SITT-strike with the IWW in Maryland computer technologies!

Maryland computer technology Industry Workers launched a strike with the IWW and SITT-file multiple complaints of unfair practices !

FREDERICK, MD- Workers and True Technical Experts LLC of workers (TTX) a sub-controlactant Computer technology for major retailers, went on strike the 26 May asking stopping theft of their wages and harassment and that their union, Industrial Union of Workers and Workers – Industrial Workers of the World (SITT-IWW), be recognized. Workers have submitted a list of demands that include an adjustment of their salaries to the industrial standard, regular hours, and a formal promise from the owner of the company, David wars, that any form of harassment cease.. Workers and ISTC-IWW TTX workers went on strike twice in the last two months of unpaid wages, winner every time their wages in arrears and, although Gerlak refuses to recognize the union. A few minutes after being contacted by a representative of the IWW-SITT, Gerlak claimed to have laid off two strike employé.e.s, a clear violation of the Federal Labor Law.

TTX is a small subcontracturalant in computer technology where workers install wiring and computer equipment for the largest retailers in the country, as Target and CVS. As is often the case, their work is managed by a complex chain of contractants and subcontracturalants, thereby producing a “stroke downwards” (a situation characterized by a gradual decrease or deterioration of working standards) where the theft of wages and poor working conditions are common. For more than one year, workers and TTX workers secretly organizing to have stability and respect in addition to end to wages and working conditions in the industry standards.

user_photo-5747aa4942096We fatigué.e.s be utilisé.e.s like machines.” a dit Andrew K., construction technician TTX, “If David did not want to treat us like human beings, with respect and basic dignity, we will force him to do so. We are prepared to stay on strike as long as necessary.” This will not be the first time that major retailers will have problems with their subcontracturalants. After several years of demonstrations and strikes by the concierge centers workers based in Minneapolis, Target agreed to stipulate in its language ” lare cleaning companies with which it works can not interfere with the rights to organize workers, must obey the laws in regard to wages and working time and must create workplace safety committees.” Although currently there is no stipulation in their contract language toants, workers and TTX workers are confiant.e.s, with a little encouragement, Target could extend his ideals to include also.

Gerlak has repeatedly threatened to sack two members of the ISTC-IWW workers and even threatened to close shop in retaliation for union activity. The SITT-IWW Baltimore filed a complaint for unfair labor practices code in National Labor Relations Board ( the National Council of Labor Relations) TTX against illegal for these blatant threats.

Workers are asking their fans to support them and demonstrate their solidarity by donating to their strike fund :


Written by Benjamin Charles of Local Intersectoral (SLI) du SITT-IWW Baltimore. Translated, then corrected by Norman L. and fellow worker X377519 the SLI-SITT IWW Montreal.

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