Congress against austerity and toward the general strike on May 1 2015

Maintenant qu’on a un plan, il faut s’organiser!

Grève générale

Invitation à un congrès contre l’austérité et vers la grève générale le 1er mai 2015 the 15 and 16 novembre prochain au CAP St-Barnabé (1475 rue Bennett, Montréal).

Suite à l’appel lancé par l’IWW-Montréal cet été, plusieurs groupes communautaires, unions, associations étudiantes ou groupes d’affinités ont commencé à discuter et se positionner en vue d’une journée de grève générale contre l’austérité le 1er mai 2015. Il est maintenant temps de s’organiser et de faire en sorte que cette journée soit un succès. Read more

The wonderful world of workfare

We have all or almost all heard of the "Thirty Glorious Years" period in Western countries or the "Quiet Revolution" in Quebec which would have given birth to the welfare state.. This state which would offer providential aid through various social programs and direct aid in the most diverse forms of aid (free education, welfare, Health Insurance, unemployment insurance) to all citizens. This support made it possible to deliver workers from the ruthless realities of the market. Without questioning the established facts of these policies, in this article I will address the thorny question of what happened to these programs once the "Quiet Revolution" or the "Thirty Glorious Years" were over.. Formerly seen exclusively as an escape from poverty, social security programs have evolved into a formidable tool of discipline covered with a shining discourse of performance and cost reduction. Welcome to the wonderful world of workfare. Read more

Action disruption at Canada Post

Press release
For immediate release

Action disruption at Canada Post

Montréal, the 17 October 2014 – Ce matin, des usagers et usagères de la postes, des membres du Syndicat industriel des travailleurs et des travailleuses (IWW) Montréal ainsi que l‘OPDS ont perturbé le centre de tri de Postes Canada à Repentigny et ce, lors de la dernière journée de transition vers la distribution de courrier dans les boîtes communautaires. Cette action en solidarité avec les postiers et postières s’inscrit dans le mouvement de lutte aux mesures d’austérité et dans la campagne pour une journée de grève sociale le 1er mai 2015.

Indeed, les différentes compressions budgétaires du gouvernement auront un impact sur la qualité et l’accessibilité des services publics. So, it is the population that will suffer the effects and this, dans leur quotidien. L’abolition du service de livraison de la poste à domicile n’y fait pas exception puisque cela affectera l’accessibilité au courrier pour les personnes âgées, single parents, living with a disability, ayant des problèmes de vision, etc. Cela a donc des conséquences autant pour les travailleuses et travailleurs de la poste, since their jobs are now at stake, que pour les usagers et usagères. Ceux-ci et celles-ci ont donc tenu à démontrer leur solidarité et signifier leur colère face à la détérioration des services publics.

C’est dans ce contexte d’austérité que le Syndicat industriel des travailleurs et travailleuses Montréal lance un appel à la mobilisation pour une journée de grève générale nationale le 1er mai 2015. For more information, nous vous invitons à visiter le site web du syndicat.

Version PDF disponible right here.

Industrial Union of Workers (IWW) MONTRÉAL
CP 60124
Montréal, QC,
H2J 4E1
[email protected]

The boss of doctor

Medicine has, since antiquity, received these letters of nobility. The doctor or doctor, as a good doctor, must discover and use knowledge, whose sole objective is to cure his or her patient. This profession, in all its grandeur, seems to have only devolved for the good of humanity! Or, in modern times, the doctor is no longer just a healer, it is also a very important source of information about a person. This position therefore becomes very coveted when the information can serve economic issues.. In the case of Workers' Compensation and Illness, the diagnosis of the doctor can cause costs in compensation and prevention in the workplace which can be gigantic. The alternative to these costs for employers is to challenge the diagnoses by mobilizing these own doctors. This practice, widely spread, transforms each occupational health and safety problem into an expert fight. Read more

UPDATE Permanences – Office hours

La branche Montréalaise de l’IWW tiendra désormais des permanences à son local tous les mercredi de 18h à 20h, the 5323 rue Brébeuf (Laurier metro) au troisième étage. Notez que l’entrée au local se fait par l’escalier de service sur le côté de l’immeuble dans la ruelle.

From now on, the Montreal branch of the IWW will be having office hours every Wednesday from 6pm to 8pm, at 5323 Brébeuf (Laurier metro) on the 3rd floor. Please note that the entrance is located up the stairs on the side of the building.


For many years, we’ve been told to tighten our belts. We’ve been told that the government has to rescue the economy, that the holy debt must be reimbursed, and that austerity measures must be implemented at all costs. In this time, the only cuts they have implemented are those to our living conditions. While big corporations and the richest of society continue to increase their profits, we at the bottom of the social pyramid are finding it difficult to make ends meet. Our rents, our bills, and the price of goods continue to increase while our earnings stagnate, or even diminish.

Protest against employment insurance reform in Tracadie-Sheila (NB).

Protest against employment insurance reform in Tracadie-Sheila (NB).

Political parties seem to be competing in a game of who can gut or privatize the most social programs. We’re told that our wages and working conditions must be reduced in order to remain competitive at an international level; that we must absolutely exploit our natural resources, even if it destroys our environment, in order to create jobs to replace those that have been delocalized to countries where labor is worth 2$ an hour. But we never asked for capitalist globalization. These measures were put in place so that they could line their pockets with the profits. And now, after suffering their globalization, they ask – no – they demand of us that we foot the bill of their exploitation? No, thank you! Read more


Grève sociale

Since many years, we are told that we must tighten their belts, the government must save the economy, qu’il faut rembourser la sacro-sainte dette et qu’il nous faut absolument prendre des mesures d’austérité. During this time, it is in our living conditions they cut. While big companies and wealthy of our society are increasing their profits, we, au bas de la pyramide sociale, it was difficult to make ends meet. Nos loyers, nos paiements, les tarifs et le prix de la nourriture augmentent de plus en plus pendant que nos revenus stagnent, voire même régressent.

Les partis politiques se font la compétition pour savoir lequel coupera le plus dans les programmes sociaux ou en privatisera la plus grande partie. On nous dit qu’il faut baisser nos salaires et conditions de travail pour être compétitifs à l’international, que nous devons absolument exploiter nos ressources naturelles, quitte à détruire notre environnement, pour pouvoir créer de l’emploi parce que le secteur manufacturier est en train d’être délocalisé dans des pays où on paie la main-d’œuvre 2$ /h. However, nous n’avons jamais demandé à ce qu’ils mettent en place une mondialisation capitaliste. Ces mesures, c’est eux qui les ont instaurées parce qu’ils voulaient s’en mettre plein les poches. Leur mondialisation, nous n’avons fait que la subir et ils nous demandent, pardon, ils exigent maintenant que nous payions en plus la facture de leur exploitation? Non Merci! Read more

Calendar for the month of August 2014

– Sunday 03: 16h-Merch the Events Committee 5323 Brébeuf.
– Sunday 03: 18AM General Monthly Meeting at 5323 Brébeuf.
– Wednesday 06: 17Discutions pm on May 1 general strike 2015 the 5323 Brébeuf
– Saturday 09 : 13h Conference anarchosyndicalisme, 2035 Saint Laurent
– Sunday 10: 12h, Solidarity with Gaza Protest, New Square
– Thursday 21 : Opening of the Social Forum of Peoples in Ottawa (21-24/08)
– Mardi 27 : 19h-Solidarity Campaign Committee 5323 rue Brébeuf
– Saturday 30 : International Convention of the IWW in Chicago
– Sunday 31 : International Convention of the IWW in Chicago

*The monthly meeting is held every first Sunday of the month alternating 14h-18h 5325 rue Brébeuf (Laurier metro). The room is accessible by stairs on the right side of the 3rd floor building.
**The next meeting of the Community is given to 8 September.
***To come up : meet the communication-Translation Committee.

Secretariat-Treasury: [email protected]
Steering committee: [email protected]
Campaign-Solidarity Committee: [email protected]
Goods-Events Committee: [email protected]
Communication-Translation Committee: [email protected]
Reclaim your campaigns pay : [email protected]

August 9th at DIRA| Talk on anarchist economy, the 4 hour work-day and environmental struggles at the workplace by Jon Bekken


Conference by Jon Bekken
and launch of the summer edition 2014 from Anarcho-Syndicalist Review.
The conference will take place in English and will focus on anarchist economics, the reasons why we should demand the reduction of the working day to 4 time and environmental struggles in the workplace.

Saturday 9 August from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at DIRA, 2035 Ball. St. Lawrence
For more & rsquo; information, click here (anglais).


Talk by Jon Bekken
and Anarcho-Syndicalist Review Summer 2014 Edition launch
The talk will be about Anarchist Economy, the 4 hour work-day and Environmental struggles at the workplace.

Saturday August the 9th from 1pm to 3pm at DIRA, 2035 St-Laurent Blvd.
For more info, click here (english).

Support the Fairness Committee kinds of SITT-IWW

English version follows

Le Comité d’équité des genres

Le Comité d’équité des genres (CEG) du IWW a publié un article important dans la plus récente édition du Industrial Worker (#1767), en avance de la Convention générale du SITT-IWW de 2014. Dans cet article, le Comité encourage tous les membres du Syndicat à discuter en profondeur et de bien considérer quelles seront les personnes qu’ils et elles nomineront aux divers comités et à l’administration générale lors de la Convention. Plus spécifiquement, le Comité encourage toutes les branches à prendre en compte d’avance les nominations aux comités, afin d’éviter les délais récurrents au travail après élection, quand une section ou une autre oublie de le faire. Read more