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Demonstration for trade union freedoms in Berlin

Image of the FAU demonstration 
*Demonstration for trade union rights in the award of 
Festival international du film de Berlin *

The 20 February 2010, 600 people marched through Berlin to support the
union freedoms in Germany. FAU Berlin called for demonstration
in response to a decision by a Berlin court which prohibits them from
appoint union.

This decision is the culmination of a conflict one year on conditions
Babylon Mitte cinema work, hosting the festival. 

Members of various social movements, ranging from antifascists
unionists left, were attached to manifestation. In his
address, Renate Hürtgen, committee for civil liberties, asserted
More than half of unions other European countries are
prohibited if German laws applied to them.

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Depression : 50% the poorest Americans are unemployed or under-employment

Counter Info

Le calcul des taux de chômage par tranche de revenu de la population effectué par le Centre d’Etude du Marché du Travail (CLMS) de l’université de Boston, révèle le caractère dramatique de la crise pour les plus défavorisés. Alors que le taux de chômage national avoisine les 10%, et a atteint en décembre 17% en incluant le sous emploi résultant des temps-partiels non choisis et des chômeurs non comptabilisés, pour les américains les plus pauvres, le total du chômage et du sous emploi dépasse les 50%.

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"Rebuilding Haiti" for its poverty wages

Bill Van Auken, WSWS

"Because it is a poor country and the labor market is relatively unregulated there, labor costs in Haiti are competitive with those in China, the country with which you have to compare yourself worldwide "

Government ministers, International Bankers and Humanitarian Organizations Gathered in Montreal Monday to Discuss Haiti's Reconstruction Plans, ravaged by an earthquake. At the heart of their proposals is the exploitation of Haitian workers at poverty wages.

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Rape and sexual harassment at work at Starbucks

In an interview with the American ABC television network, former Starbucks barista Kati Moore tells how she was sexually harassed and raped several times by her superior, Tim Horton (no link with the Canadian chain), when she held, at 16 years, his first job. When prosecutors in the state of California have been aware of the facts, they filed a complaint against the manager. But for reasons that are unknown, Starbucks leadership instead chose to defend his manager, paying his legal fees and Kati simply transferring to another branch. Despite the financial support of Starbucks, Tim Horton was found guilty and sentenced to prison.

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The Savior : Appalling Situation in the Export Processing Zones

Confédération syndicale internationale

Bruxelles, the 10 February 2010 : Une nouvelle enquête de la CSI sur les normes fondamentales du travail au Salvador révèle que bon nombre des 67 000 workers, principalement des femmes, employés dans les 15 zones franches industrielles du pays, sont victimes de traitements effroyables, allant des insultes et des menaces aux violences physiques et aux harcèlements sexuels. Il y règne en outre une politique manifestement antisyndicale et les travailleuses et travailleurs qui tentent d’adhérer ou de former une organisation syndicale sont renvoyés. Pour beaucoup, les conditions de travail dans les zones franches industrielles s’apparentent à du travail forcé.

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Shaking in Iran !

Iran in fight

Cocktails molotov contre les brutes du régime à Gonbad-e Qabus

Reprenant une dépêche de l’Iran News Agency, Persian2English indique qu’à Gonbad-e Qabus (ville d’un peu plus de 100 mille habitants, province du Golestan, au nord-est du pays, non loin de la Mer Caspienne et de la frontière avec le Turkménistan) la jeunesse affronte les forces répressives à coups de cocktails molotov.

Les rues de la ville était pleine de monde à l’occasion du 22 Bahman, et un jeune interrogé raconte : « Nous jetons des cocktails molotov, brisons les vitres et nous nous levons contre le gouvernement. Le régime a instauré la loi martiale et a très peur de nous ».

Affrontement avec les policiers au carré Sadeghie, à Téhéran

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The poor white and poor black are in the same boat

Anticapitalism egg racism ? One and the other, met many black American activists, in the years 1960, advocated class warfare rather than the alliance of blacks against whites.

A black American union. Philip Randolph was optimistic 1963 : "The protests of blacks are only the first tremors of the" subclass ". Blacks are in the street, but other unemployed, all races, will join them [1]. " It was not the case. Many black activists were nevertheless convinced that the fight antiracist had real meaning unless it was also anti-capitalist ; that blacks would only become free in the day that the operation would have disappeared.

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Haiti: a typical case of odious debt

Warning: IWWs do not necessarily share CADTM's perspective

Sophie perchellet, Third World Debt Cancellation Committee

Today, we are interested in Haiti. However, of all comments, none goes beyond the terrible earthquake. We are hastily reminded that it is one of the poorest countries on the planet but without explaining the causes.. We are led to believe that poverty and come like this, that it is an irremediable fact : "It is the curse that strikes".

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