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IWW be unionized and be self-employed ...

I heard repeatedly questioning about the recruitment of workers or self-employed within the IWW and I would like to respond in part here.

From 1, the syndicates IWW everyone (except bosses among others), as the traveling-e-s, the prisoner-workers are or sex that are student or unemployed workers or does art gen social welfare or even anyone working in a particular industry. So why not also self. Those are, finally, the employee-s system also.

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Back to the introduction evening SITT-IWW

Thursday 25 August last held an introductory evening SITT-IWW Montreal local of the union 5323 rue Brébeuf, to Montreal. Twenty people were present, fifteen of which were not yet members of the organization and came to find out more, most either after we have seen in action (including the Old Port) or either after being attracted by es-es some of our comrades.

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The employé.es of Frite Alors Rachel unionize with the IWW

We handle the preparation, cooking and service. We take care of the household and security and whene something is not, we are the first and first concerné.es, and the first and first to respond.

We believe that this should give us the right to negotiate our working conditions and these conditions should include respect and a better life.

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Seven Myths about Canada Post

posted 30 June 2016 sure rankandfile.ca
Par Doug Nesbitt et And Blood (translated with the authors' permission)

Under the shade of a lock-out or a new strike at Canada Post, employers seeking again to undermine public confidence in the service of public positions by appealing to a disinformation campaign against Workers stations. Here are seven myths about Canada Post that you will hear repeated in newspapers and on TV, around the dining table or on your cigarette break, and politicians and bosses. A version of this document is available (in the original language) as a leaflet or poster. A good way to show your support.
postal-box-300x157 Read more

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Solidarity e-s-order of the Labour Act

In solidarity with those who have fought and still fighting against the Labour Act and "the world", the SITT-Montreal IWW organized a fundraiser to help the group Collective Defense (DefCol) from Paris, and offering supportt moral and financial arrêté.e.s to persons and / or incarcéré.e.s in connection with the movement that began this spring. This amount is of course symbolic, but it is an international solidarity must be maintained in order to fight the system that starves us and plunges us into poverty.

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I am a waitress, how the 15-5-7 it concerns me? And how to get there?

Since I have 14 years, I work in the restaurant industry. It means that since I 14 years I have seen all happening right colors and shit wages. But I was lucky, I started hostess and have always had a little tip. Arrival at the stage of the apartment, I was a waitress, which guaranteed me a comfortable financial cushion.

Last spring, while looking for a job, I have not managed to find one right away in the service and that is where I lived, or rather tried to live, minimum wage. I have not just theory behind the $ 15 / hr, but I have lived. It is not true that at 10,55 / h is able to pay his rent, eat well and move. The minimum wage to $ 15 / hr, it means stop asking if I have enough money to take the metro instead of walking 1 hour winter to -40 ° C. It also means that, for the parents, a job each to 40h / week could be enough.

We'll tell, I have 21 years, no children and no other responsibility to take care of myself. If in my situation it's difficult, I imagine even what is for my colleagues who have children.

As employee to tip what does that mean the $ 15 / hr ?

In the industry in which I work, there are two positions towards the minimum wage to $ 15 / hr. There are people for, often working in the kitchen and there we, the waitresses, frankly, unless you work in a snack, we find well above that with a tip. We see what is difficult to win with the $ 15 / hr, but what's to lose.

As waitress, is often touted the idea that the service is a bit like winning the lottery ; one makes the pallet. I believe almost even, at least that is so ingrained that I want to believe. But when I think, except the girls my age, often begin, women and men emancipated and affluent in their so paying job in the service, I have never seen. My first job was a great job : small upscale restaurant on the edge of Quebec, as waitresses with women in their forties amount and small items, people of 14 years, like me at the time. Worse I reminds me of those women, Angels, super nice, who are in the industry for their 14 years. Except that they are also women who have tall tales about the industry. Women who never had a leave of their lives, which is returned when they became pregnant, who have substance use problems, money problems over the head, healths problem, but no insurance, nothing, as peanuts.

Worse in my second job, we were all between 20 and 25 years. We had money to spend and four days 12 h file are easier to toffer with something in the body that fasting. That when you think, this is normal 20 years later in this industry, we had problems worse is that much poquées. The lottery service I really want to believe, because it meant that we are told that our job is not as bad as that of the cook. But if it's really worse than lotto to win we maganne, I do not see how the tip is worth the effort.

Worse and more what we forget is that it contributes to our pension, on unemployment, on vacation, $ 9.05 / hr. In the background we forget that in the moment, arriving by mass y, but as soon as one gets sick, our boss we have found quite cute, it closes or you want a holiday, we are left with peanuts and, all of a sudden, we arrive there could Pantoute.

And we will tell, tip I do is not just of my smile, often there is the "do my food was good" and "Is it took 1 hour or 20 minutes to receive my food ". Since that time 7 years I am in the industry and from 7 years I see waitresses and cooks fight on the pay issue. It would be so much healthier and just all that is $ 15 / hr and share tip. Not just that, the "I accept the malaisante familiarity customers" would become much less necessary, could breathe, and keep the same quality of life.

Why 5 weeks of paid vacation and 7 days of paid sick leave ?

The $ 15 / hr is really the checkmark when you have a salary of $ 10.55 / hr, it's just if we manage to believe. Except that 5 day week, 52 weeks a year, unless you have the chance to be there for over a year and hast 2 weeks less, it is just not healthy. What is it for $ 15 / hr when you can not blow ? Worse yet our boss them in offers holiday, on our backs. Because you will agree that if my boss made so much money, it's not because he works more than me, it is because he had the idea and resource to leave his company. The 5 week vacation, it is basically to go get our of as work force. We create profit, you can ask enjoy it too. It's that simple.

It makes 7 years I worked in catering, that means jsais not what's sick leave. Not only take leave because we are sick we often is a written warning or loss of employment, but it also means a day's pay and that loss, we can not afford it.

Worse actually, the majority of people will say it's ED-LASS-GUEU to know that the majority of restaurant employees are not leave when they gastro, because "hey, jla eat this food there myself !». Yes. It's disgusting, but the rent is not paid by himself, sorry. The 7 sick days paid leave is like 5 week vacation : it's a big minimum. And there is not demand that they be paid only if taken, non. It was requested that, taken or not, diseases leave is paid. It means : no apology from the boss on the fact that there was no doctor paper and no need for justification for the charge.

How it will be possible to get there ?

The 15-5-7, it is possible and it's a big minimum. More, the only way it happens permanently, is that is organized in our workplaces. When we see gains in elections, these gains are temporary if they decide to give, they may decide to remove. We saw often, as the Parti Québécois has long been put forward by the unions during elections. But in fact, this is the party that has the most special laws in place. The election rhetoric I can not believe, it makes 7 jvois years the world of my industry in shit and now am also jle, I think even less. The policy of the rich not for me, projects not concern me, mine is on my workplace and notes with my colleagues in opposition to the interests of our bosses.

Walking through the base and the self-organization of workplaces, creating a momentum. What is happening, it is a movement. When we organize our workplaces, we organized with our colleagues and our colleagues engage in the fight against their direct opponent : employers. What we want, it is not a few people who convince the masses. The problem with trying to "convince", is that another can also be done against you. What we want, is that it comes from us ; because when it comes from the base, from US, the gain is solid. When we fight for something, that wins, if it takes us, we react. When we feel that we gave, if you lose, we resign ourselves.

At the IWW is believed that this is the organization that can really win and overturn the balance of power. It is organized in our workplaces with our colleagues. In theory, it's really nice to say that it will happen through elections, but the real power is in our workplaces, worse my colleagues and I know better how bin into place a government or any other group speaking through his hat. At the IWW it works through the base. Basically, when my job is going to unionize, we will do it in our own terms, we will have our own demands and our means of action. Intersectoral Local shall have no right of decision, except if requested. If we want to go on strike, we will not. But if instead you want to go, watch out, there is someone who can stop us.

What we do, is to talk with our colleagues, because their problems, OUR problems, are what make it collects, worse that shows solidarity. I have a colleague that if you talk to him about your problems, she sympathize, but hell no it was not embark on something for you, Yes, that's the individualism. But when you ask what is wrong with job, she has a heavy heart and wants to fight for what the key if she knows she is not alone.

Never someone leading a campaign will be sent. À l’IWW on a la célèbre phrase «every worker’s an organizer». It's from all of us : any worker / any worker is an organizer / an organizer, it's not just a central committee, not a meeting, and if we want to organize it organizes itself and is. It is we who know best how it should be in our workplaces, not my boss, not my activist friend, we ; it is we who can make it possible, that change. What it does, to organize, is that we become more sure of ourselves, Taking the reins and it gives the taste of acting.

The 15-5-7 we will tell, it's a wicked good idea. Except that we will also tell, there is a beautiful pattern in some precarious industries that wants the opponent is not my boss, but my colleagues. Because the cook not strength enough to make beautiful plates worse than X has a pay section than me. Yes, we all made form a view of the "natural event" worse it looks like this. worse there, that, it blurs the cards, because for the 15-5-7 works, We have to be held elbows. Worse competition, it does the opposite.

Me, the only tactic I've seen work to secure my colleagues, it is the organization. Worse organization on issues that affected everyone, even my add managers. Worse from it are increased demands, worse ways to pressure. It's not true that from the beginning everyone will want the $ 15 / hr. But one point, when it's been months, see for years you fight against the same opponent with your colleagues, on the problems that have affected you in the beginning, bad times not, bad times worse just you not him, ben you come to ask why wages are not fairer. What makes all of a sudden, because he helped me when my boss was harassing, because I helped him when he needed up 50 cennes, etc., share my tip is really equally logical that initially.

And then we will tell, it's quite as reformist request. What is required is not the abolition of exploitation, nor the abolition of wage labor. It just requires a greater share of profits from our bosses and a better lifestyle. Except that somewhere, until arriving at the beautiful society projects we try to sell me bad left right, I would like it to pay my rent, I want it bad eating nothing but sandwiches that are free to my job. Pis in all this, wanting the $ 15 / hr worse vacation and sick leave pay, we fight. When we organize among workers, it creates a stronger class, it shows solidarity and reverses the balance of power.

as worker, I was taught to think it was impossible to change things unless I became manager. I was taught to criticize my colleagues who were not double and refer to my bosses if there was a problem on the floor. With the organization and the IWW, I started to see, is that the interests of my bosses do not have a workplace with internal cohesion. Competition between waitresses and rivalry kitchen Service is a good example of what serves employers. Divide and rule, does that remind you of something ? Well here's a good example !

By organizing and solidarizing our workplaces, can make possible this kind of gain. We can win what is asked. We empower and we understand that deserves more. By reversing the balance of power, a barrier is broken and comes closer to the abolition of the wage.


Speech Morgane Mary Parson, rerprésentante the SITT-IWW forum for Montreal 15-5-7, in February. Published for the first time in the edition of May 2016 Combat Trade Union.


Overview of Training Camp 2016

At the beginning of June held the second edition of the training camp of the IWW, bringing together members of the sections of Montreal, Québec and Sherbrooke. this camp, Events organized by the committee of the Montreal-Merchandise section, was to create a time for discussions and debates, as well as to network with other members and facilitate the integration of new and new. So, Friday through Sunday, fifty Wobblies are collected es are to attend workshops, discuss, exchange and have a good time around a campfire.


The first workshop of this training camp was a brief introduction to the "OT-101", or Organizer Training 101. We have discussed the outline of a union in a workplace as well as the steps to see to help us take more power over our workplaces.

A workshop on union renewal followed, where we could learn about the situation of trade unions today and the limitations of the current unionism. Indeed, the difficulty (even impossible) for workers to be heard and to be respected by their employers is acute in negotiations. Trade unions, as they are currently experiencing the, no longer able to match for special laws, lockouts and other tactics used by employers and the government to impose working conditions increasingly unsustainable. Change is needed, it is up to us to give birth!

Thereafter, a workshop presented by the union of workers and workers of the Community (SITT-IWW) has allowed us to better understand the specific characteristics of the sector and barriers to unionization in this environment. The classic definition of "worker" and "boss" is difficult to apply in a situation where the supervisor-e-s and even boards hold only a limited power. The e-s-employee of these organizations are torn-e-s between poor working conditions for sometimes ridiculous salaries and passion for their work, forcing somehow to accept a huge workload and a precarious. The situation is delicate and the workers can not survive at this rate forever; this workshop was therefore a good starting point for possibly lead us to reflect on the strategy to improve the working conditions of the employee-s Community, while respecting the specificities of that environment.

After a BBQ in the sun and parts of petanque and dodgeball, the Women's Committee of the Montreal chapter presented a workshop-discussion on sexism in the workplace. From scenarios, the workshop aimed to encourage e-s-participating propose solutions to everyday sexism that women face every day at work, as sexist remarks, Comments and catcalls from clients and colleagues, etc.

Finally, for the latter part of the afternoon, the participant-e-s were given the choice between 3 workshops : training of the Radio Committee, a discussion event in safety and a workshop on inclusiveness in the union. The one on the safety demonstration has resulted in excellent discussions, while allowing us to vent our experience in event and on elements that allow us to feel more confident during these events.

Regarding the formation of the Radio Committee, it was more of a presentation of the union radio show, Live Action, which is a morning show presented on Radio Downtown waves and dealing with different topics from different backgrounds workers. Making it a unique program in its kind is the fact that we give a voice to workers, to ensure they can present their work and reality ns also keep abreast of the various trade union struggles present in different workplaces.

and, the inclusiveness presented by the Anti-Oppression Committee also led to interesting discussions. First, over what inclusiveness in general, then it is in the union. The sense of ease, the possibility of full participation in the organization and instead can play popular education in the sense of inclusion or exclusion are the elements that have most stood. Ensuite, a very interesting discussion took place on the concept of oppression itself. She emphasized how this was a system: it's not because you do not feel the oppression that you do not suffered as much as it is not because you feel that you suffered in.

The day concluded with a splendid chili prepared by members of the Quebec section and great games of dodgeball.

Sunday :
Day Sunday began with a focus group on the various committees of the Quebec locals as well as their respective mandates. After a brief presentation of each committee, A little brainstorming on the internal restructuring of the union took place and we were able to see the strengths and weaknesses of the ISTC-IWW as it is currently.

Thereafter, around 11 a workshop on the history of the IWW and the One Big Union was presented to us by a fellow Quebec. He somehow we offered crash course history about the presence of the One Big Union in Canada and we presented the birth of revolutionary syndicalism and all, supported historical images on slides. After his presentation, there was a short period of questions to answer some questions of other comrades.

Following this historic workshop, we ate veggie wraps of pâté and various vegetables for dinner. After dinner, with all the comrades present-e-s, we held a round table at which we in turn talked about our impression on the training camp, but we also took the time to present our perspectives of struggle and also to talk about future actions that we would like to implement.

What can be learned from this end of the training week, is that, not only training is very relevant and allow everyone to talk and discuss topics with which they and they are not necessarily familiar, but above all it is a great opportunity to network with peers from other sections of Quebec, or members that we interact on occasion but that is not necessarily took time to sit down to discuss. This training camp was an opportunity because beyond training in day, the evening there u festive bonfires and festive evenings during which we all have and all them a chance to socialize and get to know them one-e-s other.

in short, it is an experience that every year is relevant and I would recommend to everyone, since it is also a great opportunity to ventilate his everyday stress.

by Florence, Felix and Valerie

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For the 15-5-7, not inevitable, we must organize and fight!

While it goes without saying that the movement for 15$ /h Quebec has not yet reached the stage of mobilization and visibility which was granted in the past year, he still managed to register as an integral part of the strategy of several community groups and union.

With his forum 15-5-7 organized in February, the Montreal local of the ISTC-IWW put his hands dirty by combining a hundred people goshawks of the speakers from various backgrounds. The 15 april 2016 marches were held in many Canadian cities. Taking this opportunity, Coalition met in February is called into action and regrouped at Jean-Talon metro to scroll the Plaza St. Hubert. Today, Quebec twenty unions, political and community support for the fight 15$ /h. We will take a few lines below to warmly greet some struggles led the field, either those of the orderlies, Union of employé.es Old Ports and McGill salarié.es.

The préposé.es to bENEFICIARIES whoident including health care, Mobility, to food and to the accompaniment of the sick or with disabilities (for example, in situations of aging and / or disability) earn on average 12,50$. The préposé.es are engagé.es by state, but also by private agencies and savings companies. The fight for increased floor salari13087421_1166449666712562_3629811911288487886_nale conducted by various union offices began there more than three years, but Pmakes an unprecedented scale, especially on the side of SQEES-FTQ is in renewal collective agreement. Since last fall, they and they took the opportunity also to multiply the actions of visibility such demonstrations and leafleting. Having early adopt a strike mandate affecting over 3000 members, the 10, 30 and 31 Last May were 42, then 38 private residences for seniors who were paralyzed. Or, it was no where a warning from the union. Warning that the government would had to listen, since an indefinite strike will occur at the 21 June in thirty residences.

On their side, the 300 Union members employé.es society of the Old Port (AFPC) are collective agreement renewal process since March 2016, but fighting for the $ 15 / hr since last fall. A petition was first launched their workplaces, followed by distribution of leaflets and pamphlets emphasizing the historical precedent and solidarity. The executive believes it has successfully reached 80% members and organized the action flash 28 January at an open day organized by their employers. The 27 May 1 strike was declared exerting economic pressure on their employers as the surrounding shops. from the very beginning, the Union of the company's employees from the Old Port is present in almost all events for $ 15 / hour, putting together at the forefront of their strategy.

15_and_fairFinally, it is under the banner of 15$ and fairness Mcgill eight Associatiounion ns, students and district gathered at the beginning of the year 2016 for wages and decent living conditions for salarié.es and subcontractors McGill. Although their first official action was to participate in the demonstration on 15 april, the militant.es chained several actions : a panel, an orientation day and video capsules to disseminate information.

These are just a few of many examples showing that for $ 15 / hour, 5 weeks off and 7 sick days, we can not let go to fatality, we must organize and fight!


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Towards the 15-5-7!

As at each yearIt ise, le 1er mai, Ironically at loccasion of the FwillInternational thee Workers, the provincial government will increase the minimum wage of a few meager pennies. UMBRELLA joy, wageIt is-e-s prIt iscaires, in some months, we bathe dIt issormais in lust with an hourly rate of 10,75$

this le, cm iswillBossant me in forty hours per week, And this, at lengthannIt ise, this wage setisre condemns us all to mwillme at live under the poverty lineIt is. Cis the order ofidIt ise that the Labor Standards Act, this legal tool for bosses, does not entitle that'at a meager two-week rIt ispit, anything that does not allow a breather. And the height, according to this theIt isgislation, if you have the misfortunehave the flu, a cold, homeworkmiss work, well, cEast at our fees.

And in a marre! Cis this It istat dmind that the Industrial Union of Workers and Workers (SITT-IWW) launches campaign 15-5-7. Our claim is simple : that anyone salariIt ise is entitled at 15$ of thehour, 5 week holiday and 7 journIt isIt is maladie (usedIt isor is not) payIt ises by annIt ise, quany sex, his nationalityIt is, the statusIt isgal, son âgive. Cis a minimum to live forIt isrecently.

We, the salaryIt is-e-s, nhave not at prove we bossons enough for crumbs, we are doing our part. Non. Able to accommodate, to eat, to rest, aspire at some comfort, take quality timeIt is with people thatWE love, do not willthree stressIt is End of Month, do not go to work when sick, cis a minimum which all and has the right. decidedly. And further, cis a measure that would restore power to women, which constitute the majorityIt is people living minimum wage.

Cis a campaign at long term as we enter, that we misNeros not alone-e-s, and that will not be won snapping fingers. Butexercise worthwhile, becauseis our solidarityIt is we will successfully defend. Cis the fight that we will win better living conditions. Cis struggling, in QCIt isant a force ratio, solidarity, in our workspaces, in our communityIt iss, we extirperons what is rightfully ours. and cis based, by us mwillmy, through our efforts togetherIt iss andorganization of our workplaces that we will take our hands of the bossesand, is 15$ of thehour, 5 week holiday and 7 journIt isis maladie payIt isis!

Towards the 15-5-7 with SITT-IWW!

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The organization of training 101: tools, practical solidarity!

The Training Organization 101 (FO101 or OT101 English) is a two-day activity to provide members and members of the ISTC-futur.es IWW skills in order to engage in the organization of their workplace. Driven by the will to make all the workers in their own right leaders in the construction of a new model of unionism linked to the struggle for the abolition of wage labor, the FO101 is recognized today as one of the main causes of the resurgence experienced by the Union for all and for all since the early 2000.

The 16 and 17 January, Montrealer of the Local IWW-organized its SITT 5e formation by combining 21 Wobblies from Montreal, Quebec and Drummondville. Today we present the testimony of two participants who wanted to share their experience.


Following my first time at the OT-101 IWW Montreal training, I would like to share my experience with others interested or reluctant to attend training. First, I am a member of the IWW division Quebec for only a few months, This does not prevent me from having the conviction that reform of powers must be made both in society and in the workplace. In fact, as soon as I knew the Union, I wanted to invest in me to share my ideas and ideals with people who have the same thought process as me.

So, when I arrived for training, I was warmly welcomed and severally by the members of Montreal. In terms of training, it allowed me to put words and processes the changes I want to make about me. I already had several ideas, but I did not know the steps to follow. I also had a conception of the Union which is clarified through my participation in this training. I came away equipped and boosted me to invest more. What I liked most of this training is not, however, the theoretical aspect, but the solidarity that follows. Knowing that I'm not alone, others are fighting with me for the common interests and shared, is the central element that made me grow up during this training.

Finally, thumbs up to the trainer and the trainer that without this training would clearly not be as interesting. I advise all people who have a desire to change things, but do not know where to start or who to turn to register and follow as soon as possible !!

-Gabrielle L.

It's been a little bit that I am carrying a red card. I take some work and I go to social activities of the union from time to time, but it's really the Organization Training 101 that made me fully understand what it was like to be a wobbly, what it meant to wear this little red card.

Many things I have learned over the years on the broad mobilization issues have suddenly been ordered and delivered in the context of the union. It allowed me to put a structure on things I had learned through practice as an activist and expand this knowledge and practices. We learned and practiced full of useful tips and tricks to organize. One could ask any questions we thought. People who gave training knew their subject, but also left room for group discussions. It was informative, participatory and it was very appropriate to have the chance to hear the other people attending the training talk about their experiences. It made me know the reality of many other sectors of the working world that I did not know and it gave us the chance to know us and us to work together.

The training helped me understand the organization of a workplace is a process that can start anytime, in any workplace and that even if the purpose is to have organizing committees of our workplaces, an essential part of the union is to build solidarity. Build solidarity is a major reason why I joined the union and find that any organization is based on solidarity, compared to what I experienced in other unions, it is exactly the look why I joined the IWW.

This training has given me the tools to make the union in any medium, at the same time it made me build relationships based on our experiences working with the FW who took the same time training me. It was an intense week end of practical learning which required a lot of concentration, but it was also a weekend exchange, emotions and laughter. I feel better equipped to organize myself with colleagues, but I also feel a lot better understand what it is like to be part of the IWW.



Practical tools to launch an assault of his workplace, access to diverse organizational experience and a front row seat for living and understanding the legendary Solidarity Wobblies, this is what offers the Organization of Training 101. A big thank you to all the men and women who were présent.es locally in January, and others, we'll see the 2 and 3 april next to the 6e edition!