

Rape and sexual harassment at work at Starbucks

In an interview with the American ABC television network, former Starbucks barista Kati Moore tells how she was sexually harassed and raped several times by her superior, Tim Horton (no link with the Canadian chain), when she held, at 16 years, his first job. When prosecutors in the state of California have been aware of the facts, they filed a complaint against the manager. But for reasons that are unknown, Starbucks leadership instead chose to defend his manager, paying his legal fees and Kati simply transferring to another branch. Despite the financial support of Starbucks, Tim Horton was found guilty and sentenced to prison.

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Line Pilots reduced food aid

Des pilotes fatigués, sous-payés, malades. Danger ?

Les IWW ne partagent pas les mêmes idées que Michael Moore sur les solutions à apporter à la crise du capitalisme, ni sur le fait que la cause actuelle de cette crise soit larecherche du profit”. For us, le problème est le capitalisme lui-même, et la véritable solution à long terme réside dans l’abolition du salariat et l’instauration d’une démocratie directe dans toutes les sphères de la société, y compris dans l’économie. Mais la problématique soulevée ici par le polémiste américain illustre bien la phase d’appauvrissement que traversent présentement les travailleurs et travailleuses.

Interdiction de prendre un arrêt maladie. Des salaires au lance pierre qui les contraignent à faire appel aux services d’aide alimentaire. Un deuxième job chez Starbucks pour boucler les fins de mois. Invité en cabine par les pilotes lors d’un vol intérieur aux USA, Michael Moore raconte la face cachée du rêve américain.

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Starbucks: intimidation and smear

gdcp starbucks IWW protestAfter loudly proclaimed his respect for the employees association law, Starbucks multinational began covertly its smear campaign and legal guerrilla. She hired one of the most prestigious law firms, Heenan Blaikie, to help challenge the right of its employees to be treated fairly and with respect.

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A first unionized Starbucks in Quebec

starbucks_syndicatQuébec, 14 July 2009 - Monday morning, the union of workers of Starbucks, affiliated with the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), filed an application for union certification from the Commision of labor relations, to represent the employees of Starbucks Germain-des-Prés, in the district Ste-Foy, in Quebec. Recent changes to the schedule management system and the new employer's requirements as to the availability employees finally convinced some fifteen baristas, mainly students, to come together to defend their interests against an inflexible and arrogant employer.

« Starbucks, it's a little MacDonald's coffee. The jobs are precarious and low-paid, but so far, at least working hours were flexible, which suited for students who work there ", comments Simon Gosselin, union member. "The clause which will require a minimum of 24 hours per week for shift supervisors and 16h for baristas is the workhorse of our union. This is an abrupt change that will ensure that 6 current shift supervisors will be demoted, which implies for them a pay cut 10% and the loss of their current benefits ", he continues.

Starbucks has since 2004 the target of an organizing campaign led by the Industrial Workers of the World, an alternative union operates primarily in the United States, but also in Canada, Britain and Australia. "Starbucks claims to be a socially responsible employer, friendly communities and contributing to economic development ", says Jean Mathieu, spokesman IWW. "With its precarious and poorly paid and frequent snags minimum labor standards, Starbucks tends to impoverish communities and take working conditions down ", He adds.

Indeed, despite the company's claims, coffee multinational was 17 Once found guilty of violations of trade union rights of its workers to the only city of Minneapolis, and was condemned for its anti-union practices by the National Labor Relations Board, a US government agency. Last December in New York, the company was found guilty of 30 heads of similar charges against her. And several other causes of gender are pending.

"We do not intend to be intimidated by the employer, and if he wants to play hard, he will find to talk to ", says Jean Mathieu. "But Starbucks now has the opportunity to demonstrate that its social pretensions are anything but a hollow shell. The ball is now in their court, "he concluded.

Solidarity picket against Starbucks

starbucks_syndicatFollowing the submission of an application for union certification for a Starbucks in Quebec, we invite you to a solidarity picket for workers Starbucks, which will be held Tuesday 14 July, 19:00, before Starbucks 1709 rue St. Denis, coin Ontario.
In Quebec, a press conference will be held Tuesday 14 July, 11:00, the 1200 Av Germain des Pres, in Sainte-Foy.

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Unionize with the IWW: "If we can do at Starbucks, we can do it everywhere "

sbuxLogocat3When Bank of America held a conference call to organize the protest of the Employee Free Choice Act, a bill deemed favorable to unions, one of the present executives launched the formula: "Starbucks problem".

his concern ? Workers could follow the example of Starbucks baristas and form their own organizations without delay after the big traditional unions.

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