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Wobblies worldwide

The United States, in Canada, in Britain and the & rsquo; Ireland, through Norway, l & rsquo; Germany, Lithuania, l & rsquo; Austria, Switzerland, Greece, l & rsquo; Australia and China, the Industrial Workers of the World are more than ever this Union to & rsquo; globally. But what do our organizers and organizing our spread to the four winds? What are their plans? What are their struggles? C & rsquo; is to these questions that attempt somehow to meet this new column, which each month will put the spotlight on the activities of the Wobblies from around the world!

The 9 January 2016, the Committee of General Defense Local 14 Minneapolis joined the Quinn family, Native Lives Matter, Idle No More, AIM, Black lives matter and many & rsquo; others to go protest in the cold to demand justice for Phil Quinn, murdered by police in Minneapolis in December 2015. The green line of the subway system and the & rsquo; University Avenue were blocked while the shares of disturbances took place in a Target, Walmart and Food Club. (Industrial Workers Winter 2016) A month later the CDG Local 14 participating in a new share, this time for Jam12744270_1729009820645471_1093583573150809589_nar Clarck, also murdered by the Minneapolis police. The next day the CDG, the IWW African People's Caucus and members of the Minneapolis branch come together for a day of discussing and training, especially about the & rsquo; increased police violence.

The 28 January, Members of the Boston branch are presented for 4e both the District Court Quincy, in solidarity with the arrested locking the & rsquo; motorway 93 when Martin Luther King Day. Number & rsquo; them and they also attend weekly to tow days of fellow workers of the Museum Independent Security Union, which are imposed not possible following times to a hiring freeze.

From the first days of February, the Wobblies Pennsylvania participate in pickets to protect more 10 000 trees that threatens to cut to encourage the construction & rsquo; pipeline.

The 1is February Portland branch walks alongside workers at Portland State University Graduate Student Union as they publicize their campaign by dropping off their applications at the office of the president.

The 4 February the Wobblies of Greece participated in a general strike that paralyzed public transport, airplanes, the boats, taxis, schools and left that & rsquo; a living wage of employees in hospitals, all in order to counter the reforms of the old age pension.


The 15 February Branch and Washington 27 Feb. branch Whatcom-Skagit participate in blockades in solidarity with Familias Unidas por la Justicia farm workers union, which currently calls for a boycott of fruit Driscoll. Boycott that & rsquo; d & rsquo IWW accepted; endorse at its last international convention.

The same day, many prisoners gathered under the banner of the Free Movement Virginia, echoing the Alabama Free Movement, join IWWs to launch campaigns against the treatment of incarcéré.es workers.

The 17 February, Members of the Branch Milwaukee participate in a solidarity picket with enseignant.es Wisconsin.

The 18 February, branch Madison participates in widespread wildcat strike in & rsquo; State met tens of thousands of workers and immigrant.es workers in the streets to challenge a proposed anti-immigrant legislation. The same evening the Madison Infoshop (Industrial union 620 IWW ) Branch and Madison, in collaboration with the Lakeside Press Printing Coop (IWW) organizing a conference on the popular uprising that gripped in Wisconsin 2011.

The 19 February, le Irish Center for Histories of Labour and Class, located in Galway, Ireland, launched a call for contributions in order to draw a portrait of the legacy of the & rsquo; IWW in Ireland and in the diaspora Irish.

The 21 February, Pittsburgh Wobblies participating in Malcolm X Legacy Brunch accompanied by the New Afrikan Independence Party.

The 24 February took place a manifestation of 300 persons before the courts of London in solidarity with 13 militant.es environmentalists, including 4 Members of the & rsquo; IWW, arrêté.es for actions against the extension of the & rsquo; d & rsquo Airport, Heathrow.

The 25 February 2016, members of the Sister Workers Canvass Camelot Union celebrated the third anniversary of their union. The struggle of the SCCU not only represents the first strike organized by the Minneapolis branch, she is too, without a doubt, the longest that the Union has known since its revival in the early 2000, and allowed the creation of the North Country Food Alliance, a work cooperative democratically managed by a dozen Wobblies which redistributes organic food. (Industrial Workers Winter 2016)


Action redeems your payroll Wednesday 31 mars

This message is to invite you to participate in an action Pay your claims in solidarity with the workers of the company Over Christmas. The company manufactures the mega Christmas decorations that are found in various shopping centers during the holidays. This is particularly the ones who decorated the Complexe Desjardins, Place Ville-Marie and other prestigious locations in Montreal. Behind these decorations of the holiday season lies in working conditions that have nothing festive.

A dozen workers, incurred specifically for the busiest time of the holiday season, still await their pay three months after the end of their contract. Their former boss owes them amounts ranging from 200$ at 1000$. They tried several times to contact to demand what is due them . It has systematically ignored their calls.

This Wednesday, we will go directly to the office of this verreux boss in the company of these workers to demand he pays immediately the amount due to each of them. We need strong support to ensure the success of this action. That is why we invite you to point you there and circulate this appeal to your relevant contacts. He did not also simply draw. We demand that justice be done. Note that in the past, this type of direct action has been done repeatedly with a significant success rate when participation was massive. It is therefore an appointment



First victory for the IWW Montreal

PiquetThe Montreal chapter of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)recorded its first win against the boss Pizzédélic located on Notre Dame, in Old Montreal.

The Pizzédélic was recognized in the 1990s to be a little respectful workplace minimum labor standards, often paying its employees below the minimum wage, or refusing to pay the training of workers. It seems that their bad habits employers are not missing with the new millennium, since Pizzédélic in question systematically denies its employees to be paid overtime when they work more than 41 Maximum weekly hours defined as the law of labor standards.

Contacted by a worker of the place wanting to have his due, the IWW went to visit the restaurant for well let the boss he did not recover well.

About a dozen activists and activists came to a joyful noise inside the restaurant, and a picket line in front of the restaurant entrance. Several customers have chosen to turn back to show solidarity with our fellow cheated.

Using several delaying tactics to prevent our fellow have his due, among others by including two different employee numbers to prevent its accounting system to pay the additional rate, the boss even met its employees following the departure of our friend to try to make them sign a declaration in which they gave up in advance to get paid at the legal rate. Following our action, our comrade has been fully paid, and quickly.

Abuses of the kind are common in areas where the high turnover of labor prevent workers to organize themselves effectively against the bosses. Furthermore, in this time of economic crisis, it is clear that the working conditions and wages will suffer enormous pressure employers to be revised downwards, maintaining profit rates require a devaluation of the value of work.