Shame on the syndicated-e-s participating in anti-union clip TARGET

[English here and here]

La compagnie américaine TARGET oblige ses employé-e-s à visionner un film anti-syndical des plus cheesy. Mais ce n’est pas toutce clip a été fait par des travailleurs-travailleuses syndiqué-e-s.

Appelez et écrivez au syndicat soncerné pour leur demander des excuses pour leur implication syndicale et pour défendre ces agissement odieux.

260 Madison Ave. ○ New York, NY 10016-2401 212-532-0800
5757 Wilshire Boulevard, 9th Fl. ○ Los Angeles CA 90036-0800 323-634-8100

Signez la pétition pour dénoncer ces scabs.

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1er May: See you in the combat union quota!

On the occasion of May 1, This year our banner will be deployed in downtown Montreal at 12 at the corner of Marie-Anne streets and Chapleau the quota “For a fighting trade unionism” launched by ASSÉ (Student Association for Trade Union Solidarity).

It will be as always contact us at the following number 514-268-3394.

The Wobblies who decide, on an individual basis to participate in the anti-capitalist demonstration organized by the Wrestling Convergeance Anti-Capitalists ( are of course free and welcome to join in at 14:30 contingent “For a migrant justice organized by Solidarity Across Borders, No One Is Illegal-Montreal, Dignidad Migrante, the es immigrant workers and workers Center & JOC-Montreal (Dignidad Migrante and Solidarity Across Borders are working groups GRIP-Concordia). In addition to this quota, this coalition for migrant justice organizing a march for "Status for All" which will take place on 28 May.

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Usine Servaas – a little-known workers' control experience

According to the Research Collective on Collective Autonomy (According to the Research Collective on Collective Autonomy), “According to the Research Collective on Collective Autonomy, [a] however [summer] According to the Research Collective on Collective Autonomy. According to the Research Collective on Collective Autonomy. According to the Research Collective on Collective Autonomy. According to the Research Collective on Collective Autonomy According to the Research Collective on Collective Autonomy”

According to the Research Collective on Collective Autonomy. According to the Research Collective on Collective Autonomy “According to the Research Collective on Collective Autonomy” According to the Research Collective on Collective Autonomy (2005) and the second is from the book “From combat to partnership” by Jean-Marc Piotte.


“Before the struggle of the workers, and this from 1972, the Uniroyal and Servaas factory in Ville d'Anjou was part of everything that has the most common in the context of a capitalist system ; work based on Taylorism and Fordism, therefore an extremely fragmented work, monotone, an authoritarian organization of work and thereby a division between workers. Moving from shop union to combat unionism, workers' struggle 1972 at 1985 led them towards self-management. By different actions (slowdown in the production line, sabotage, strike, occupations) workers not only control the organization of work, but the production floor belongs to them. Read more

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United States : experience against the IWW Starbucks

«How does one fan the flames of discontent and turn them into a perennial fire enough to resist union repression, the constant renewal of staff, and psychological own trade manipulation techniques ? The union has adopted an approach called “Solidarity unionism”.»

When driving along the major US cities, we cross countless neon signs to the glory of restaurant chains and supermarkets.

Throughout coast, McDonald's succeed Starbucks, successor to Burger King, which give way to Taco Bell, and even, and even, ad nauseam.

Lost in this fluorescent consumerism forest, the social revolution is probably the last thing that comes to mind. So much so that many activists, rejecting those companies that monopolize our landscapes, also exclude the radical potential of those who toil there. The conclusion is problematic : the revolution will not begin to Starbucks.

As a member of the Starbucks Workers Union [Starbucks Workers Union,] we believe that the need to organize in the workplace is greater than ever. Behind every brilliant logo dormant struggle. Since the mid 1970, the owners are on the offensive : they rouent strokes workers : inflation, repression of trade unions, relocations, industrial restructuring, and unraveling of what remains of social security. Read more

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Class struggle in Wisconsin

La ville de la solidarité
Elizabeth Schulte et Lee Sustar
(Translated by, et republié avec, l’accord de M. Bonhomme)

100 000 personnes du Wisconsin et d’ailleurs ont convergé à Madison samedi le 26 février pour une manifestation contre la loi du gouverneur républicain Scott Walker qui ferait disparaître les droits à la négociation collective des travailleurs du secteur public.
Dimanche soir [27 February], la police menaçait d’évacuer le bâtiment du Capitole [occupé depuis deux semaines par les travailleurs et les étudiants]. Mais les manifestants ont maintenu l’occupation grâce à des centaines de militants qui ont refusé de tenir compte des appels de certains leaders du mouvement d’abandonner. La police a renoncé à ses menaces d’arrestations.

Mais le gouverneur Walker a fait monter la pression en menaçant de mises à pied dès le premier mars si les Démocrates du Sénat ne revenaient pas au Wisconsin pour voter sur sa proposition. Quatorze sénateurs ont fui l’état plus tôt ce mois-ci empêchant un quorum permettant un vote.

La position pro-syndicale du syndicat de la police n’avait pas beaucoup d’importance le dimanche 27 février lorsque des centaines de flics se sont déployés pour tenter d’intimider les manifestants pour qu’ils abandonnent leur occupation. La menace d’arrestations massives a suscité des débats sur la façon — et même la pertinence — de maintenir l’occupation.

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What future for the Quebec labor movement?

A sociologist described in Frontenac Street the transformation of unionism in the last few decades in Quebec. He describes the transition from the Marxist offensives of the 1970s to the social democratic model(keynesien) opposed to neo-liberal economic measures. According to him, unionism today faces an impasse that also manifests itself in a disinterest of new generations of workers: “Witnesses to numerous strikes, the demands of which were unsuccessful and at the end of which the return to work was effected by concessions to the advantage of the employer, [young people] are less and less inclined to turn to unions.”

What future for unionism, for the labor movement in Quebec?

The Quebec union movement has greatly contributed to the advancement of democracy in Quebec society. He is one of
of the main craftsmen of the Quiet Revolution, which introduced Quebec into the rank of advanced capitalist societies. After one
in-depth questioning of the capitalist system, in the early 1970, he proposes a socialist society project as so-
alternative to capitalism. He virulently denounces the domination of imperialism and the role of the Quebec state in capitalist exploitation in Quebec. It conveys a radical speech of Marxist inspiration.

This ideological and strategic offensive has raised many debates and made the trade union movement a key player in the
major issues that shape and animate Quebec society. He decides on all the stands, putting forward claims-
union and extra-union cations.

A little history
Many events will change the course of things and push the trade union movement to review its discourse and its strategies.
Towards the years 1970, the predominantly american world economy goes into crisis, mainly with the oil shock. Firstly, the major industrialized countries seek to counter the crisis with a policy of monetary austerity. This proved to be ineffective in countering inflation and the worsening of the unemployment problem.

The crisis persists until the early years 1980. Growth is at a critical point, the economy is bogged down in stagnation.
The Keynesian model is no longer able to continue to ensure full employment through state intervention in the social and
the economy. He goes into crisis. This paves the way for the establishment of neoliberal recipes, to balance the market by
outside of direct state intervention in the economy and the social. Neoliberalism is expressed as an exit strategy from
crisis. At the ideological level, the collapse of the soviet empire strengthens the domination of neoliberal doctrine, on the plans so much
ideological and political than economic.

These realities force the trade union movement to question its project of socialist society and the ideological discourse which underlies it..

He detaches himself from the classic ideals of Marxism and espouses those of social democracy.

This new pragmatic orientation – that she seems to be – poses risks to union offensive. Social democracy is inspired by Keynesianism in the development of its social project. Now, the triumph of neoliberalism places social democracy in an uncomfortable position. Social Democrats, unable to redefine their discourse and offer a counterpart to neoliberal policies, choose the defensive path. They cannot offer any response to the crisis. Several social democratic governments use neo recipes- liberal as a way out, while holding a defensive speech.

The union movement is also falling back on the defensive : defense and job protection, defense of the achievements of the Quiet Revolution, refusal to admit that its dismantling has started a long time ago and that it is drawing to a close. We only have to look at government health policies, educational, pensions and public services. The trade union movement, all
like the other members of the family of social democracy, finds it difficult to redefine his discourse and rethink the state.

This defensive retreat is reinforced by the perverse effects of the expansion of globalization on the labor market, Development
subcontracting in all sectors of the economy and work and the outsourcing of work to the countries of the South by the industrialists-
high-tech sorting.

Generational shock
Furthermore, union movement faces generational shock. Less than 40 years consider themselves victims of the effects of good
labor conditions negotiated by unions to benefit baby boomers, who continue to work in the highest paying and most secure jobs, pendant qu’une majorité d’entre eux occupent des emplois précaires.

Témoins de nombreuses grèves dont les revendications n’aboutissent pas à grand-chose et au terme desquelles le retour au tra-
vail s’effectue par des concessions à l’avantage de l’employeur, ils sont de moins en moins enclins à se tourner vers les syndicats. Ces considérations témoignent de l’affaiblissement du mouvement syndical.

For the time being, celui-ci cherche à se mobiliser contre la montée de la droite au Québec. Cette initiative ne doit pas reposer sur des mots
épars, des formules creuses mais être guidée par un nouveau discours assorti d’un projet de société à proposer comme contrepartie aux
politiques néolibérales. In addition, il doit inclure des paramètres visant la prise en charge des revendications spécifiques des jeunes et établir des stratégies claires pour les faire aboutir.

Jean-Claude Roc
de sociologie
Université d’Ottawa


The SITT-IWW supports the BDS campaign in support of Palestinian rights-nes

December 2, 2010 – With this vote, SITT-IWW is the first union in the United States and the third in Canada to officially support the Palestinian call for boycotts, Divestments and Sanctions (BDS).


Read the original English press release
— Thanks to JPP for for French translation

Le SITT-IWW ( Industrial Union of Workers – Industrial Worders of the World – colloquially called Wobblies) officially voted to support the boycott movement, Divestments and Sanctions (BDS) in favor of Palestinian rights. The " resolution in support of Palestinian/Israeli workers » was adopted by an overwhelming majority by the IWW assembly in Minneapolis and by members by referendum. With this vote, SITT-IWW is the first union in the United States and the third in Canada to officially support the Palestinian call for boycotts, Divestments and Sanctions.

Inspired by the fight against apartheid in South Africa, the BDS movement calls for boycotts, divestments and sanctions against Israel until basic Palestinian rights are recognized. The BDS call is supported by a large part of Palestinian society, and in particular by the Palestinian unions.

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wildcat strike in Winnipeg


Spontaneous release day, done by 70 Workers Winnipeg positions against injuries caused by mechanization initiative, raises a wave of solidarity in the country and abroad. This wildcat strike (in this case means wild without legal framework) shows the strength that can spring from simple acts of direct action.

The release of 22 November is the latest twist of a conflict that already rotting for months. Canada Post has launched a restructuring pilot project last April in Winnipeg, the first site to test a modernization initiative nearly 2 billion. This should increase productivity and to save money at the Crown corporation when implanted across Canada.

But the management did not consult the workers before introducing the new system, now denounced because it causes injury and a huge family stress on the factors that have to work late into the night to finish their delivery route.

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Remuneration of state employees: The delay is accentuated

Via le SCFP

Selon l’Institut de la statistique du Québec (ISQ), le retard salarial des employés des réseaux de la santé et des services sociaux, de l’éducation et de la fonction publique s’est creusé davantage au cours de la dernière année. Pour la première fois, l’étude de l’ISQ montre que les salaires dans l’administration québécoise sont inférieurs à ceux de tous les autres secteurs, y compris dans les entreprises privées non syndiquées. Au chapitre de la rémunération globale, secteurs public et privé sont maintenant à parité complète : l’État québécois n’offre plus aucun incitatif aux salariés qui souhaitent y faire carrière. Dans toutes les catégories d’emplois, à l’exception des employés de service, l’État employeur est à la traîne. Dans le cas d’un ouvrier, travailler dans le secteur public veut dire accepter un salaire inférieur de quelque 31 %.

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