The assassins of a fellow worker Frank Teruggi sentenced in Chile

Frank Teruggi, a member of the Chicago IWW from Des Plaine, Illinois, has been kidnapped, tortured and murdered during the coup d & rsquo; military coup in Chile 1973. The 4 February 2015, two intelligence officers of the & rsquo; Chilean army were convicted for the murder of comrade Teruggi and d & rsquo; another American, Charles Horman. Brigadier General Pedro Espinoza received a seven-year sentence for the murder of two men. Rafael Gonzalez, who worked for the military intelligence of the Chilean air service as "civil agent against espionage", received a two year sentence for the murder of Horman only. Espinoza is currently already imprisoned for d & rsquo; other crimes against human rights. A third man was sentenced, the captain of the US Navy Ray Davis, head of the US military group in & rsquo; US Embassy in Santiago at the time of the coup d & rsquo; State, who died from. Teruggi, 24 ans et Horman, 31 years went to Chile to see and experience the new socialist government of President Salvador Allende. The Teruggi comrade participated in many demonstrations in Santiago following the failed military attempt 1973 which was called the "tanquetazo" or "Tancazo. "FBI documents show that the office & rsquo; had in & rsquo; s eye. They l & rsquo; had labeled as "subversive" because of his activities against the Vietnam War and its aid to deserters. The FBI file also contains his address in Santiago. Chilean soldiers l & rsquo; were later dragged out of his home when & rsquo; he was arrested. The trial judge Jorge Zepeda said the Horman murder and Teruggi were part of & rsquo; a "secret US operation picking d & rsquo; information conducted by the US military group in Chile about the political activities of American citizens in the United States and in Chile. » Sergio Corvalan, a human rights lawyer who works for the families of Horman and Teruggi on ca, told reporter Pascale Bonnefoy of New York Times that & rsquo; he felt that the judgment confirms that families have long believed - that Chilean military officers n & rsquo; would not act against them by themselves. They had to get the green light from US authorities.


Teruggi and Horman's families received
financial compensation. Under Chilean law, d & rsquo a process mandatory appeal must take place before any action is taken.

Jani Teruggi Page, sister of Frank Teruggi, told the Tico Times costaricain : « Joyce Horman [the widow of Charles Horman] and I have always a process of & rsquo; calls to make, which could last six months more. "Page said that & rsquo; it Horman and would like the US government investigation into these killings with more rigor. "We ask that the Navy, the department & rsquo; State and CIA are investigating the basis of & rsquo; information [in the judgment of Judge Zepeda] which points to the US authorities, especially Captain Ray Davis. "The information published by Peter Kornbluh in his book" The Pinochet case : revealed a folder on the & rsquo; atrocity and & rsquo; accountability "confirm that Frank and his roommate, David Hathaway, were abducted from their home in 21h 20 September, were interviewed at a Carabineros station nearby and were then taken to the National Stadium, who had become a holding tank, a torture cell and a site & rsquo; execution for thousands of & rsquo; & rsquo activists and; others who had simply been swept away by the madness of the coup d & rsquo; State. Hathaway survived the ordeal. The Chilean journalist Pacale Bonnefoy Miralles, which covered the Teruggi case for many years in his book Terrorism d & rsquo; State, quotes a Belgian named Andre Van Lancker, also tortured in the stadium. Van Lancker s & rsquo; was told by other prisoners that & rsquo; they saw Frank Teruggi during interrogation in the stadium. He was beaten and tortured with electric shocks, and then killed with a machine gun. The torturers realized they had gone "too far", She reported, and they were afraid of & rsquo; have trouble with the US government, so they let Frank's name off the list of prisoners. His body was later abandoned in the street, where it was discovered the next day, be the 21 September, all jute after 21h, and brought to mortuary. For days, Teruggi the family was not knowing what had happened to their son. Steve Brown, which covered the & rsquo; story in detail for the local newspaper of the Chicago suburbs, le Daily Herald, remembers & rsquo; have interviewed the father of Comrade Teruggi, Frank Teruggi senior, who was trying d & rsquo; more and d & rsquo; help the US government : "J & rsquo; was troubled that & rsquo; it n & rsquo; there is not more & rsquo; attention to it [by & rsquo; Nixon administration.] "It n & rsquo; yet would not have been a surprise, because just before the coup d & rsquo; State against the Allende government, the adviser for national security Henry Kissinger said, "I do not see why we should stand by and watch a country go communist due to the & rsquo; irresponsibility of its people. The stakes are far too important to leave Chilean voters decide for themselves. "The condemnation of this month followed a ruling in June by Judge Zepeda who said Teruggi and Horman, in separate incidents, were killed by Chilean military officers following the & rsquo; information that was afforded them by US intelligence agents in Chile. L & rsquo; Judge Zepeda investigation, that began in 2000, said the targeted killing were part of & rsquo; a "secret US operation picking d & rsquo; information conducted by the US MILGROUP in Chile about the political activities of American citizens in the United States and Chile. "A report published in September 2000 by the US intelligence community said that the CIA "actively supported the military junta following the overthrow of Allende. "But despite this admission, many of the details of the US role remains obscure. "After 14 years & rsquo; investigation, the Chilean courts have provided new details about how and why Charles Horman and Frank Teruggi were targeted and executed by forces of Pinochet. », A there Peter Kornbluh. "But forensic evidence and the verdict of the & rsquo; history are silent on the role of the US in the aftermath of the coup d & rsquo; military coup. "Kornbluh is a renowned analyst in national security archives, an institute of non-governmental and independent research and library located at the & rsquo; George Washington University in Washington, D.C.. which collected and analyzed documents about the US role in the coup d & rsquo; State in Chile since the 80. In June 2000, they published electronic documents ( about dead Teruggi and Horman These and d & rsquo; others were used as evidence in court Zepeda. In 2011, Zepeda, special judge & rsquo; Chilean investigation, condemned and tried to extradite & rsquo; former captain of the US Navy Roy Davis. It was later discovered that Davis had left the United States 2011 and lived secretly in Chile, where he died in & rsquo; age 88 years in a care center in April 2013, before being discovered by the authorities. His death leaves many questions unanswered.

The film Missing from 1982 gives a much more important role in the coup d & rsquo; State and suites that & rsquo; it n & rsquo; was known to the American public to Ray Davis (called "Captain Ray Tower" in the film) and d & rsquo; other US official. In an attempt to understand what had happened to his son, Frank Teruggi father was part of & rsquo; a delegation that went to Frank TeruggiChile 16 the 23 February 1974. The group, called the commission & rsquo; Chicago survey on the status of human rights in Chile, said in its report (who was quoted in the print and New York Review of Books the 30 May 1974) : "L & rsquo; Embassy of the United States seems to n & rsquo; have made no serious effort to protect American citizens present in Chile during and after the seizure of military power. "L & rsquo; importance of the judgment of Judge Zepeda, and the fact that & rsquo; he clearly condemned a US government representative for his involvement in the deaths, probably helped to advance the & rsquo; investigation, but the & rsquo; extent of & rsquo; US government involvement in these events will possibly forever unknown. After the sentences were announced in February, sister of Frank Teruggi, Janis Teruggi Page, told the journalist Pascale Bonnefoy in New York Times : « Frank, a young charitable and peaceful man, was the victim of & rsquo; a crime calculated by the & rsquo; Chilean army, but the question of the complicity of the United Kingdom remains unanswered. "Frank Randall Teruggi was buried in a cemetery in Des Plaines, Illinois. According to the papers of & rsquo; time, more than 100 friends and family members participated, and poet and exiled from & rsquo activist regretted; South Africa Dennis Brutus wrote this poem for the & rsquo; opportunity :

Pour Frank Teruggi For Frank Teruggi

A single rose, A simple rose
A single candle was single candle
A black coffin black coffin
Some mourners weeping A Few
sobs; weeping;
To the unsung hero for the unsung good
Who sings in the dark Who sing in the dark
Defying the Colonels Who defy the Colonels
Et qui sait and who know
A new world awakens. a new world stirs.

Article written by a fellow worker for Tuck & rsquo; d & rsquo edition; April 2015 de l’Industrial Worker. Considered & rsquo; one of the best text written by a member of the & rsquo; IWW, he was chosen by Working Writer & rsquo; s Contest to appear in Rebel Radical Works for Workers. Translated in February 2016 Fellow workers by Félix Vincent Ardea.

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