
Steve Jobs: good riddance !


iPhone, iPad, youDie

Last year, a wave of suicides among Foxconn workers caused a scandal - before being buried under tons of sand and silence. In plants this Chinese multinational assembled iPad, iPhone and iPod. In reality, the dead began before, in 2007, and continued thereafter (the last suicide some dating back to May ; another worker died in July under suspicious circumstances). In total, twenty employees were killed. Investigations from various sources indicated among the likely causes the infernal work rates, the lack of human relationships within the plant and psychological pressure from management. Sometimes, it even went far beyond psychological pressure : the 26 July 2009, an employee of 25 year called Sun Danyong, jumped into the void after suffering a beating by company thugs team. Sun was suspected of having stolen or lost a prototype iPhone. What solutions adopted Foxconn to prevent such tragedies ? well, the factory has installed such "anti-suicide nets".

These scenes of the Apple world do not attract much attention, compared to the death of Steve Jobs muddy or pseudo-events such as the opening, in the central via Rizzoli Bologna, the largest Apple Store Italian. On this occasion, people spent the night in the street in order to enter the temple. Those know not the work marriage and dead upstream of the brand they worship. In capitalism, put the greatest possible distance between "upstream" and "downstream" is the quintessential ideological operation.

The subcontractor Apple claims that its employees commit suicide by greed


Foxcomm délocalise aussi une partie de la production au Vietnam ou à Taiwan.

À la réunion d’hier [8/6/2010] des actionnaires, Foxconn a révélé qu’il ne ne verserait plus d’indemnités aux familles des employés morts, afin de décourager les futurs suicides . Le PDG, Terry Gou, a exposé son raisonnement, donnant comme preuve le fait que l’argent — un montant quasiment équivalent à dix ans de salaire — était une motivation principale des suicides. Read more

Child labor, poisonings and suicides in series: Apple under fire

The famous Apple logo Apple company could well prove to be a poisoned fruit for working people who toil to produce goods at a discount Apple then sells at a high price. Child labor, suicides in series, starvation wages, miserable working conditions, industrial accidents and stocking workers, it seems that Steve Jobs, guru-president of the company, has built his fortune on the blood and sweat of workers.

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