

(English below)

The Industrial Union of Workers and Workers, Montreal Local (SITT-IWW Montreal), in solidarity with the organizers of the against-G7, call to a union quota for demonstration Thursday 7 June 2018 next. It will take place at 18h at the Parc des Braves Quebec.
A marge you G7, we will go down to the streets to protest against this great world elite Masquerade. We will take the road again to say no ! No to global governance managed by seven puppets; Not the liberal bourgeois state that depends on the exploitation of the working class; Not the false state legitimacy reinforced by borders.

the G7, in general, represents everything for which the ISTC-IWW organizing and fighting. Justin Trudeau Donald Trump through all the other clowns in power that cooperate to facilitate the operation of the respective working class, the IWW will ally with anyone who is willing and ready to organize his workplace to undo the pay operating system on which we depend everyone.

Especially in a context of advanced capitalism, organize our workplace to improve our living conditions is more urgent than ever. Unionism is self defense : self-defense against the exploitation of bosses, against state armed arms against any systemic oppression that obeys the capitalist mode of production. The SITT-IWW wants to have a contingent of members present and present to bring to the forefront the importance of organizing. Under the banner of "One Big Union", under the banner of class solidarity, take the street. A united working class is a winning working class : Au G7!



The Solidarity Committee SITT-IWW Montreal.



The IWW Montreal, in solidarity with anti-G7 organizers, calls for a contingent to be present at anti-G7 protests in Quebec. From June 6th-9th, people will be present to collectively resist the G7 meeting taking place, where we will be able to say no! No to globalism, no to the liberal bourgeois system that relies on the exploitation of the working class world over, and no to the legitimacy of the states that these seven puppets enforce within the borders they govern.

The G7, as an organization, represents everything the IWW organizes and fights against. Whereas Donald Trump and Justin Trudeau will cooperate and collaborator to facilitate exploitation of their respective working classes, the IWW will cooperate with all whom are ready to organize workplaces to help dismantle the wage slavery system these nation states rely on. Especially in the context of late stage capitalism, organizing workplaces as an effective means to improving material conditions is as urgent as ever. Syndicalism is self-defence: self-defence from the boss’ exploitation, from the state’s paid thugs, and as a part of any systemic oppression wherein the capitalist mode of production is interwoven.

The IWW looks forward to having a contingent of members present to help discuss the importance of workplace organizing. Under the banner of one big union, under the banner of working class solidarity, a united working class is a winning working class. To G7!


In solidarity,

The Solidarity Committee of the Montreal IWW branch.

Canada-US border: Reactionary faced by activists, Workers

Saturday 19 May, more than 150 activists from the Montreal region are gathered es to the Canada-US border to both denounce racist factions are organizing an anti-immigration protest and to challenge the legitimacy of a militarized border, introduced by the colonialists bourgeois states of the so-called "North America". Mainly using the group's organization Solidarity Across Borders, activists boarded buses to downtown Montreal (a time distance from the border), while others have made-es at the project site in car, their own.


The context for irregular crossings

The border between the United States and Canada is an issue of utmost importance for activists in the region. In addition to the deep structural problems affecting the maintenance of borders in the colonialist states, Recent flaws in some state laws motivate more refugee-es to cross the border illegally, on one side or the other. A treaty signed between Canada and the US, called "The Agreement on the Safe Third Country", stipulations qu'un réfugié-and-and in a des deux pays ne peut pas faire une demande d'asile dans l'autre, since each of the two genocidal police bourgeois states consider that both are safe enough to decide the fate of the "poor people" of this world. The exception to this rule is the 'irregular crossing', where an applicant or applicant for asylum in one country or another may go to the other and thus be treated-e if he or she makes this journey through unofficial routes. for example, crossing the border as a refugee-e hoping to apply in Canada or the US, a person will be denied entry to the country if it comes to a customs post, but not if it passes by the many paths, forests and other entry points "unofficial". These laws, as they are, encourage migrants to cross "illegally", this should not be a surprise if several families, migrant-es, refugee-es, Workers across that way.


The reaction of the extreme right

Rather than denouncing the systemic problems at the source of the problem (the bombing and destruction of homes of people living in other countries, and the violent imposition of the capitalist system of exploitation that may well kill here), reactionary factions are trying to crack the company, with the implicit blessing of the elites, to divide and conquer the class of workers. These Canadian factions themselves into paramilitary fascist militias early 20th century (with a modern varnish) almost copied point by point the language and tactics of similar groups of the extreme right, the United States and elsewhere, many of which use a dehumanizing vocabulary to talk about refugee-es, children and families fleeing hostile situations in search of a better life. these splinter groups, especially as "Storm Alliance", "The Pack" and "III% ers", trying to gain legitimacy in civil society by posing as those who demand respect "law and order", among others that may affect the average person. In reality, not only their feeble attempts at civility and legitimacy are based on false premises, but increasingly these groups are filled with a multitude of reactionaries, fascists, neo-Nazis and other assorted members of the extreme right, which are mobilizing a takeover. Other border similar events in 2017 revealed the presence of prominent neo-Nazis and fascists in Montreal these factions, including Shawn Beauvais Macdonald, who was present in Charlottesville for the notorious neo-Nazi demonstration "Unite the Right" (it is not clear if this was the 19 May Lacolle), and was also recently exposed as a member of a neo-Nazi Discord Montreal Forum, under the pseudonym of "friendly fash".


The anti-racist position of the IWW

In solidarity with all the workers and all working, Members of the branches of Montreal and Quebec of the IWW were present Saturday at the border to the against-protest. The migrant and the scourge of the migrant worker is the scourge and the worker. Contrary to reports of false news, people who illegally cross the border not only work hard (it takes courage to cross half the planet with his family), but also their precarious position puts them in an extremely vulnerable position with regard to their jobs. The refugee-es-es are operated by business owners, that can the underpay and overwork as the threat of deportation is often enough to keep total control over them and they. The IWW denounces all forms of wage slavery, particularly with respect to the most vulnerable. The members of the IWW, either individually or by quota, will continue to work in solidarity with groups that are actively involved in the radical transformation of society and the abolition of the capitalist mode of production. Whether on the border issue, counter the anti-immigrant groups, or help workers of all backgrounds to organize their workplace, IWW stands in solidarity with groups and individuals who want to build a better world from the ashes of the old. An attack against a person is an attack against all and all!


The confrontation

Finally, paramilitary neofascist cosplayers were unable to get to their destination originally scheduled, Roxham the way, that connects the US and Canada and is quite popular among those who cross illegally. These activists and present the way Roxham held, in a relatively calm and festive atmosphere. At the official Lacolle by cons, reactionaries could provide a short presence. Despite a strong presence, activists were severely attacked by the state-are the agents of oppression. Highway 15 was seized and blocked by several activists to try to stem the motorcade of racist, or at least to prevent their access to the border as such. Sadly, riot police attacked anti-racist activists, stopping on the way a fellow worker and member of the IWW Montreal. After the activists were removed es Highway, a disturbing scene ensued. The racist convoy received first class treatment by the state with a police escort. Fortunately, comrade temperature brought predict, and almost in the space of an hour, the reactionary left their protest protected by police (also including the presence of Canadian neo-fascist commentator false, « Faith Goldy ») and regained the pathetic dark corners they currently occupy in society.

Motivated by the bourgeois media and literally protected by police, the far right takes advantage of the crisis of advanced capitalism to recruit new members. It is important that as radicals and radical militant activists, that as the working class and as members of the IWW, we mobilize in solidarity with other groups to say: «No Market! The solidarity of the workers broke boundaries and states! " Till next time, the struggle continues!


Solidarity forever,

Josip B.

Photo credit: a classmate

In english.

Demonstration of May 1 2018: record

There is exactly one week began the May 1st demonstration of the IWW in SITT-Parc-Extension. Once more, workers of Montreal where present at the rendezvous, to celebrate our solidarity and claim a better world.


A picnic provided by the wonderful activists of Bouffe against fascism allowed us to regale us before starting our walk. This is an opportunity for friendly moments and weaving links, essential to the solidarity that we so dear. Ensuite, it is the speech, given in a fighting spirit of unionism. The atmosphere is jovial and energetic, the demo will be strong and the street will be ours!


We walked the streets of Park Ex, the rhythm of "Refugees in! Racists out! "And" A! Anti! Anti-capitalist! "We also made a foray into TMR, especially to sing the Internationale. In my opinion, a very pleasant moment that put smiles on many lips. There was no confrontation with the police, not to my knowledge. The demonstration did not disperse. The struggle against capitalism will be done in other ways.


Manifesting 1 for the day of workers, it is fit in the history of anti-capitalism. We back again and again that "the working class and the employing class have nothing in common" *. The SITT-IWW claims the end of the economy in profits, the end of wage labor and the construction of a world able to meet the needs of everyone. Through our struggle, we "are laying the foundation of a new company within the same old" *.


The Solidarity trade union struggle is our tool. With events like the May 1, Wobblies say to workers: you're not alone-es! We share this indignation for bosses who exploit us, we share the desire to have a say in our work. We worry together against an unjust system, then together we demonstrate to its end. For this solidarity, we all learn and all each other. We move from indignation to action when we realize that together, we are strong and strong. The demonstration on May 1, I hope, we have helped achieve this.


The emergence of neo-Nazi on the roof of a building waving the flag of the swastika at the end of the demo has enraged us-es. With reason. Such provocation and incitement to hatred is unacceptable. The far right continues to be a threat to all workers. We must continue to fight to protect our colleagues and to end all forms of oppression. Waiting, le ITS-IWW continue the Scand, as the protestors May 1 at the sight of fascist: « A! Anti! antifascist! »


Solidarity forever,




* Extracts from the preamble to the constitution of the IWW

Photo credit: A. L.-V.


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One wall to witness harassment at work : Campaign Launch “Demands your respect!”

The 8 March, during the international day of struggle for women's rights, Industrial Union of Workers and Workers (SITT-IWW) was the demonstration against capitalism and patriarchy, organized by Women of Diverse Origins. Several hundred people gathered to protest against the impoverishment of women, against war and against sexual violence. On this occasion, the campaign "Reclaim your respect!"SITT-the IWW was launched!


Numerous testimonies

During the event “Women standing against capitalism and patriarchy!” the 8 mars 2018. Photo credit : Cedric Martin

To make visible everyday sexism and report harassment at work, women were asked to share their experience on plates that formed a collective fleeting wall. The testimonies of abuse and sexism were many, to the point where a rope had to be added. We should not have to endure comments like " You smile not? You have your period or what? "In our workplaces or" I hope you're not planning to have children, I want me to have to dealer with maternity leave ' in job interview. The difficulty in denouncing abuses and violence experienced at work is even greater for women without status of their extremely precarious and invisible status, as evidenced by the one of the suspended plates.


Harassment in the Workplace, it is racist, sexist, homophobic or a combination of oppression, should not be tolerated whatever its form : degrading comments, abuse of power, blackmail, termination, touching, etc. The campaign "Reclaim your respect!"Is there to counter all these forms of direct action and organization in the workplace. In the wake of the wave of recent months #MoiAussi, this campaign is more than necessary!


The feminist struggle will or will not!


The campaign Reclaim your respect :

And Reclaim your campaign pays! :

To join us : 438-345-5046 and [email protected]

musical suggestion :

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A 7 very busy in September!

This 7 September, history of thumbing its nose at employers, on the occasion of the "Day" of work, Montreal branch of the IWW held a colloquium under the theme "Make the fight ! ». Under a blazing sun and the watchful eye (read harassing) for SPVM patrol, a few tables occupied the Parc des Faubourgs and this, from noon. On schedule : music, food, workshops, info tables and merchandise, and to conclude, popular demonstration.
Read more

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Demonstration for trade union freedoms in Berlin

Image of the FAU demonstration 
*Demonstration for trade union rights in the award of 
Festival international du film de Berlin *

The 20 February 2010, 600 people marched through Berlin to support the
union freedoms in Germany. FAU Berlin called for demonstration
in response to a decision by a Berlin court which prohibits them from
appoint union.

This decision is the culmination of a conflict one year on conditions
Babylon Mitte cinema work, hosting the festival. 

Members of various social movements, ranging from antifascists
unionists left, were attached to manifestation. In his
address, Renate Hürtgen, committee for civil liberties, asserted
More than half of unions other European countries are
prohibited if German laws applied to them.

 Read more

First victory for the IWW Montreal

PiquetThe Montreal chapter of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)recorded its first win against the boss Pizzédélic located on Notre Dame, in Old Montreal.

The Pizzédélic was recognized in the 1990s to be a little respectful workplace minimum labor standards, often paying its employees below the minimum wage, or refusing to pay the training of workers. It seems that their bad habits employers are not missing with the new millennium, since Pizzédélic in question systematically denies its employees to be paid overtime when they work more than 41 Maximum weekly hours defined as the law of labor standards.

Contacted by a worker of the place wanting to have his due, the IWW went to visit the restaurant for well let the boss he did not recover well.

About a dozen activists and activists came to a joyful noise inside the restaurant, and a picket line in front of the restaurant entrance. Several customers have chosen to turn back to show solidarity with our fellow cheated.

Using several delaying tactics to prevent our fellow have his due, among others by including two different employee numbers to prevent its accounting system to pay the additional rate, the boss even met its employees following the departure of our friend to try to make them sign a declaration in which they gave up in advance to get paid at the legal rate. Following our action, our comrade has been fully paid, and quickly.

Abuses of the kind are common in areas where the high turnover of labor prevent workers to organize themselves effectively against the bosses. Furthermore, in this time of economic crisis, it is clear that the working conditions and wages will suffer enormous pressure employers to be revised downwards, maintaining profit rates require a devaluation of the value of work.