Let's defend Trans youth!
The Industrial Union of Workers invites you to its contingent at the counter-demonstration in defense of trans youth, this Saturday, the 21 October. Hereby, we endorse the call of a coalition of groups to stop anti-trans hatred.
Pink Bloc / Montréal – Scott:The
600 rue Fullum (Quebec Ministry of Education)
21 October, from 10 o'clock
Context :
The 21 next October, an alliance made up of conservative religious groups and an assortment of individuals from reactionary and conspiracy circles are organizing a series of demonstrations in several Canadian cities against “the teaching of gender culture and sex transformation” (sic).
To Montreal, the organization is mainly carried out by “Together to protect our children”, a small group enjoying considerable reach within certain conservative Muslim community networks in the Montreal region. It was this group that organized the “1 Million March for Children” demonstration in downtown Montreal on 20 last September. Remember that this event succeeded in mobilizing several hundred people to demonstrate against education for inclusion and sexual and gender diversity in schools., under the dubious pretext of the primacy of “parental rights”.
Whatever the organizers say, these demonstrations are in fact part of an organized hateful backlash finding its origins in far-right and fundamentalist Christian movements in the United States. They directly threaten the fundamental rights of trans and non-binary people, and implicitly, the safety of LGBTQ+ communities as a whole. It specifically targets the right of trans and non-binary children and young people to better understand who they are and what their place is in the world.. Diversity and inclusion education is proven to save lives, and we cannot accept that these movements endanger the lives of young trans and non-binary people. All young people deserve safe school environments where they can thrive!
The 20 September, hundreds of people responded to the call to block transphobes, but unfortunately, these had also succeeded in mobilizing widely.
Event :
It is with this in mind that a coalition of trans and queer organizations and allied groups invites you to take to the streets, the 21 next October, to block the anti-trans demonstration of the group “Together to protect our children” and the so-called “ 1 Million March for Children».
Whether you are trans, whether your friends or children are or whether you are simply opposed to the ongoing offensive against trans youth and the community in general, we need you 21 October to counter-demonstrate!
We are preparing to face large numbers on the other side and we intend to face them for as long as it takes. If you can't be there at 10 a.m., come when you can! Follow P’s networks!nk Block to stay informed of the situation on the ground!
Allied groups and individuals are encouraged to come!
This time, we are ready!
Together, let’s block hatred and exclusion.
Watchwords :
No room for transphobia
No place for racism and Islamophobia
Our fight, it is that of trans liberation and youth liberation.
Against hatred, fascism and exclusion!
Let's defend Trans Youth!
Instructions and information :
- Wear the mask (as a safety measure — many anti-trans actors film their opponents fordoxxer). Don't let yourself be filmed!
- Don’t hesitate to come in a group, with friends or family! If you come alone, we encourage you to regroup on site.
- Bring your own water bottles!
- Food (vegan) and coffee will be served on site. Feel free to bring your own snacks!
- Provide a festive atmosphere!
- Allied groups and individuals, student associations and unions are strongly encouraged to come! We need support, more than ever.
- Do not hesitate to bring devices or instruments that make noise (speakers, drums)!
- Avoid talking to anti-trans actors. The dialogue necessary to deradicalize them can only take place elsewhere!
- Avoid talking to the police and the media.
- The expression of Islamophobic or xenophobic comments will not be tolerated.
If your organization would like to endorse this appeal, We invite you to inform us at : [email protected]
A call from :
- P!nk Block
- Antifascist Montreal
- Celeste Trianon
- Quebec against hatred
- First line
With the support of :
- Association of students of the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Quebec in Montreal (ADEESE-UQAM)
- General Student Association of Cégep du Vieux-Montréal (AGECVM)
- McGill RadLaw
- Lionel-Groulx CEGEP Student Association (AGEECLG)
- Bouffe against fascism / Food Against Fascism
- The Central Council of Metropolitan Montreal – CSN
- Faculty student association of political science and law (AFESPED-UQAM)
- LGBTQ+ space
- Collective Opposed to Police Brutality (COBP)
- The Uprising of Anti-Capitalist Mathematicians (SMAC)
- Montreal Independent Tenants Union / Montreal Autonomous Tenants Union (SLAM-MATU)
- Modular Student Association of Sexology at UQÀM (AEMS)
- Queer bodyworkers Mtl / Take a look:The
- The Insoumises
- Les Éditions du Remue-Ménage
- Eco-World Collective
- Against hatred and racism
- Climate Rage
- Convergence of Anticapitalist Struggles (CLAC- Montréal)
- ACT Montreal (LGBTQIA+ Action with Immigrants and Refugees)
- The Mauve Clinic
- Science for the People Canada
- The Cult of Skating
- the UdeM Alternative
- Centre for Gender Advocacy
- QPIRG Concordia
- Multi-Purpose Hepatitis C Help Center (CAPAHC)
- Association of Higher Cycles in Sociology of the University of Montreal (ACCSUM)
- Lesbian Solidarity Center
- Climate Justice Montreal / Climate Justice Montreal
- Table of Montreal Women’s Groups (TGFM)
- Faculty Student Association of Human Sciences of UQAM (AFESH-UQAM)
- The Koumbit Network
- Student Association in Anthropology of the University of Montreal (AÉAUM)
- Student Association of the Political Science Module (AÉMSP-UQAM)
- Concordia Fine Arts Student Alliance (PHASE)
- IWW – Montreal
- the union office of the IATSE local section 262
- Concordia Film Festival
- South Asian Diaspora Action Collective (SADAC)
- Café Aquin
- Alliance of Montreal Teachers
- Arts and Science Federation of Associations (ASFA) – Concordia
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