Iran: Youth and working class facing a repressive regime

The workers' journal, via Iran in fight

A year ago the ruling faction kept itself in business thanks to rigged elections. From the Iranian people and their youth, despite a terrible repression, defied the regime by going out on the street, shouting at night on the roofs, going on strike.

The regime that combines all the flaws of a bureaucracy, of theocratism and capitalism has constantly lost ground through its corruption, its free-riding and inability to solve Iran's main problems. He held on by stepping into the cycle of violence against the Iranian people.

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Child labor and poor working conditions are the norm in the production of soccer balls

While cutting the Soccer World is in full swing, we went behind the scenes of this event, where usually lurk unscrupulous exploitation, cheap labor, repression, anything that shapes the true face of our global society.

Thirteen years after the solemn commitment of the industry and brands to end child labor in the stitching footballs, a new report released by the Clean Clothes Campaign stresses that child labor and poor working conditions remain the industry standard.

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The subcontractor Apple claims that its employees commit suicide by greed


Foxcomm délocalise aussi une partie de la production au Vietnam ou à Taiwan.

À la réunion d’hier [8/6/2010] des actionnaires, Foxconn a révélé qu’il ne ne verserait plus d’indemnités aux familles des employés morts, afin de décourager les futurs suicides . Le PDG, Terry Gou, a exposé son raisonnement, donnant comme preuve le fait que l’argent — un montant quasiment équivalent à dix ans de salaire — était une motivation principale des suicides. Read more


The Honda strike in China affects could be spreading


ZHONGSHAN Chine, 14 June (Reuters) – The social movement which affects a supplier of the Japanese group Honda (7267.T: Quoting) in China could extend to other companies in the Chinese manufacturing sector in which workers are demanding a better share of economic growth. Monday, around a hundred employees gathered at the Honda Lock factory, which produces locks for Honda in Zhongshan, affected by work stoppages since Wednesday.

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Child labor, poisonings and suicides in series: Apple under fire

The famous Apple logo Apple company could well prove to be a poisoned fruit for working people who toil to produce goods at a discount Apple then sells at a high price. Child labor, suicides in series, starvation wages, miserable working conditions, industrial accidents and stocking workers, it seems that Steve Jobs, guru-president of the company, has built his fortune on the blood and sweat of workers.

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Haiti and Santo Domingo : slaves to the island

Hundreds of thousands of Haitians are forced to cross the border to work in the Dominican Republic. Parked in plantations, they live without water, power, latrines, school and care.

This is one island, Hispaniola, but both countries, two different worlds, at sea Caribbean. Haiti and the Dominican Republic. poor country among the poorest in the world, Haiti pushes its inhabitants into exile, probably between 10 % and 15 % Population. Between 500 000 and a million Haitians live, illegal or not, Dominican Republic, who, beside, almost figure Eldorado. For one season or for life, they go to work in the Dominican fields, for 1 or 2 euros per day, more than they can hope to earn in their country devastated by years of economic and political crisis the ratio between the average income of a Haitian and that of a Dominican and 1 at 7.

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Greece: In a critical moment and asphyxiating

Courant Alternatif

Un premier bilan des camarades de TPTG [1]

Ce qui suit est un compte-rendu de la manifestation du 5 mai et du lendemain, ainsi que quelques réflexions générales sur la situation critique du mouvement en Grèce à l’heure actuelle En dépit d’avoir été placé dans une période de terrorisme financier aigu et prenant de l’ampleur jour après jours, avec les menaces constantes de la faillite de l’État et les appels à “faire des sacrifices”, la réponse du prolétariat à la veille du vote des nouvelles mesures d’austérité au Parlement grec a été impressionnante. Cela a probablement été la plus grande manifestation de travailleurs depuis la chute de la dictature, y compris celle de 2001 qui a conduit au retrait du projet de réforme des retraites. Nous estimons qu’il y avait plus de 200.000 manifestants dans le centre d’Athènes et environ 50.000 de plus dans le reste du pays.

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An NGO denounces the "sweatshops" of Microsoft in China

Original publication National Labor Committee, translationCounter Info

The National Labor Committee denounces the working conditions of the Chinese factory KYE which produces computer peripherals for Microsoft and several American brands. Students recruited by the factory work more than 80 hours per week for 37 euro cents an hour (0,5 dollar). The rates are such (130 mice per hour) that exhausted employees sometimes sleep at their workstation during breaks. The workers are accommodated in more than basic collective dormitories and do not have showers.

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Direct from the factory: testimony

Jean-Pierre Levaray, CQFD

«J’en ai marre du boulot et il y a même pas de plan de départ en préretraite de prévu. » Jean- Luke makes these remarks to two of his colleagues, sitting in the refectory in front of a cup of coffee. He has 53 years and we change his job again,after 33 ans de bons et loyaux services. Après avoir été pompier dans l’usine, une paralysie des tendons de la main droite l’a conduit à changer plusieurs fois d’affectations. Maintenant il est chef d’équipe aux expéditions d’engrais, c’est-à-dire qu’il bosse avec des intérimaires pour les chargements de sacs d’engrais. Depuis quelques semaines, une récente restructuration du service a entraîné pour Jean-Luc et trois de ses collègues un emploi plus polyvalent, avec apprentissage de nouvelles zones de travail et surtout taf de nuit une semaine sur trois, ce qu’il ne faisait plus depuis des années. C’est sans doute ce dernier point qui lui coûte le plus. Read more


structural adjustment: Icelanders have not said their last word…

Jérome Duval, Olivier Bonfond, CADTM

After plunging the peoples of the South in poverty in their countries into debt, the IMF (International Monetary Fund) is now tackling the European peoples, hit hard by the international capitalist crisis. The ratings agencies, tools at the service of the financial oligarchy, playing for their full part in the race to profitability in the debt market, not hesitating to financially punish the slightest misstep countries weakened by crisis. But Icelandic, imposing a referendum on an irresponsible and dangerous act, do not intend to submit as easily. The fight is certainly unbalanced, but it's not over ...

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