Does Quebec is disgusted Trade Union? Response to Éric Duhaime

This text is a response to the editorial by Eric Duhaime “Disgusted Union


quossa women?

eric.grenier – 6 September 2011

The title of this anthological monologue by Yvon Deschamps could have just as easily styled the poll which colleague Duhaime shared (Disgusted with unions), in his column this morning at the Journal de Québec. First, for those who asked him the question in the comments section of his blog, the survey comes from an organization called Infotravail. As it is understood, InfoTravail is an employers' organization, whose mission is to sell the employers' point of view to workers. It’s not written like that in their mission statement, I agree with that, but OK, under the principle that it works like a duck, it flies like a duck, it lays like a duck, caquette "coin-coin" like a duck, and it flies like a duck, so it's just like a duck.

The poll, now (complete in pdf format). For Quebec results, you have to take them with some methodological tweezers. With only 250 respondents, that gives us a high margin of error (6 %). A good survey rather allows you to appreciate a margin of error of less than 3%. National results are closer to this target.

What does he tell us anyway, this poll? Canadians are sick of unions? Even more Quebecers? More than half of the two groups still believe the relevant unions: 52% for canadians, and 51% for Quebecers in particular (always with our methodological downside). The rating goes up to 68% among union members, and goes down to 44% among the "never unionized"

Also, near 55% respondents (unionized as non-unionized) say union has a positive impact on an innovative work environment (no matter what such an assertion may mean). Even more surprising, half believe that union presence even makes a business more competitive.

The question to 800 millions of dollars: if you were given a choice, would you be unionized? From 1001 respondents, unionized as non-unionized, 37% answer yes. Bad news for unions? Not at all! Car, in the poll, there are more people who express their wish to be unionized (37%), that there are some that they are for real (32%). This is due in particular to the fact that 21% non-union workers want to become one. Now, theoretically, unions have not yet filled up with members. Rest, it would be a disaster if a majority of workers wanted to unionize. It would mean that the Canadian social climate is on the brink of civil war, which would be very bad news. Fortunately, This is not the case, and what we learn from this result, the majority of non-unionized workers believe that they are being treated collectively by their employer, either be able to defend yourself alone if this is not the case.

otherwise, 63% of unionized workers believe union dues are well managed.

Also, poll shows Canadian workers overwhelmingly oppose union contributions to political parties and publicity campaigns against political party. Opposition is highest in Quebec (over 80%), and it's very natural: it has been prohibited by law since 1977! As for the participation in the public debate by the unions, near 60% respondents object. That said, in a society where freedom of expression prevails, it is up to the members of the organizations concerned to decide. It is up to them to assert their point of view within their union center. This is what I wrote a long time ago.

The question that InfoTravail avoided : are you favorable that your employer, or his employer association, contributes financially to political parties and advertising campaigns against a party?

For a summary of the survey, TVA News overview.

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