Die slowly: burnout and mental health in the community

Although not speaking enough, the subject of burnout in the public health sector and social services and in education is known and minimally addressed by the unions of these environments. What is the current situation in the community?

working conditions that degrade

Sadly, the idealized vision that many people in our work is far from coinciding with reality. The findings are rather staggering : low wages, precarious working conditions (unpaid overtime, employment contracts of a few months, lack of insurance, absence of pension plans, etc.), high turnover, increased pressure from institutional network, permanent work overload, competition for funding exhausting ... The situation is not improving in a context where the government savagely cut in the social safety net. This is not to mention that a body can live different internal crises that undermine even benefit the work environment ; conflict with management, harassment, pressure of donors, etc.


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Organizer training 101 – Building an organizing committee!

(lower French translation)
October 8th and 9th. The training lasts 15 hours. Breakfast will be served at 8am and training will begin at 8:30 am on both days and end at 5pm. Lunch will also be served on both days! A suggested contribution of $20 will help to pay for the food.
This training will be in English. Whisper translation will not be available. We give priority to those who have mastered the language of the training session. Training will be offered in French later in the year.
This two day training aims to provide the necessary tools to organize a workplace via the establishment of an organizing committee, through direct action and trade union solidarity. A person who has completed this training will be able to organize a workplace by holding a union activity centered on empowering workers and fighting the obstacles they face, whether it be apathy, stress, anti-union activity or managerial.
You must register before October 3. It is crucial that individuals wishing to participate register. The number of participants is limited to 20 and members of the IWW-SITT will be prioritized.

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To kowtow to grants ... and forget the social struggle.

By opening my Facebook today I read a CEO(1) de Dunkin’ Donuts a qualifié de « scandaleux » (« outrageous ») claim the minimum wage 15$ Time campaign currently underway in the USA. This man, it was said, earns himself a little 4 889 $ /h!

Vous me direz qu’il ne faut pas croire tout ce qu’on lit sur Facebook. C’est vrai. Il demeure que, selon les chiffres cités par Jacques B. Gélinas dans son livre La globalisation du monde, publié chez Écosociété in 2000, les hauts cadres des multinationales gagnaient en moyenne 500 fois le salaire de leurs employés !

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Occupation of the World Trade Centre

PRESS RELEASE – For immediate release

labor Day? Workers do not have the heart to 14182325_10210450441843571_118274769_nParty!

Montréal, September 1 2016 - The Industrial Workers Union and Workers (SITT-IWW Montreal) this morning held a share of visibility at the Montreal World Trade Centre. While the office of the Ministry of the Economy, of Science and Innovation was busy, a banner was displayed in the main hall. The slogan? "Austerity and precariousness, not inevitable! We must fight and fight back ”.
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Back to the introduction evening SITT-IWW

Thursday 25 August last held an introductory evening SITT-IWW Montreal local of the union 5323 rue Brébeuf, to Montreal. Twenty people were present, fifteen of which were not yet members of the organization and came to find out more, most either after we have seen in action (including the Old Port) or either after being attracted by es-es some of our comrades.

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The employé.es of Frite Alors Rachel unionize with the IWW

We handle the preparation, cooking and service. We take care of the household and security and whene something is not, we are the first and first concerné.es, and the first and first to respond.

We believe that this should give us the right to negotiate our working conditions and these conditions should include respect and a better life.

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The 24 March, to Montreal, at the request of his lordship Coderre, l’Institut Douglas
et le YMCA orchestraient un dénombrement de la population itinérante de la métropole.

Not far from 1000 volunteers and employee-s-s-e mobilized in the streets, dans les centres
de jour, emergency accommodation, etc, to count the number of homeless people. Un genre de sondage des pauvres, quoi. Un projet comme un autre qui coûte cher cependant, malgré les bénévoles. But OK, whatever.


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Seven Myths about Canada Post

posted 30 June 2016 sure rankandfile.ca
Par Doug Nesbitt et And Blood (translated with the authors' permission)

Under the shade of a lock-out or a new strike at Canada Post, employers seeking again to undermine public confidence in the service of public positions by appealing to a disinformation campaign against Workers stations. Here are seven myths about Canada Post that you will hear repeated in newspapers and on TV, around the dining table or on your cigarette break, and politicians and bosses. A version of this document is available (in the original language) as a leaflet or poster. A good way to show your support.
postal-box-300x157 Read more

The struggle for popular education centers

Six popular education centers, is the popular education workshops Plateau, the popular education Carrefour Pointe Saint-Charles, educational and community center René-Goupil, the Education Committee adults in the Little Burgundy and St. Henri (CEDA), Social Committee and the South Central Community Education Pavilion Hochelaga-Maisonneuve, and two agencies (La Maison St-Charles and La Maison du Partage d'Youville), risk closing their doors at the end of their leases and seeing their funding decrease.
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successful strike in the IWW, TTX Maryland vire son patron!

Computer Technology Industry Workers of Maryland launched a strike with SITT-IWW and dismiss their boss!

FREDERICK, MD- Workers and True Technical Experts LLC of workers (TTX) subcontractor Computer technology for major retailers, could not know how far would take their adventure when the 26 May they entered once and for all on strike. Workers have so submitted a list of demands that includedtoent adjustment of wages to industry standard, regular hours, end harassment and wage theft and recognition of the IWW-SITT.

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