industrial unions
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries No. 100
- Workers(Artists) agricultural SI 110 : employee(e)s on farms, vegetable milk, horticultural, arboricoles.
- Workers(Artists) lumber SI 120 : employee(e)s in forests ; employee(e)s in the logging, in sawmills, in the preparation of wood for the manufacture or for combustion ; employee(e)s in collecting sap and bark.
- Workers(Artists) SI fisheries 130 : employee(e)s in fishing oceans, lacs, rivers ; employee(e)s shellfish and fish ; employee(e)s in the collection of beads, corals and sponges.
- Workers(Artists) floricoles AND 140 : employee(e)s in nurseries, flower gardens, greenhouses ; silk culture ; distribution of floral products.
Department of Mines and Minerals No. 200
- Workers(Artists) metal mines SI 210 : employee(e)s in mining of metal ores and minerals ; employee(e)s in refineries, foundries and other work reduction ; employee(e)s in quarries.
- Workers(Artists) SI coal mines 220 : employee(e)s in coal mines and in the production of coke and briquettes.
- Workers(Artists) petrol, gas and geothermal SI 230 : employee(e)s in the field of oil, gas or geothermal ; employee(e)s in refineries and processing plants ; employee(e)s in the distribution of these products.
Department of General Construction No. 300
- Workers(Artists) general construction SI 310 : employee(e)s in docks construction, Railway, highway, streets, bridges, sewage systems, Metro systems, tunnels, channels, viaducts, irrigation canals and pipelines.
- Workers(Artists) boatbuilding SI 320 : employee(e)s in the construction and repair of ships, boats and harbor craft ; employee(e)s in dry docks.
- Workers(Artists) SI building construction 330 : employee(e)s in the erection and construction of houses and buildings, and the delivery of materials.
Department of manufacturing and the general production No. 400
- Workers(Artists) textile and clothing SI 410 : employee(e)s in fabric production from natural or synthetic fibers ; employee(e)s in the garment factory.
- Workers(Artists) SI furniture 420 : employee(e)s in the factories of furniture and wood processing plants ; employee(e)s in the production of wood containers.
- Workers(Artists) Chemical Industry SI 430 : employee(e)s in the production of medicaments, paintings, rubber, explosives, chemicals, plastics, of synthetic fibers and other goods produced chemically.
- Workers(Artists) Metallurgy and machinery IF 440 : employee(e)s in blast furnaces, steel mills, aluminum smelters, steel plants, etc. ; employee(e)s in the production, repair and maintenance of agricultural machinery, cars, locomotive, engines, cars, trucks, bicycles, planes, and other instruments ; maker(e)s tools, jewelry and watches.
- Workers(Artists) of printing and publishing houses SI 450 : employee(e)s in the production and distribution of any printed matter.
- Workers(Artists) IF the food 460 : employee(e)s in the production and food processing, beverages and tobacco products (with the exception of workers(Artists)Agriculture and fisheries).
- Workers(Artists) IF the leather 470 : employee(e)s in tanneries and factories manufacturing leather goods, baggage, boots and shoes.
- Workers(Artists) glass and pottery SI 480 : employee(e)s in the production of glass, crockery, tiles and bricks.
- Workers(Artists) SI pulp and paper 490 : employee(e)s in paper mills, for the production of pulp, paper and paper containers.
Department of Transportation and Communications No. 500
- Workers(Artists) transport marine SI 510 : employee(e)s in marine transport ; employee(e)s docks and terminals.
- Workers(Artists) IF rail 520 : employee(e)s in the rail transport of goods and passengers over long distances ; employee(e)s in repair shops locomotives and wagons ; employee(e)s in and around terminals and goods.
- Workers(Artists) SI motorized transport 530 : employee(e)s in the transport of goods and passengers by road, bus or taxi ; employee(e)s in and around sheds of goods transported by truck, as well as bus stations.
- Workers(Artists) Municipal Transportation SI 540 : employee(e)s in municipal transport services, short distances.
- Workers(Artists) Air Transport SI 550 : employee(e)s in maintenance and air transport services.
- Workers(Artists) communications, telecommunications and IT IF 560 : employee(e)s in the telephone call, telegraphic, radio, TV and satellite, and in the operation of computers, including programming and networking.
Department of Public Service No.. 600
- Workers(Artists) IF the health 610 : employee(e)s in hospitals and health services.
- Workers(Artists) Education SI 620 : employee(e)s in educational institutions.
- Workers(Artists) SI recreational area 630 : employee(e)s in playgrounds and other places of amusement ; employee(e)s in vocational training.
- Workers(Artists) restoration, hospitality and maintenance of buildings SI 640 : employee(e)s in institutions dedicated to housing or accommodation of people ; employee(e)s in the maintenance of buildings.
- Workers(Artists) General office, legal, financial or public interest SI 650 : employee(e)s in general services, public or legal, financial offices and other institutions involving no other industry directly.
- Workers(Artists) the IF sale 660 : employee(e)s in general distribution facilities, wholesale or retail.
- Workers(Artists) municipal(chosen) and Utilities SI 670 : employee(e)s in the transmission, supply and maintenance of gas, electricity, Water and sewage services ; employee(e)s in the collection and management of waste materials, reusable or recyclable ; employee(e)s in cemeteries maintenance, parks, streets and roads.
- Workers(Artists) IF the home service 680 : employee(e)s in the performance of home services.
- Workers(Artists) SI sex 690 : employee(e)s as danceur(honest)s, models, Workers(Artists) the phone sex, actors and actresses, or any other professional function based on sex - with the exception of officers entrepreneurial class able to recruit and dismiss, or having an equivalent coercive power or punitive.