
Call for strike on May 1 2015

A specter is haunting Quebec. this spectrum, it is the general strike. Since that time 2012, our elites know that the working class, the students, and all those that injustice and repression are not indifferent yet, may take to the streets and impose their legitimacy facing the State. But despite this dread, the apostles of capitalism, and particularly his liberal vision, cannot help but wage an open war against everything that is not a commodity, against anything that is not financially valuable. From budget cuts to police over-arming, from our underpaid jobs to public insults against the poor and the exploited, everything leads us to believe that Quebec has been blighted by unbridled capitalism. This neo-liberal paradise, protected by the state and its henchmen, ruin our daily life and that of our loved ones, willfully tramples on the remnants of our freedom, spits in the faces of the most destitute and of a misery that he himself has engendered. We long ago stopped believing in the regulatory capacity of this system. By self-destructing, he will lead us all simultaneously in his wake. Every day we experience new reminders of this planned failure: environmental disasters, rising inequalities, deterioration of working conditions, institutional racism, systemic corruption of our political system, harassment of women in their workplaces or at university ... In general, these are all forms of dominations that are increasing dangerously, pushing the exploited and dominated of our society to their limits, to install our elites on a pedestal far too comfortable.

This is why we call the rebels to the insurgency. We hope this spring will see all the rabid ones, all those who dislike this system, in the streets and in action. Because apathy is not for us, we strongly believe in our common ability to create a better world. Beyond a simple one-off fight against austerity, we see in the distance the premises of a social war, including the strike of 2012 was just the beginning. Successive and repetitive governments, from right to left, have been trying for too long to impose on us their deadly conception of the economy, and more broadly from society. A single day of strike is not enough to roll back a government that protects the financial interests of the dominant. We believe that a global revolt of the whole of society must emerge this spring. This revolt must take place on the long term : in Quebec as in Europe, too many examples of recent social movements have proven the uselessness of ad hoc actions against governments now accustomed and prepared for social discontent.

Against capitalism and liberalism, we reaffirm our right to manage our own lives, whether or not it suits those who lead us. Our daily life is ours, our cities are ours. We firmly believe that capitalism must be banned from Quebec. For that, we will always show solidarity with those who fight, but forever unsympathetic in the eyes of the resigned and prostrate. We will be alongside workers and students in struggle, and we will oppose police brutality with proletarian solidarity. In the street, in the workplace and study, in our neighborhoods, we are here to support and help you.

Let’s not be afraid of our utopias.

Dare to fight to overthrow the established order.

Wobbly 101: Introduction to the SITT-IWW

It is the Organization Committee’s great pleasure to invite you to its Wobbly Training 101. It will take place on Wednesday the 11th of March at 6pm, at the SITT-IWW’s offices (located 5323 rue Brébeuf, 2nd floor).

This training is first and foremost open to members that have just joined the union, or whose signing occurred in the past few months. Its goal is to communicate basic information about the IWW in a few hours, in order that everyone have equal access and knowledge of our union.


The subjects discussed will concern:

– Goals and functioning of the IWW

– History of the IWW

– Local, national, and international structures of the IWW

Non-members who are seriously interested in joining are also welcome.

Facebook event:

For the One Big Union!

Wobbly 101 : Introduction au SITT-IWW

To read this in English, click here
It is with great pleasure that the Organizing Committee wishes to invite you to the IWW-Wobblie-101 Training. This will take place on Wednesday 11 mars, at 18 o'clock, at the SITT-IWW premises (5323 rue de Brébeuf, 2th floor).

This training is first open to members who have just joined the union or whose membership dates only a few months. Its objective is thus to communicate within a few hours the essential basic information on the IWW so that everyone has equal access to the knowledge of our union.


The elements addressed:

-Mission and function of SITT-IWW;
-History of the SITT-IWW;

-Structures locale, national and international du SITT-IWW.

Non-members who have a sustained interest in membership are also welcome..

For the union of all workers!

disturbance action Canada Post, 16 February

To read this text in English, click here.

This morning, Industrial Union of Workers – Montréal (IWW / HIS), the Union of Student Employees of UQAM, as well as users disrupted the Canada Post sorting center in Laval.
This action in solidarity with postal workers is part of the movement to fight austerity measures and the campaign for a day of social strike on May 1st. 2015.
Many workers are today faced with cuts : those in the health sector, municipal employees, the firefighters, les postier-you are, the students, private sector workers…
But everywhere resistance is organized. We will not let the different governments (whether conservative or liberal) and the employers impose their anti-social measures on us. Gone are the days when a minority is enriched on the back of a majority of increasingly poor.
Our unity gives us a radical response to the employer's side logic. It must go by amplifying.
The various government budget cuts will have an impact on services and the quality of public services. So, it is the population that will suffer the effects and this, in his daily life. The abolition of the home mail delivery service is no exception since this will affect accessibility for the elderly., single parents, living with a disability, etc.
This also has consequences for Canada Post workers., since their jobs are now at stake, only for users. We, we therefore wanted to demonstrate our solidarity and express our anger at the deterioration of public services.
Faced with employer measures: Union response : General strike!
It is in this context of austerity that the Industrial Union of Workers section of Montreal is launching a call for mobilization for a day of national general strike on May 1st. 2015.

Towards the strike May 1 2015!

To read this article in English, click here.

La lutte est déjà amorcée. Trade unions, les étudiant-e-s et les différents groupes sociaux sont sur un pied d’alerte. Ce printemps, nous aurons besoin d’être unis. La grève générale du 1er mai 2015 ne sera possible que si nous sommes solidaires les uns envers les autres.

Rappelons-nous que le code du travail limite le droit de grève et l’action syndicale dans le but de restreindre les effets des luttes de la classe ouvrière. Il oblige les patrons et les travailleurs et travailleuses à négocier «avec diligence et bonne foi», jusqu’à adoption d’une convention collective. Mais le patronat et l’État utilisent en tout temps les lois spéciales et les lock-out pour nous bâillonner. Mais bien sûr, cela n’est pas considéré comme des négociations de mauvaise foi

Ce même code du travail qui fait en sorte, qu’entre deux ententes, c’est la paix sociale. Pas de possibilité de grève, pas de possibilité de revendiquer. Les grèves politiques, les grèves dans les milieux de travail, ou même encore, les grèves de solidarité, sont interdites et lourdement sanctionnées. Et si le patronat consent à offrir quelques maigres concessions, c’est au prix du silence et de la soumission des salarié-e-s pour toute la durée de l’entente.

Il faut donc se réapproprier nos moyens de luttes afin de créer un rapport de force solide et ainsi obtenir ce qui nous revient. These laws, ces droits, qu’on semble vouloir nous donner, sont dûment réfléchis. C’est pour nous berner, c’est pour nous empêcher de nous solidariser, c’est pour nous empêcher de nous unir, c’est pour nous empêcher de lutter et de gagner!

Ne nous laissons pas dicter nos moyens de lutter par nos exploiteurs.

Soyons tous et toutes solidaires.