
100th commemoration of the assassination of Joe Hill

The 19 November we commemorate the execution of Joe Hill, revolutionary activist, poet, songwriter, designer and wobbly frontline and early hours.

Joel Emma12244032_1940690409488398_764441386_nnuel Hägglund, said Joe Hill, born in Sweden on 7 October 1879. Dreaming of a better life, he joined the tens, even hundreds of thousands of immigrant-e-s European-do-s, mainly of Jewish origin, German, italone, Russian and Greek, who decided to leave the old continent to reach North America in the midst of the Industrial Revolution. Just like these, his dreams were faced with the harsh reality of the work day of 13 hours, the week of 6 days, the scam and theft of legal corporate wages and the racism of many Americans. Faced with this wage slavery, he chooses the life of "hobo", either work when necessary and enjoy life's little pleasures as much as possible, without worrying too much about tomorrow. Read more