
The Boston Wobblies defense Harvard workers and school bus drivers

By George Carens

For more details and information, please see the original article, published in the edition #1767 of Industrial Worker.

(English version follows)

The 29 mai – Des Wobblies du Harvard Union of Clerical & Technical Workers (HUCTW) coordinated a visibility action with the Student Labor Action Movement at Harvard University. Participants highlighted chronic discrimination against workers at the prestigious University, ranging from racism to sexism, and discrimination against workers with disabilities.

Those present also drew attention to the anti-union attitude of the University., illustrated by the dismissal of Judy Rouse, an active and efficient local shop steward 26 of UNITE HERE.

Several members of the community and various organizations joined the action. La Lantern Collective, a local anarchist collective, brought large puppets to attract the attention of passers-by, which allowed the distribution of even more leaflets. Furthermore, le Local 8751 de United Steelworkers, Boston School Bus Drivers Union, was present, including two of its recently dismissed members who helped pass out leaflets to passers-by.

In exchange for this local solidarity 8751 de USW, Wobblies mobilized in support of school bus drivers at a meeting of the Boston Schools Committee, an unelected organization. This organization is trying to remove access to school buses in 4500 schoolchildren, to redirect them to municipal public transportation, often overloaded. This reform not only threatens drivers, but also the safety of children and their access to school, especially when they come from disadvantaged backgrounds. In the meeting, Wobblies held up signs in protest, and a member of the Boston GMB spoke forcefully against the racist and discriminatory policies of the Boston Schools Committee.

“Boston Wobblies Defend Harvard Workers and Local Bus Drivers”
By Geoff Carens

For more details and information, please read the original article in the Industrial Worker, Issue #1767.

May 29 – Wobblies from the Harvard Union of Clerical & Technical Workers (HUCTW) coordinate a visibility action with the Student Labor Action Movement, at Harvard University. Participants underlined the repeated discrimination undergone by workers at the prestigious American university, who have been subject to racism, sexism and ableism on the job. They also called attention to the union-busting attitude of Harvard University, illustrated by the firing of Judy Rouse, an active and effective shop steward of UNITE HERE Local 26.

Several community members and organizations attended or lent a hand in solidarity. The local anarchist Lantern Collective provided large puppets that drew attention from passers-by and enabled the passing out of flyers. United Steelworkers (ETC) Local 8751, the Boston school bus drivers’ union, was also present, and two members recently fired for union activity joined in the show of solidarity and the handing out of flyers.

In return for the solidarity by USW Local 8751, Wobblies mobilized in support of the school bus drivers at a meeting of the unelected Boston School Committee. This organization is “trying to throw 4500 middle school students off school buses and onto the often overcrowded buses and subway trains.” This threatens not only bus drivers’ jobs, but the safety and school-access of many working-class and poor children in Boston. At the meeting, Wobblies displayed placards in protest, and a member of the Boston GMB spoke forcefully against the racist policies of the Boston School Committee.

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Autonomous action in Saguenay for locked out-e-s

Here is the press release of an autonomous action that took place yesterday in Saguenay supports more than 300 Locked-out workers at various car dealerships and garages in Saguenay / Lac-St-Jean. The lockout has been going on since February 2013.

lock-outSAGUENAY, 22 July 2013 // In the early afternoon, of citizens of Saguenay have carried out an action in solidarity with the workers locked out at dealerships in the region, there is more than that 4 month. After going inside to pass the message to customers to delay their purchases, demonstrators blocked the entrance to one of the concessionaires until the police arrived. By this lockout, the employers try to impose a cut of almost 100 jobs, a decrease in working conditions and more and more subcontracting - a decrease in the quality of service. In this conflict which is getting bogged down with judicialization, we will not stand idly by the injustice that strikes them.

While 450 families are thrown to the sidewalk, dealers continue to make a profit. Lockouts have their hands tied by dozens of injunctions, contempt and tickets - the balance of power is clearly on the employers' side. Each client who crosses a picket line is complicit in the bad faith of this party who refuses any negotiation. As our banner said : Our lives are worth more than their profits!

We are determined to stay by their side, no matter the cost, until victory. in parallel, downstream, this morning, an autonomous group of several dozen people made a hard block in solidarity with the workers of Mapei on strike for more than a year. Against all these attacks on the conditions of our social class, we will be beasts of hope!

Autonomous action

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Newfoundland : The wildcat strike in Long Harbor continues despite an injunction from the Supreme Court

translated libcom.org by the Collectif Emma Goldman

UPDATE 21 July
The strike would have ended on Monday 16 July evening

Discussion with the CBC president Labrador Federation of Labor on the use of the wildcat strike

UPDATE 16 July
The syndicate “Resource Development Trades Council” call the stop workers to strike, but they say that the union no longer represents their interests

The company Vale returns to court to enforce the injunction pursuing workers

The strike continues for 5th day.
The President of RDTC Union implies that the striking workers of the requirements are similar to those of young children.

The Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador has given an injunction to employers to help break a wildcat strike on a construction site in Long Harbor.

Near 2000 workers illegally stopped work Thursday, and subsequently carried blocking site entrances. Workers are angry against the level of payroll. Site workers earn on average 15$ Time less than comparable workers elsewhere in Canada.

Another issue is the manner in which employers interpret the collective agreement; on issues such as travel and subsistence allowances.

Furthermore, Workers are angry against their own union for not defending their interests. Of course, the union does not support the action. The bosses and the union have still not commented on the conflict.

Video reportage de NTV (mass-media)

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Montreal Stock Echange Tower Blocked by Hundreds / Blocking the Tower of the Montreal Exchange [Eng-Fr]

Police peppersprayed about 45 people. © PC/Ryan Remiorz

Here’s a great audio interview that explains it all very quickly.
Thanks to Montréal COOP Media and Alexia Conradi from the Quebec Women’s Federation.
Hundreds of people participated in a major action in Montreal [on Thursday February the 16th], shutting down the Montreal Stock Exchange [Tower], the heart of the city’s financial district, for several hours. The blockade was organized by the Coalition opposée à la tarification et à la privatisation des services publics. Alexa Conradi is the head of the Quebec Women’s Federation and one of the spokeswomen for today’s action. In this clip she speaks about the organization and the reasons behind this action, as well as the ongoing campaignsincluding the province-wide student strike against tuition fee increasesthat are certain to make it an eventful spring in Quebec.

En français cette fois, Concordia University TV fait un bon tour d’horizon de l’évènement en 7 minutes.
In French, this CUTVvideo takes a good big picture of the event.
[http youtube://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjJo-yavDKQ&w=560&h=315]

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McGill Students Occupy Office Against Administration’s Autocracy

The occupiers explain the circumstances for this action in a communiqué:

In the summer of 2010, Dr. Morton Mendelson (Deputy Provost, Student Life & Learning who is mandated to represent the interests of students to the administration) shut down the beloved Architecture Cafe, taking away our biggest student-run cafe and giving Aramark – a company that provides food to most US prisons and the US military – a monopoly on food services on campus. Last year, he and the administration forced all clubs and services to remove “McGill” from their name,as if we, the students of this university, have no right to associate with the brand they wish to put forward. Then, this winter, Mendelson announced the administration would ignore and seek to invalidate the overwhelmingly clear results of the CKUT and QPIRG fall referendum question.


There is no doubt in our mind that this administration – and Dr. Mendelson in particular – need to understand the consequences of their actions towards students. We are here to hold them accountable. We have undertaken this action in full knowledge of its potential consequences, yet maintain that, given the current context of administrative disregard for student autonomy by the administration and the radical imbalance of power between students and administrators, this action is justified.”

Follow the occupiers’ updates on Twitter

Read the full “COMMUNICATED: Dear McGill”

Read Montreal Media Coop‘s article

[http youtube://www.youtube.com/watch?v = WCuSTYFn shu&w=560&h=315]
VIDEO: Getting food to the students at McGill who are “occupying” the 6th floor of the McGill Administration building
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Story of a wildcat strike: Pop-Corn strike at NATAÏS

Here is the first episode of an autonomous workers' struggle waged mainly by women in a Pop-Corn company called Nataïs in a town in Gers, France.. Here's how it started a year ago.

Strike, it's like popcorn

if it gets too hot, it bursts


In the middle of the woods, the fields, and vines, in the peaceful and hilly landscape of the Gers, the Nataïs company, posed at the crossing of some sinuous departmental roads, made, by the ton, you pop-corn industrial. In such a bucolic context, we would expect peaceful working conditions… Read more

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London IWW Cleaners: Workplace Occupation Stoped by Police Threats

[http youtube://www.youtube.com/watch?v = vtjsJSBeZ7c&w=560&h=315]

Cleaners at the Guildhall have been holding a sit in and stopping work since the 22nd of December because of mistreatment and intimidation. Early this morning [4th of January] management called the police, who came and intimidated and threatened the cleaners. The cleaners protested that they were holding a completely peaceful sit-in. They finally left due to police threats to drag them out physically.
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DYNAMITE! A class violence Century America

Le polar est l’histoire de la criminalité et du gangstérisme, c’est-à-dire histoire de la violence obligée des pauvres après la victoire du capital. Vous croyez que j’exagère ? Lisez donc Dynamite, de Louis Adamic. On y voit lumineusement comment le syndicalisme américain s’est transformé en syndicalisme criminel quand la possibilité de la révolution a disparu et quand, Therefore, la question n’a plus été que celle des fameusesparts du gâteau’. On y voit comment des militants ouvriers radicaux ont pu devenir racketters et bootleggers puisqu’il n’y avait plus d’autre moyen de jouir.
Jean-Patrick Manchette, October 1979
Citation tiré du site des éditions Sao Maï qui ont publié la traduction française du livre


Revue du livre par l’UCLJournal Cause Commune

« Monsieur le Président, il nous est désormais impossible de différer plus longtemps. Nous avons essayé de trouver une porte de sortie, en vain. Cette grève ne vient pas des dirigeants. Elle vient de la base syndicale. »
American Federation of Labour (AFL), 1919.

Les récents évènements – que ce soit la crise économique, le printemps arabe, les explosions sociales en Europe, les attaques contre le droit à la syndicalisation au Wisconsin ou les lockouts à répétitions – annoncent, pour la prochaine décennie, une période de luttes sociales et de violences de classes qui sera une lutte à la mort entre le capital et les travailleurs et travailleuses. Cette période de troubles à venir n’est pas sans rappeler le début du 20e siècle et son cycle de crise. Chaque variation quantitative du prolétariat amenait des attaques frontales du capitalisme auxquelles succédait inévitablement une radicalisation des syndicats, dont le membership était en explosion. Un superbe bouquin de Louis Adamic, relatant cette période, vient d’ailleurs d’être traduit en français.

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Hersey reduced immigrant workers to slavery

C’est l’histoire de 300 étudiants étrangers venus aux États-Unis dans le cadre d’un programme de travail-études et qui se voient engagés dans ce qu’ils décrivent comme du travail forcé à l’usine d’emballage Hersey de Palmyra, en Pennsylvanie. Les étudiants, originaires de l’Europe de l’est et de l’Asie, ont fait grève il y a deux semaines, après s’être fait ordonné de lever de lourdes boîtes, de travailler des quarts de huit heures de nuit, et avoir été forcés à rester debout de longues heures à emballer des friandises dans des chaînes de production extrêmement rapides. Des agences fédérales américaines ont ouvertes quatre enquêtes à ce sujet.

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