1. What industry, and how is it implemented ?
The industry - ranging from raw materials conversion process in daily use items to supply current essential services - is at the heart of our social life and imposes its current organization. capitalists, who own and control natural resources as well as equipment and facilities to transform materials and provide services, make up the most restricted class of our society. Workers, bringing together the raw materials, turn them into consumer goods, and provide the services that society needs, form the other class, the largest.
The interests of these two classes are opposed. This contradiction is the basis of social life around the world. The business class, or capitalist, wants to maintain control at all costs to maintain the prerogatives resulting. To consolidate his power, it seeks to dominate all social institutions. She wants to write, and administering laws. She pushes schools to teach respect and obedience to the privileged minority. She wants to shape our thoughts and feelings to his advantage through the press, Television and the Internet. And where it can not get rid of the organizations that workers have set up, it seeks to bring them under his control.
Two essential facts nevertheless threaten the power of the capitalists :
- Modern industry developments have made them obsolete activity.
- The working class is able, when she wants, to take control of industry to establish a more efficient and satisfactory society for everyone.
The initial function of the capitalists was to provide funds and management necessary for the functioning of the industry. Nowadays, management is the business of a management formed for this purpose, and profits provide ample reserves from which to draw funds. The corporate administration system established by the capitalists therefore renders itself unnecessary.
The capitalist class has gained its dominant position after long struggles against kings and feudal landowners. They made the law as a social system where agricultural land ownership was the basis of power. Common people ensured the battle, and capitalists victorious on feudalism through new inventions and procedures making it obsolete. The parliamentary body created to raise funds for the feudal order had also established a system of government more efficient, so that kings and lords became as obsolete as the capitalists are today.
The combination of historic voyages and discoveries, progress of navigation and the new factory system made of owning warehouses, boats and equipment more important than the possession of land. The basic structure of the company was increased from farm to factory, and control of the company in the hands of those who control the industry.
2. The revolutionary progress
The conservatives of feudal times warned against capitalism, arguing that its progress would be the end of civilization. They were wrong : despite all its weaknesses, capitalism represented a step forward. What of the old order could be used to the new was preserved and developed ; which obstructed in progress was abandoned.
Under capitalism, budded invention and industry like never before : our life and production patterns have changed more in the last two centuries than in the previous two millennia. The production capacity of every worker is a hundred times greater than what it was originally when capitalism took over from feudalism.
However, because our living standards have not kept pace with technology, and can do as capitalists take the reins industry, the possibilities of abundance and leisure are ruined by shortages, wars and depressions created artificially.
Not only modern economic growth she has rendered superfluous the activities of the capitalist class, it has also reduced the size. The development of large corporations results in either the closure of many small shops, either their absorption manner subsidiary of the largest conglomerates. At the top of the economic pyramid, the minority wealthy and powerful. It forms an oligarchy which exercises almost absolute authority over the global economic operation ; it pursues its own interests at the expense of the majority of humanity, and often the ecological stability of the planet.
Faced with a significant organized resistance, the greed of capitalists knows few limits. Statistics of the U.S. Census Bureau show that in the United States, a fifth of the population receives nearly half of the total income generated each year. From 1989 at 1996, the annual income of the richest five percent of the population has increased by ten percent, while that eighty percent of the population has decreased. This trend continues to go: the rich are getting richer, and workers getting poorer.
In non-Western societies, the ruling clique often a significantly smaller share of the population. The capitalists of all countries coordinate their activities to generate greater profit through the work of all and all working men and women. A handful of individuals and monitor the overall economy, through cartels and multinational corporations.
According to an Oxfam report 2015, the share of the overall economy owned 1% of the richest people rose 44% in 2009 at 48% in 2014, while the 80% the poorest people currently hold only 5,5% of global wealth. The 85 richest people have wealth equivalent to 3.500.000.000 the poorest.
In 1999, the assets of the top three billionaires were greater than the entire gross national products of the least developed countries - who have six hundred million inhabitants. Almost 1,3 billion people lived on less than a dollar a day, and almost a billion could not meet their daily consumption needs. Today it is only worse.
The handful of people who have the world's resources rely heavily lackey, but few friends. Only they have to lose if the industry control is resumed ; most of us have everything to gain.
3. Who should have control ?
Since the rise of capitalism, the working class has grown in many ways. She believed in number to include almost all(your), she has acquired knowledge and skills. The contemporary working people must assimilate things that confound the engineers and scientists of the last century. Instead of a class of illiterate serfs, we are a working class literate. We have a considerable literature of our own and we discuss daily international news. We also increased the power of our organizations.
Each share of the working class for unity and solidarity is carried out in violation of the exclusive control of the industry owners. That is the struggle of the workers targeted the reduction of working hours, wage increases, or the improvement of safety and hygiene at work, to win we had to unite and fight.
In response, the capitalist class has fought the workers' organizations as deadly qu'ennemies, and according to the logic of events is exactly what these movements should represent. Every step forward consolidating our position as necessary successors of the capitalist class at the head of the industry. And since there is no lower class than ours, our triumph will be the coming of the first classless society, and the late horrors, cruelty, stupidities and injustices inherent in any class society.
The big question, for today and tomorrow, is as follows : how the industry she will be monitored ?
The question is not really a property : is the directorial control matters, and it has become largely independent investors as such. But who can decide about the periods of activity and release of the industry ? Who should decide the nature of the production and destination ? offered services and which ? These are important questions.
- Modern industry should it be directed by some business managers ?
- Should it be controlled by political leaders ?
- Or should it be supported by those who do the work ?
You have to choose one of three options without waiting. Corporate managers, through their banks, their control of management positions, and the enormous influence on the public debate that ensures their possession Media, try to take over full control of the world economy : it does not pay to leave the working class produce as much as she is able. Therefore, or those who control the industry combine government support to dodge democracy, or those in control of government extend their regulation to the industry and its workers according to the principles of a state economy.
4. The need for industrial democracy
The SITT-IWW refuses an economy controlled by corporate management and political institutions. Instead of, we want an industrial democracy - the industry governed by its workers through a democratic process and without hierarchy.
The big problem that humanity faces is not the issue in vogue production and distribution. This is the problem of power : it has never been and will never be safe to let a few individuals in charge of all business and all. depressions, wars and all the evils of the modern world were made possible only by the concentration of power : they result from the will of a small number, not the general will.
Under capitalism, each invention have increased our production of power - or destruction - has increased the power of the privileged and reduces that of other. Each improved communications has extended the influence of this minority. And every time we give more power to individual-e-e to counter the adverse effects resulting from the situation, we aggravons especially the problem. This is true that we déléguions this power to the current industry managers, their cronies in the government, or their accomplices in non-democratic business unions. Thereby, the only viable and logical choice is industrial democracy - industry run by those who work, according to democratic procedures and on a daily basis, for the benefit of everyone.
5. The rest is in our hands
We can control the industry and solve the problem of power, because the power that rolled this world comes from our own labor.
Our class has to stop doing what he is told and start doing it collectively decides, thus depriving the opposition of all the power she never had, and acquiring for itself that it needs.
industry management by workers organized-e-s for this task is not a dream, it is the realization of a historical trend.
It is the goal to which every step of the working class aimed far, they were projected in such intention or not. But it can not be achieved without an organized-tion and deliberate planning. If this prior is not realized, the opposite trend prevails : regulating everything from commercial institutions of all kinds, Governments of all stripes, or their alliance against nature - fascism.
Industrial democracy solves many problems. It can revive democracy withers when only practiced in the days of election, deliver us also from want and fear, of devastation and war. Combined with modern production methods it allows ordinary people to get all the material goods they need, working there as much as they want.
Industrial democracy gives us security and freedom, two purposes eminently desirable and unattainable without each other - because that is driven by the need can not be free, and a puppet is never safe. In an organized society, it can make a harmonious, working intelligently to the good of everyone : it is only if mankind is able to decide what will be produced and for what purposes it can know what it does.
Industrial democracy can only be built by an organized working class, aware of what she wants and how to achieve it. The allocation of decision-making authority to "friends of workers" in political parties or ruling cliques is to avoid.
The organization of the working class must serve two objectives :
- It should provide the most efficient structure can to continue our daily struggle for better conditions and better pay.
- It must provide a comprehensive and flexible solution to the problems related to the production and distribution of goods, and that a fair and sustainable way, promoting the effective management of modern industry by the workers' organization.
Fortunately, but not by coincidence, the same type of organization best serves both interests. By organizing our working methods so as to have the same relations in our unions and in the production process, we make strategic advantage in our fight everyday and coordination needed to control industrial production.
Getting organized is the question that immediately arises, and that concerns us here. By offering him an answer, the SITT-IWW takes a step towards the future we want - because our mode of organization today depends what tomorrow will.
The industry organization
1. Who does what ?
The components of the industry are all interconnected, to the point where it would be justified to ask that there is only one industry - the production of goods and services. Considered, for example, your coat, and the process used in its production. It required not only the work and materials used directly in the making, but also the facilities and equipment where and by which it was assembled. It required the production of materials and dyes ; it required transport and travel planning for these materials, as well as machinery and equipment used in their production.
Workers involved-e-s in these processes could not have specialize in the manufacture of fabric and dyes, the construction of plants and textile machinery, the handling of such equipment, transporting goods, etc., if other travailleurseuses not had specialized-e-s in the construction of their homes, supply their food, and provides other services they need. In fact, it is hard to think of a task that is performed by workers, anywhere, which has a connection or other with the production of a single coat.
Because the work is not random chaos. It is subdivided and organized, in the manner of our own body. He understands, First, six great divisions :
- The raw materials to be grown or raised ;
- The raw materials mines, quarrying and other ;
- The construction of roads and buildings, boats, docks, canals, etc. ;
- The manufacture of food materials, clothing, tools, machinery, etc. ;
- Transport and communications ;
- The various services offered by schools, hospitals, theaters, shops and public services.
These major divisions delimit six departments where industrial unions are grouped at the end of this pamphlet. The benefits of establishing these departments in terms of union organization will be discussed later.
Each of these departments match industries and unions affiliated to them. Links welding production efforts together make impossible the final demarcation of the territories that are competing industries. Each, after all, is a social aggregate of workers, equipment and methods, never completely separate people because their internal relations. Consequently, the lines of industrial unions should not be understood as a means to isolate workers, but as a way of bringing.
2. The industrial classification
The ISTC is to organize the working class structures corresponding to the reality of the industry. To support this rational trade unionism, we use a decimal classification, which leaves a large margin of maneuver in case of changes or additions made necessary by industrial progress or new inventions. This system is similar to that used to number the books in libraries, where each new book about a given subject is given a consistent place among all the other past or future works on the same subject. In the same way, there is a logical grouping for every worker of the Union for All.
Coordination of the Union makes possible a comprehensive organizational plan, uniting workers in any joint action necessitated by changing circumstances. The close interweaving of industrial relations makes it. for example, Industry e-s-minor of steel demand for iron extraction, Workers in lime quarries, in coal mines, in coke ovens and in the oil industry, féroviaires of workers, of the road, and shipping, as well as male and female workers in the furnaces and rolling mills. Often, the workers who provide the materials are employee-s by steel mills. More, in the context of labor relations, it is more appropriate that these minor-e-s coal are organized-e-s with other minor-e-s, and transport workers with their peers.
For effective class solidarity, it is essential that workers are able to plan in connection with either their peers in their own industries, or with colleagues who they and they provide materials.
Only the type of industrial unionism in the base of the Industrial Union of Workers allows such flexibility. Boundary lines industrial sectors there are not barriers, but universal joints.
The appendix list includes industrial unions currently used by the IWW-SITT. In all cases people doing the same job are members of the same association. For workers, means all andall the employee-e-s, with the exception of those having the ability to initiate or return, each local union deciding who is eligible and who is not.
3. The employers' organization
Workers can not blindly imitate the ways of associa-tion of employers, but their study is instructive. Employers are organized especially in companies on an industrial base to ensure a direct action on the job, and conduct it in a way to derive the greatest benefit - that is to say, lead us to remove as much as possible. They even up special departments to direct us well.
Workers have little or no reason to compete or quarrel, and yet we often find ourselves in opposition. employers, on their side, have every reason to compete, and yet they manage to cooperate. The key to their understanding is their organization of special bodies for specific objectives and strictly delimited. for example, they do not let their different policies impinge on their trade agreements. They have thus built multiple complex financial organizations, including global companies. Through these associations, supposedly hostile nationalities capitalists working together. Many of their most critical business depend on an unwritten understanding of their collective interest. They make it difficult for employers that do not play by their rules, so as to ensure the control of the same world they made disaster repeatedly.
4. several trades, a syndicate
Every worker and employee e-worker finds its place in the grid of the Union, so that everyone can effectively put their solidarity in action. Some additional points should be noted about the said structure. Some industrial unions may seem of too great a magnitude to be convenient ; mills, textile machinery or watch appear to exceed what a society should embrace.
However, the classi fication system used allows many internal divisions that the union needed to form sections imposed by circumstances.
Furthermore, All and all workers of the same company form their own establishment or branch store, in which are treated the affairs related to this particular job.
Since some functions involve a considerable range of subordinate activities, the application of the rule that anyone performing the same task belongs to the same association obliges workers to be members of trade unions over their occupation would suggest. So, in a hospital there, more nurses and infrimières, doctors, technician ne s etc., launderers and laundresses, the cook-e-s, electrician-do-s and other well, everyone in the same industry, and so all and all members of the Industrial Union of Workers and Workers Health (AND 610).
Without the plan of the Union for All, a similar organization could create handicaps. Launderers and laundresses hospitals might want to meet other launderers and laundresses to establish standard conditions in all laundries. Their common membership in the Union gives them the opportunity to do so, and elect committees responsible for the implementation of their decisions. likewise, the conductors and conductive, or if they work for a shop or factory, belong to the same sections of business and industrial union than other employee-s. and yet, they want and they can get along with others of their work on common policies under the load, use wizard-e-s, etc. The union allows them this too. In every situation of wage, the apprentice e-s, trainees and specialized e-s-workers or not all and all to common advantage that the employer. The Union soda the a-s other to oppose the bosses a combined workforce.
5. Other practical benefits
The industrial union structure is designed to unite the workers in the most convenient way for us. Who can we negotiate collectively as efficiently ? Who can we likely to go on strike? Decide such questions of membership in a particular industrial union of a group of workers. The kitchen crew on an oil rig, Mess department on a boat and the staff of a factory canteen are all the same type of work the employee-s restaurant, but they are and they hear better if organized-e-s with other workers and oil workers, sea or factory.
These rules dictated by common sense should be applied to the question of the distribution. Where workers do not distribute the products of a company - as is the case with many gas stations - it will be more effective to organize those supplying the. Workers drilling platforms and refineries will thus be in a better negotiating position if it and can stop the distribution of their products. In the same way, the position of e-s-employee gas station is stronger when supported by other workers from the same company. The teams tankers, on the other hand, may find it more appropriate to organize with other maritime staff, even if it prevents them from being in the thick of strikes of workers and oil workers.
Where there is no such close relations with the production, workers and distribution workers are better organize themselves, and that they work in shopping malls, clothing stores or other. In such cases, it is clear that unless industrial unionism leads the Union for All, the labor movement has its hands tied by its offer various types of coordination dictated by circumstances. The Union is the glue that holds together the industrial departments ; without him they would fall in the disorganization and confusion.
6. A class, a syndicate
The divisions between industrial unions should not be considered as walls separating workers but as means linking them more effectively. In the IWW, members belong directly to the IWW; business is directly debate about their own union, without influencing the affairs of other industrial unions. All and all also have universal transfer of law and free from one union to another according to their job changes.
Our most immediate level of organization is the setting section governing the place where we work, and only-e-s those working there have voice or vote on business directly dependent. Each party is responsible for itself, but the industrial unions can adopt rules in conflict with the general constitution, and sections can not go against them or laws derived their union. The SITT-IWW is not a federation or congress of industrial unions ; it is a Union for everyone working class. The internal relations of modern industry make any other structure inadequate to meet the needs of this class.
The union structure also avoids the jurisdiction baffled as to workers whose classification is rendered ambiguous by the complexities of the modern production process. for example, it is desirable that everyone taking-e-s the mining industry are part of the same union ; but we realize that the magnesium, especially, is obtained by chemical means from seawater (first milk of magnesia, then the magnesium), and aluminum results from the electrolysis of bauxite clay. In a federation of industrial unions, there would be opportunity to disagreement on union membership of workers magnesium and aluminum. In a Union for everyone, this is of little consequence and concerned-e-s members can be organized in the manner they deem most appropriate. Or, if a company producing a range of electrical equipment manufactures in parallel radios, e-s-employed workers will be everyone and metallurgical workers and machinery. In another company, specializing in various cabinet work and also putting radios on the market, e-s-employed will all workers and furniture workers.
7. Industrial departments
Relatives industries unions are industrial departments.
The advantages of this type of organization are particularly visible in the case of transport. The railway companies, buses and trucks, and airlines all provide travel methods. If the workers of these different industries are organized-e-s to act in concert when the opportunity arises, they and they will have the advantage in the fight. Their unified power is so great that the world's future is in their hands - almost.
Just think of the suffering of load would have prevented humanity if workers and transport workers, organized-e-s, refused to take charge of goods towards warring nations, or any nation whose transport workers would not complied-e-s to this policy. To avoid losses, the rest of the organized workforce had only to assess the paltry sum to be paid by each-e to compensate the workers and transport workers all unpaid wages as a result of this action. In this way, much good was accomplished for everyone, and at the expense of no-e. Similar arrangements can make use of strikebreakers (scabs) outdated, inhibiting the transport of goods produced under these conditions. So if we, workers, support each other, we can not be beat-e-s.
What is proposed here, it is an organization of the working class so that it has an effective solidarity. Each union member who wanted to promote it among his colleagues knows too lament : "A union is good, but the problem is that the members are not in solidarity ". We do not accept this fate.
We refuse because we have repeatedly witnessed the joint efforts of workers, and saw these efforts broken by poor organization. Things are that for which they were designed : the same components used in the manufacture of a typewriter or a sewing machine, but react differently because qu'assemblés differently.
Workers, on their side, can form a loose federation of organizations serving particular interests, or they may be and of the Union. If a union is made to divide us, it is not surprising that "members are not supportive". But if we are organized-e-s to support us, and we will be strong-e-s that we can.
Rational industrial unionism, SITT designed by the IWW-to suit the conditions of modern industry, focuses on five bases :
- All and all workers of the same company, without distinction, belong to the same organization working ;
- All and all workers in the same industry belong to the same industrial union ;
- All and all the members of these industrial unions are directly members of the Union for All ;
- All e-worker and worker changing jobs is entitled to a free transfer to the industrial union regarding the new situation - "member one day, member ever " ;
- No part of the labor movement should agree to work materials provided by scabs or to provide them, to do the work of strikers, to cross a picket, or assist in any manner whatsoever to prevent the strike of a group of workers whatsoever.
This form of organization proposed by the ISTC-IWW to make the working class invincible. Are you with us ?
The organizational principles of I.W.W.
1. Democracy within the union
The objective of the ISTC-IWW is to establish democracy in our work life, as well as the entire economic system. Its organizational principles are in line with this objective, and are essential to achieve. They are based on two core beliefs : solidarity and democracy within the union. It is necessary to avoid any practices which could disrupt the unity of our class, just as it is essential that the union is member-driven, and not the opposite. Exclude democracy SITT-IWW leave open that the union becomes an instrument for fascists or other authoritarian political groups, and therefore a huge handicap for the working class. Around the world and throughout history, authoritarian regimes have found it necessary to bring together the work force in an organization of this type.
The power of the Union shall be exercised by us, not on us.
As protection against any clique who would lead this union for personal purposes, the following rules have been designed:
- No e-officer / an Officer may be elected-e for more than a year.
- No e-officer / an Officer may be elected-e for more than three terms.
- All and all officers / Officers are elected-e-s in referendums where everyone and the members they represent have the right to vote : all sections and all members vote for officers and Officers union branches that unite ; members of an industry vote for industrial union officers ; and members of the ISTC-IWW shall elect Officers and Officers of the general organization.
- All and all officers and Officers are subject-e-s to be half-e-s from office by a majority vote.
- The election poll, and not appointed, is the setting for All policy.
2. No levy contributions on payroll
business methods within the union are an additional guarantee of democracy. "The portfolio of power" must remain in the hands of members, especially as regards the collection of contributions that for expenditure control. Le I.W.W. does not accept the wage sampling system, where employers plays the role of a bank union by taking the union dues from the pay of workers, then pay to officers and Officers union. We believe this system bypasses the direct control between the members and their representatives elected-e-s-e-s.
This system reinforces the idea (that company management would maintain) whereby dues are just another unpleasant fee deducted from pay check. This ensures that the union is similar to an external thing (such as a lawyer) that are hired, rather than our own organization, in which we participate and we control. Furthermore, This system involves the management of the company in the internal relations of the union, relationships do not look.
If union treasurers receive the company a check contributions levied on payroll, they and they might feel more concerned-e-s by the goodwill of the company by one of its members.
With this income, they could hire their e-s-friend to control the union meetings, and thus remain in power by directing the union as if it was a dues collection agency for the benefit of the company and the officers and Officers Union.
Beside, when contributions are automatically deducted from pay, how these contributions are paid is a good indicator of satisfaction (or lack of satisfaction) members to their representative-e-s. Officers and Officers of the Union who will not serve the interests of their members, or who will not listen, prefer mostly the premium collection system payroll. So, or can they do something which members oppose, without fear of facing non-contributions paid or paid late. Direct collection of dues so much establishes contact between members and their officers and Officers. For all these reasons, the IWW does not accept the deduction of contributions on the payroll.
In place, the IWW-SITT designed a simple and convenient system for collecting dues by delegate-e-s on the workplace - a system that is secure against the improper management of funds, and allowing workers working committees as well as branches to know the union status of each member of the workplace. Delegates e-s and officers / Officers must report at meetings of branch. Their accounts are audited by an elected committee at each meeting. With this practice, it becomes necessary to manage the affairs in member satisfaction. No financial contribution may be collected without having been approved by referendum by those who will have to pay.
3. No control cliques
All these constitutional measures and business methods, established to preserve democracy in the union, are strengthened by the elimination of all the reasons that could lead any clique whether to seek to take control of the union. This is accomplished through these additional safeguards:
- There can be no financial gain by a ruling clique, since payroll officers / Officers may not exceed the average of that of the workers and workers represented-e-s. The effective bookkeeping accounting books as well as a rigid honesty are ensured by the publication of monthly and annual financial reports, which are all checked. The accounts for "general expenses" are banned.
- No power will be given to officers, except that required for the execution of members instructions. Officers and Officers can not start or stop a strike, because only members concerned-e-s have the power to do so. The agreements with the employers can only be negotiated by committees bringing together workers concerned-e-s. The members of these committees and permanent-e-s do not have the permission to interview with employers without the approval of co-moth-eaten himself.
- Political or other cliques seeking to take control of the union to divert or corrupt its equipment (local, photocopies etc), resources or reputation for their own purposes, face the apolitical regulations that were adopted in our ranks to ensure our own unity.
4. No policy in this union
It's healthy trade unionism not to express a preference for one religion, a political party or candidate over another. These questions have no relation with the union, and each individual union member it must respond according to their personal beliefs. The Union exists and forms to make decisions on industrial issues and apply. His power in the matter can be destroyed by the diversion of its resources to political campaigns.
To all and all workers, regardless of their religious or political preferences, can unite to achieve the best possible conditions for their use, the IWW must be non-political and non-religious. It leaves its members the freedom to answer these questions as they hear and they personally - by leveraging social awareness, regard for his fellow, as well as general educational and they hold.
This does not mean that the ISTC-IWW is indifferent to the current major economic and social issues, on the contrary. We believe that the IWW-SITT provides practical solutions to these issues. When the world is led by industry workers for their own good, we see no reason that endures any of our major social problems, such as unemployment, the war, social conflicts, large-scale crime.
With the kind of organization that built the IWW-SITT, the work force can exert the pressure required to minimize the antics of politicians. It can also perform more constructively, through direct action, what we have often failed to achieve by political lobbying.
5. The actions at work and the law
for example, as workers and community members, we want the oil storage sites or chemical plants are still located in safe places, far from where we live and our comrades. One way to achieve this is to try to pass laws, then to try to ensure that they are applied. It would be much simpler, More reliable, and certainly more useful to the development of our ability to solve our own problems, we refused to build in places that we consider dangerous, and that we refuse to work in factories that endanger a community. Habitually, laws are inspired by a concrete practice. The best thing to do for the workforce is to focus on the control of these concrete practices. This makes it easy to make good laws, and hard to do bad. Who makes the law is attentive to those who have power in society.
The Union for everyone makes the strength of almighty work. When the work force is well organized, lawmakers will be duly attentive. And if that is not the case, it will not matter, because what happens from that point will be that the organized working class decides.
To unite the working class industrially, it is obviously necessary to avoid such practices as high union dues, Closed accounts books, and racial discrimination, religious or political. What we need, it is a union for all and all workers, regardless of their language, their beliefs, or the color of their skin. In the union we are equal, because we are also operated-e-s by the same system. What the majority decides about any industrial question is a decision that everyone must respect. This is why it would be inappropriate to try to reach decisions on issues that are not related to the industry.
6. Effective unionism
The principles underlying these policies are solidarity and democracy within the union. Another facet of these principles is efficiency (and performance that results). We reach our effectiveness by our united strength, measurable only by what we can accomplish. Our performance is measured by the balance between our earnings and the costs of these gains, whether in time, in silver, in difficulty and effort, or all the other sacrifices that the working class must often. Killing a fly with a sledgehammer works fine, but it is only very effective in terms of yield. We want maximum gains at minimum cost.
The SITT-IWW is efficient in terms of performance has been proven repeatedly, by the fact that, despite a number of member-e-s small, he managed to acquire huge gains for the workforce. It gains its effectiveness of its democracy, control by the base. There is a myth that democracy makes it ineffective. The union experience refutes this myth.
In the first place, to get the results we wanted, we must aim these results. Allow the union to be led by others that its members would be like trying to chop wood while it is a different e-holding ax.
Secondly, most members have their say in union affairs, and we take care, the Source of the union's strength grows. We do not win our struggles by paying dues to the union cash. The money can only pay the union equipment. This advances the union, is the enthusiasm and the efforts of its members - things that can not be bought.
It is this direct involvement in union affairs, and how to manage this business, by e-s-elected representative of the Union-e-s on the workplace and the working committees rather than permanent-e-s or consultant-e-s external, that develop the skills of the members. This makes SITT-IWW a force with which we can really hold our own future.
Finally, is autonomy and independence organized the constituent parts of the IWW SITT-up with this control by the base, which allows us to solve problems in the most convenient and least expensive way. This union is built like a hand : each joint may move separately, but all its parts can instantly form an effective closed fist.
7. Direct action
Direct control of our union business is reflected in the direct action on the workplace, why the ISTC-IWW went there many years célèbre.Il, the IWW modernized the timber industry on the west coast of the United States and Canada. Our members have established the eight-hour day by ringing the end of their shift after eight hours and he went, instead of continuing to work for the additional two hours to which the boss expected. Some teams were disbanded, but the teams that replaced them did the same thing, until the eight-hour day become an established practice. (Later, a law was adopted.)
The ancient practice was for the workers to sleep on bunks stacked and unhealthy, and carrying around their own coverage in their research work. The workers in the wood industry, membres you SIT-IWW, made bonfires with couches and bedding and reported to the companies if they wanted workers and workers, they should now provide decent beds and mattresses, as well as clean sheets and blankets.
Sometimes, long strikes are unavoidable, but SITT-IWW tries as possible to avoid. We prefer a series of short strikes placed at the right times to get the maximum benefit. This will often produce similar results if not superior, and cost to us.
Why should we disengage because the company refuses to get rid of a foreman who puts workers at risk? Why under the orders of the foreman workers would elect not they and they not instead of an e-their, in which they and they trust and whose judgment they respect to direct the work? Would thus applied the instructions of their own elected delegate-e-e, rather than those of a foreman of the company.
With the support of the workers of a company, this can normally be. Why disengage because an e-working comrade was dismissed? It costs us nothing and it costs a lot to the company if we go to work by expressing in the way we work sorrow we feel in relation to such treatment.
The logic of direct action is quite simple. If we stop doing what we are told to do, and instead we begin to do what we collectively decide, there is not much that can stop us. The SITT-IWW plans to build a decent world in this simple way.
In short, these few principles of organization are among the SITT-IWW considered the best, in light of the wide and varied experience gained through struggles in the industry since its founding in 1905. Through the experience of its many and many members who contributed to build and to maintain the, the SITT-IWW is able to offer the working class a rational plan of industrial organization, a set of principles trustworthy, a set of policies and procedures, and winning strategies and tactics. All this ensures success not only in the common fight for better wages and better working conditions, but also in the struggle to establish a healthy social order.
At a textile strike organized by the ISTC-IWW in Lawrence, Massachusetts, some women strike some picketed with a banner that read : "We want bread and roses, US too ". When the SITT-IWW says it wants more of the good things in life, we are not talking just about getting employers it gives a little more money to work-and their workers - we want a better life here and now, we want to lay the foundations for a new society even within the old.
8. What to do?
A healthy world, managed by Producers of wealth for the common good, is a goal that should be achieved and can be. The SITT-IWW can build a movement of workers able to reach. There is really only one big problem in the world : too disorganized working class to act in its own interest. The IWW has the solution to this problem. It's a shame to be part of the problem, but an honor to be part of the solution. To you do your part.
If your workplace is not organized in trade unions, contact the ISTC-IWW and we will help you, you and your workmates, to do it. While you will struggle to reduce work hours, better pay, better working conditions, and the democratic resolution of grievance procedures, you'll also have the satisfaction of contributing to building a better world and help solve the labor problem.
If you're already a member of another union, you still your place in the movement. Several members of the IWW-SITT are also part of other unions. They and they adhere to the ISTC-IWW because to do otherwise would be contributing to the problem of the working class rather than the solution, and also believe that the approach of SITT-IWW offer more complete solutions, and better inspiration. They and they are also among the most active and active members of their union another. SITT-IWW's concern for solidarity and union democracy is a satisfactory guarantee against fears that their preference for the IWW-SITT lead them to seek control or disruption of other unions.
The SITT-IWW asks its members and that they continue their membership regardless of their professional changes. He asked them to develop a good understanding of its ideas and its organizational principles, to ensure they can get even more useful as members. It also requires them to have the ability and the willingness to explain these ideas to other workers, and be on the lookout for any Union growth opportunity. Finally, it asks its members to make their service more frequently co-workers girlfriends, both on their own workplace as other.