Why I manifest May 1?

Alain, retired Canada Post worker, former leader of the Union of Workers and Workers Post (sttp) and members of the IWW-SITT Montreal explains the reasons that lead him to protest next Monday for the international day of workers.

Every day he comes out of things, files, which are an insult to the working class. Corruption or what is happening now with Bombardier. The working class has reason to be tabarnak, it's them and they who snatched the most.

On May 1, it is important for me because this is the real celebration of Workers. Moreover it should be a holiday day!

Despite promises of a union renewal, for years and years, it turns around. The only possible avenue, one that would give us the balance of power, is to regain control of the working floor. It is the strength of the ISTC-IWW, the spirit of solidarity of the Wobblies.

Because the employers' strategy is to divide and conquer. Solidarity is in our DNA but it must be expressed at the base, daily on our workplaces.

The trade union confederations are able to do this job here, to return to the work floor and regain control. It became big machines, too heavy. It is made of unionism professionals so that they cost too much to mobilize the base truly.

The union members consider their organizations as an insurance company, and in fact these do almost more concerned that the legal component. Often it is long and discouraging grievance, then the base loses confidence in unions. After must be qualified, it's also good : the union members employees are still better working conditions. I believe that abolishing the labor movement would be dangerous. We must find a way to raise awareness among workers.

It is for these reasons that I like the slogan I saw our banner : «Workers in tabarnak!», it sums up what I think. There is pissed. Enough is enough!

Alain Duguay

Photo credit: The occupation of Frite Alors! by Rachel C.Martin

Protest action at the Bonaventure Hotel: maybe we did not have the $ 15 / hr, but it was the pool!

Saturday 22 April at 17h, the Wobblies decided it was their turn to enjoy the finer things in life, if only for a moment! A festive occupation of the heated pool located on the roof of the Hotel Hilton Bonaventure was organized by 25 IWW members SITT-Montreal. «We came to enjoy the good things of life and remind the bourgeoisie luxury and his largesse are possible through our work."Launches immediately present an activist on site. «AT 10 days from May 1, we also wanted to speak to the class of workers' it is time to take back power over our lives.», adds it to you.

The Cup is Full! The cost of living is rising constantly. Public services are cut everywhere. Welfare recipients suffer savage attacks. There is the threat of a reform of labor standards who would benefit the employers that awaits us. And to add insult to injury, while unions and community groups are calling for a minimum wage 15$ /h, the bosses and the state answer us : you hardly worth more 11,25$. As if that was not enough, the social climate deteriorates. Racist discourse have vast grandstands. They mistreat the difference. Hate crimes against women, the musulman.es and LGBTQIA community * multiply. We do not tolerate the spread of hate speech in the medias, workplaces and communities.

We call on workers and our allied groups to participate in our ras-le-bol. And it is in this light that we invite you officially to join us. Monday, May 1, from 14.30 to 16.30, we will offer a community food with music and speaking out in the Center-Sud neighborhood in Mederic Martin Park, then we will gather at the Frontenac metro at 17:00 to manifest to the city center! If today we visit the bourgeoisie where it is not out of envy or jealousy. This is because we want to remind him that we always find his way. Until the good things in life are shared equitably. Until classes are abolished. Until Workers take full advantage of the fruits of their labor until everyone has access to a heated pool in the middle of an enchanting park ! We want a rich life, not a rich life OF. See you on May 1

Let's get to work !

This text is a partial translation of the text "Let’s gand to work"Published on the Jacobeanfellow worker de l’IWW New-York, Erik Forman. Although it focuses on the labor movement in the US, it contains many lessons for the organization left by.

The «Salting» created the first ones movements workers US; ilwould resurrect today. -Forman achieved

The left has this long tradition consists in continually wonder " What make?». Since the day Lenyne posed this rhetorical question, it is central to all kinds of development theoretical and Dis calls to action social movements.

« What make ? "Travel and motion at movement, from crisis to crisis, and occasionally sheds light on les fundamental existential problems of the left. Following this tradition, the recent No. from AndCobin, «Rank and File», leaned on one of the most urgent issues the left contemporary: que made to resurrect the labor movement ?

Contributors and contributors have offered number of diagnoses and prescriptions. Charlie Post my l'The crucial role that the militant minority a played in the success of labor movements of the twentieth century ; Jane Mkalevey has called for all workers and all workers organize; Joe McCartin Urge trade unions has not miss the opportunity offered by the brief window between the decision Friedrichs and next attack on the right to collective agreement; et Sam Gindin at a "class left» as alternative to unionism social movement.

However, since the publication of these articles, the class crisis
Workers did qu'accentuée; right now controls all three branches of the federal government of the United States and the majority of States. Following Friedrichs, « Janus v. AFSCME », is now in the Supreme Court, threatening to decimate the sect unionsur audience through tous United States. The rumor of a national law union spreads.

So, déterminer "That make ?» only become more urgent. But there, there is a problem on this issue, evident even first level of grammar : "What to do ? "Commits the cardinal sin of every teacher-e write : The passive voice ! Who is the subject in this issue ? Who will do what must be done ?

The absence of an active subject is much greater thata simple grammatical problem; it represents THE problem of GAUChe working. The militant minority is small, seee nonexistent, and it is not clear whether who is supposed to rebuild. A wide gap exists between the intellectual left and the working class in which she discusses.

Sadly, lare voices from the working class are scarces through personalities that dominate currently the discourse of the left. Most of the theorist-not-s-s-e from the left write indeed according to one perspective intellectuelle held beyond the working class rather than working men and women who are the same heart.

The decisions-makers, in which related to work, are often in kilometers dBe on the terra firma. The result is that we hear a lot more often talk about unions organizing workplaces that circles job who organize a union. The workers therefore find themselves in a position of object rather than that of the subject in their own organizations.

This alienation is manifested bya multitude of manners : The workers do not participate/plus meetings, are not ready or motivated e-s-e-s to strike, accept in concession agreements, and, as the recent elections in the United States demonstrated, express support for an alarming level towards e-s-candidate of the right.

Liberal Labor cutinDoes that these problems can be solved by small adjustments : Social media, media coalitions with community groups, targeted campaigns on particular government measure, and other small actions which have as common point of do not fundamentally change the structure of trade unions. The present situation, however, shows that this approach "band-aid"Failed miserably reverse the decline of the labor movement.

Furthermore, even thoughi she could do, she would not go far enough. Lhas left workers should not try to save the existing institutions working, but transform and build new. Our goal should cause les workers lworkers are are the subject rather than the object of their own organizations - and history.

Our prescription for the revival of the labor movement requires a new grammar. Instead of asking "What make ? », we oforganise1vroins rather ask "What SHOULD I do ? »

It turns out that the right at least to half right :
nous we must stand up and find a job. Ensuite, we Devrions do what we tell the workers to constantly : Syndiquer our workplaces.

This tactic historically has a name. We call the «Salting», and she has been fundamental to
the establishment of the labor movement in the US.

Salt of the earth

The " Salting "Has deep roots in the labor movement and the left. this technique a portIt is more names : industrialization, industrial colonization, industrial concentration, or established, in France. Each terms means a more or less different application of the same idea : se have employed by a company for the sole purpose of organizing.

The Salting a frame and a supported all major upsurge of the labor movement of the twentieth century. In fact, there was a time when thishead approach was so fundamentally implanted in unionism she had not even name ; workers and workers guidedes by a radical ideology simply organizing their workplace, building the labor movement and everywhere they went they.

The Knights of Labor and the IWW were to their success to having attracted immigrant-e-s members and itinerant-e-s to radical politics then l’to bring with them in the factories. All these people were part ofu process salting and were organized, not just professional !

The IWW is well become a school for a generation of organizers and organizing, many of which joined other radical organizations and formed the CIO (Congress of Industrial Organizations) . Feeling the year of economic slumps 1920, these groups militants have kept living germ unionism radical, ready to s’hatch when the political climate the permettrbelonging to.

All famous general strikes 1934 - that of the teamsters de Minneapolis, that ofin Waterfront from San Francisco, and the Toledo Auto-Lite - Could take place through years of hard work of organization de based workplaces made by radical cells from male and female workers an array ofSocialist organizations.

These massive strikes catalyzed by militant minority They led at institutionalization workers movements portion of the National Labor Relation Act in 1935. Ironically, this institutionalization created contradictions which enabled a new wave of organization by the base decades later.

When the militant minority reappeared to the late 1960 eDoes early 1970, they and they had do not face juste employers, but also to unions were accustomed to act in partnership with companies rather than fight.

As the actions of the end of 19e century and early 20e century, the wave of strikes wild of the late 1960 and early 1970 began when workers brought theirs beliefs policies radicals at work. This time, there was no e-s-immigrant anarchists or socialist, but of activist-e-s for the rights of black-e-s, Student-e-s révolutionnaires and veterans freshly Income War Vietnam.

Especially in Detroit, deliberate organization which allowed spontaneous radicalization massive. Begun by student-e-s and radical workers deeply rootedes in the black working class of the city, the League of Revolutionary Black Workers (LRBW), s’East organisIt is against racist hierarchy at work, in the highest levels of United Automobile Workers (UAW) but also in society as a whole.

While the city was still steaming from the great rebellion 1967 - A revolt of workers who a necessity 17 000 soldiers and 155,576 M1 ammunition cartridges repress - the LRBW has adopted as revolutionary strategy dActivate power of the working class noire at the heart of American industrial capitalism. The Saltingbecame soon a key weapon in its arsenal.

General Baker, one of the main activists of the organization, s'East so find a job in the main factory Dodge and sest mys to organize. The 2 May 1968, his work wore fruit : a strike wild four thousand employee-s did close the plant in response toof the racist layoffs. The company countered with more racism ; Baker and twelve others workers lost their jobs for organizing this strike.

The automotive industry tried from to put Baker blacklisted and UAW has refused to defend the, him as colleagues. The used then a pseudomous to be employed at the plant Ford Rouge (the largest plant in the world at that time) and a quickly become President of the Local UAW.

The League wente forward to organize workers in the factories, hospitals, a UPS distribution center, the Detroit News, and throughout the city. She planned wildcat strikes, challenged the UAW for its anti-democratic and racist practices, protested against police brutality, obtained a exoneration for a worker who had killed two foremen, has arrived to dissolve a gang unit of racist police, built a bridge with the class average and Local white working through a book club was very popular, created a publishing house, a library, a printing shop and produced a documentary about his work.

This whole series of successes has been possible thanks to the complementary relationship between the radical and the radicals who found-e-s work in order to organize it and those who organized their workplace after make radicalize - whether on the street or at work. the achievements the LRBW, followed by a wave of wildcat strikes in the early 70 and the perception that social movements years 60 had reached their limits, has inspired a generation of radicals and radical to turn to the working class.

**A text imposing section has been removed here. However, you can view the full in its original English version right here, from the subtitle The Turn to the Working Class.


A Working class hero is something to be..

Since the election of Donald Trump, thousands of people in the United States have rushed to the left in response to the organizations reality dystopienne in which this country is sinking. These persons rush by asking "that two-I do ? »

Anti movement Trump quickly got to the direct action of economic disruption : A women's march, a taxi strike, a strike bodegas (grocery stores newYork), strike-surprise of the high-tech sector, and now calls for general strike. This can only happen, however, without a massive organization sector from production. To climb the ladder to victory, it is necessary bring our political work.

Turning back to their work environment is the logical step for all the people who have turned to the socialism during the past year. Theeverything offers a significant gateway and accessible to militancy, because most of usWHERE MEMBER sell our labor power to live. It is mainly theis millénaux who face a historic decline in mobility social. Although we did not sought to class struggle, class struggle came search for US.

The Salting may cause eliminate gap between the intellectual left and the working class from meeting directlyr the workers and where they are : au work. Contrary to the factJoin a traditional union, to find a job in a non-agency governmental, to take time out of our work to campaign, or at undertake higher studies, the organization of workplaces is immediately accessible to all people of the working class and does not require money d’a bureaucracy that could also be recovered against us or dissolved in a few years.

While encouraging the severything should be the least of it for any union, the current generation of union leaders may not be keen to opt for this strategy, mostly because the Republican Congress is already trying to ensure that this practice becomes illegal.

The workers left will lead the fight. We should coordinate our actions to focus on employers and key sectors are acquire jobs would build our movement, ideally in positions that minimize the distance between the organizers and the people who are organizing. Or soyons of hero of the working class and we find jobs in sectors or our actions PourronDoes having a disproportionate impact as that of the logistics.

If this happens, a large-scale shift to practice Salting could transform the labor movement and the left by putting the working class at the center. Theeverything is the strategy by which the radical working class took shape and could well be that by which she will be reborn.

We say to men and women workers to organize for decades. It is now time that the workers left to put into practice his own advice. We know what needs to be done : tRouvez you employment and let's get to work.

Erik Forman

Solidarity leads to victory in a 3D animation studio in Montreal!

Warning, this will not be a heroic camaraderie story, courage or uphill battle, but an organizing campaign that proved effective.

Employment: I work in 3D animation for a big studio with a French department 16 employé.es in Montreal.

Conditions : The working atmosphere was more horrible. Compared to other studios in Montreal area, we just ask. During one of the worst meetings, where our access to music was mentioned as a privilege, already we had no internet access. A colleague mentioned the possibility of forming a committee, gently in the din of everyone chialaient as usual. It was jump at the chance, show colleagues that their mere criticism changerats nothing.

requests: wage adjustment, paid trips 50%, ergonomic equipment for everyone, best coffee maker with organic coffee, Organic fruit basket available for all workers and all workers , Adding a time type of socialization " 5 at 7 "Fridays with beer provided, social events in the workplace whose costs are borne by the bosses, Access to conferences to perfect, Drawing lesson, water fountain, insurance at the same cost for everyone, regardless of family status, access to Wi-Fi and introduction of a workstation with internet, and finally, promote buying local and organic products.

Method: simply by asking the whole! Following discussions and a meeting to share suggestions employés.es, We sent an email to our bosses in France posing a complete list of our demands to improve the working environment. previously, our requests were always made individually and kept being systematically denied. A request on behalf of the Power Workers Committee has demonstrated the collective desire for change and the owners accepted all. This has us all surpris.es, especially since the organizing campaign lasted only one month!

Solidarity makes us more fort.es!



Employment agencies, cheap labor and misery.

As part of the organized eventIt isBy theAssociation of Workers ofplacement agencies (ATTAP), a member of the IWW MontrIt isto a pris la parole, here is thathe had at say.

Hello at everyone, I am a member of the Industrial Workers Union and Workers, the IWW MontrIt isal. We are here aujourdhui in solidaritIt is with workers ofplacement agency. We are here to support, as workers, and to It isfor at their claims!

Before you talk about their claims, jloves like to sharea RIt isreflection on placement agencies. The leaflet of theATTAP, inviting us aujourdhui, said the following : « Lare not created employment agenciesIt isent of notemployment, they prIt iscarisent jobs that exist toIt isjat. » Cis right, for dIt isjat workedIt is in an employment agency when I arrivedIt is in QuIt isbec, jhave been findingis at How could we enjoy. Car on born va pas se lecacher, in Lplacement agency oÙ j'It issuch, BIt isdart resource for not naming them, when I mthere rendais morning, j'It isshut the only white. Employment agencies, cis the last resort for newcomers, often the most prIt isCaires and moreIt isprovided. I jI was lucky, ça nno hardIt is long before I found a permanent employment, payIt is the course minimum wage.

I'll tell you a little anecdote mhas arrivedIt ise a journIt ise in an employment agency. I lisve in the morning at 5h15 to get theatlow at 6H15, because cEast at lacross the city It isVidement. Jexpect thaton mcall. 7h00. 8H00. 8H15 and finally we got into a van. DIt isshare with 5 other guys, all immigrants, for a plant in the depths ofOuest de l’îthe.

We arrive around 9am
00, we enter the rest room ofplant and foremanîbe coming to us. He says at notre dispatcher : « DIt issolIt is, jhad askedIt is women. » We go in the van, back to


lagency, say nothing. Back at lagency, the Nthere is nothinganother for me aujourdhui. Cis my Premiisre journIt ise working with BIt isdard, then as is the risgle, I do not payIt is to dIt isplacement. a journIt ise loste!

What strikes me in placement agencies, cdothey sell : of the labor’œout. They produce nothing. their merchandise, their matiisking awardsisre cis us. And I trade in the hand’œout good-marchIt is, EcoRVIt isable at thank you, ça reminder to methe lslavery. Of themodern slavery of courseandr, framedIt is by the law. Cis for çthat hasis joined at lAttap aujourdhui to ask, again, labolition of this slavery ofIt isguisIt is and we demand, diss now :

1) A minimum wage at 15$ of thehour, And this, NOW, not in 2022. Those who tell usor wait'Patients can be can-willbe afford, not us!

2) The co-responsibilityIt is customers-employers and placement agencies in the rights of workers'.

3) Hiring ADiss three months of work for the mwillme employeur.

4) Salary It isgal for work It isgal, no matter whether the person is employeeIt isan agency or directly fromemployer.

These claims must willbe appliedIt isare now!

a finalisre thing saddress at some unions. It is themodern slavery still exists, arrwillcomplexion nIt isnegotiate with our myîthree. Arrwillcomplexion nIt isnegotiate what should willbe the length of our stringîbecause. Take to the streets. No more parades. Come help us at brewing cage le 1er Mai!

Secrets of a Successful Organizer, the perfect guide to the organizer and union organizer!

Unable to speak Secret of a Succesful Organizer without first mentioning Labor Notes, the organization that issued. Labor Notes is a movement that, since 1979, gathers militant.e.s union, in order to recover the "movement" in "labor movement". Publishing various books and organizing conferences and trainings aimed at renewing trade unionism by a practice-oriented " rank and file ». Found elsewhere all their books in section on the origins of the Solidarity trade union on the site of theIWW.

Secret of a Succesfull Organizer is also the youngest of Labor Notes. It aims to create a synthesis of previous books and manuals. While making 265 pages, a significant proportion of the artPace is devoted to images or left "empty" between two lessons to separate the ideas and thus easier to read.

It's made of 47 « secrets "Divided into 8 major "lessons". The formula is clear : the " secret "A page to a page and a half, then an example from a fight over a page or two and finally one year. Exercise can include reminders, questions or activity, as a questionnaire or a paper helping us to make a social or physical mapping notre workplace e.g..

Lance yourself in this passage Secret #21 in here! Then why not continue doing your mapping physique and social?

Although deliverede may be read quickly, this is not the best way to approach : collective action is not studying alone. Procure two copies to read it un.e colleague, of collective confession ofauthor.e.s, the best waydraw some chose : read a lesson, and practicing with games of roles or exercises, ask questions and apply them to the situation is the best approach. It gives us concepts and advice, but their application and practice remainsnt the major challenges. Getting organized takes time and many try and there are no shortcuts : « It’s often tempting to seize onsomething that promises quick results […] Shortcuts usually ends in detours, which lead to dead ends. ».

For members of the IWW in Canada, you will find the main points of the OT-101 (AEIOU,
mapping, suivits, etc), which may make this book a good quick reference and even a guide to follow step by step the progress of your campaign. 5 pages are on the right US and therefore apply badly, but it's very little lost. Finally, its main obstacles is the difficulty to procure a physical copy. Is not available in Quebec, delivery and customs charges can take it to a higher price for an individual wanting to get one single, but discounts , up 40%, for wholesale orders make the control group, see very interesting branche. There is also sobook thumbnail-P675No English bilingual and Spanish-speaking soon, translation into French and reproduction in Quebec could be done without hindrance, if not one of the important work is the thing.

The fact remains that this little book is a great companion to any organizers or organizers
, to be lugged, annotated and used extensively, whether by un.e apprenti.e from the organization or un.e veteran, this book is an excellent tool even if ultimately it's practice and not the studyssidue which will be decisive.


If this book interests you, first lessons are available as "over " in online on the website of labor notes : http://www.labornotes.org/beatingapathy.

emotional pressure and organization

By Nate. H

This text is a translation of a publication Nate. H first appeared in the newspaper the industrial worker, then in the pamphlet Weakening the Dam, intituée « Emotionnal pressure and Organization Building », well known in its original version. Although it was originally written to be an organizational tool designed primarily for organizers of the IWW, we believe it can be useful to any person or any group of people finding themselves confronted with problematic issues in the workplace - either, to everybody. The Trade Union Combat team hopes it will be useful!

We would simultaneously accomplish two things at work:

Organize our environments.

Improve our conditions.

We could do the separately, for example, by organizing themselves without plans to improve our conditions, as poker parties or knitting circles. We could also do the reverse, either try to improve our conditions without organizing our class, for example by giving individual of bribes to our superiors or covering of praise. Neither of these things has anything to do with trade unionism. Being a union means improving our conditions by organizing or organize improving our conditions.

To build a good solidarity and improve our conditions, we must do actions at work. The actions are the oxygen of a union ; they start taking informal solidarity between the employee-s - current relationships and the agitation climate within the workplace - and the leader against our bosses in shares.

When planning action, Take a problem that bothers many and which people pay a lot of attention and importance, and ask you
"Do we have the power to change this thing ? ». for example, the supervisor of the graveyard shift of the reception department / Shipping plant probably has no control over the dental insurance plan now, nor to introduce a. On the other hand, it has the right to be more or less respectful of employee-s and be more or less strict about, for example, whereabouts to the toilet.

Do so first the list of issues that the employee-s desire to improve and determine who is (are) the (the) no one(s) target by your actions because they have control over these points. Then make a list of supervisor-e-s or lower in the hierarchy bosses having a louse
see decision on these issues. Usually, lower will these people in the hierarchy, easier it will be to get what you want. This will be very important from, when, for example, five employee-s department will have very little chance to get gains that will benefit percent employee-s a workplace. However, or if they have earnings in their department, it will be easier to recruit other department which can then tackle bigger issues. It is
in this way that builds the organization workplace.

Early in a campaign, it is important to focus on what could be called "emotional action" or "emotional pressure". Let me explain : The work is a concern of every moment for us, and to a different degree, is also for bosses. For them, it is generally more whenever their level down the hierarchy and vice versa. The emotional actions are those where we ask our higher to make a choice between that make our work less of a problem or whatever we do hers more. Over this or that Higher-e will be close to us in the hierarchy, more this type of action will be easy to win. Especially if this or that supervisor-e is close to us and that we see or every day, he or she will care much for our opinion and how we are dealing or.

When we confront collectively superior to make him understand how our working conditions make our lives unpleasant, we also give to this or that Higher-e a very unpleasant experience. We could see this as the sharing part of the misery that our work inflicts us with him or her. By giving these higher-e-s a dose of their own medicine, thus making their work experience as miserable as ours, we can force them to make small improvements to our working conditions. In return, it allows us to explain to our colleagues that it is possible to unite to improve our conditions and more we are many and many to come together and be supportive, over the balance of power will be in our favor, and we can get big wins.

Nate H.

The Cup is Full! Anger, and food event : call groups for May 1 2017!

The Industrial Union of Workers and Workers (SITT-IWW) offers a May 1 under thisgatherer me that addresses diffIt isrents problisinterreli monthIt iss : « Enough is enough! »

the coandt of living increases without arrwillt. Public services are tronçonner. People assistIt isSocial're experiencing savage attacks. There is the threata RIt isform of Labor Standards at the employer sauce that awaits us. And to add theinsult at linjure, while unions and community groups rIt isproclaim a minimum wage at 15$ of thehour, bosses and'IT IStat rIt islay : you're worth guisre more 11,25$.

As if that n'It iswas not enough, the social climate ofIt isgrade. Racist discourse have vast grandstands. They mistreat the diffIt isrence. Hate crimes against women, the musulman.es and the communityIt is * Multiply LGBTQIA. We tolIt isRons not the hate speech that spread much in the mIt isdays, workplaces and our communityIt iss.

We call on workers and our ally groupsIt iss at participate at our ras-le-bol. and cis in this light that we invite you officially at to contact you at we.

Monday 1is May, 14h30 at 16h30, we will offer a community food with music and speaking out in the Center-Sud neighborhood to the park MIt isdIt isric-Martin, then we will gather to mIt istro Frontenac at 17h00 to demonstrate to the city center!


We invite groups, Unions and Associations at endorse our call andat confirm their prIt ispresence via the email address of SITT : iww_quebec@riseup.net

Wobbly Lifes: My vision of the Union


Before starting, please understand that my name and the workplace will not be issued, and this, at my request and to job security purposes. I therefore only describe by saying that I am a man in his late twenties who works, without going to school, for ten years and which campaigns from different associations from left 2014.

My adventure with the IWW began in June after many failures on my part and I an activist groups with which to create a movement of radical left solid, uni, sustainable and constantly growing in Quebec. Questioned by the idea of ​​àrejoindre reach people directly on their workplaces, and to finally get out of the left CEGEPs, the '' Shlag "and Universities where it was by necessity doomed to always remain marginal and insufficient to even maintain that our gains (and so, far from leading us towards revolution or block the current rise of the extreme right !), I decided to contact a representative and sign my card, knowing that I had nothing to lose. I had at that time no idea of ​​the great adventure that I was going to hire me or what REALLY revolutionary syndicalism of the IWW. Just nine months later, I however tattooed on the heart !

My arrival

My first mission, that I trusted myself, was to explore the "wildlife" that this organization was actually quite large and complex, and to understand how that differed greatly from those, smaller, I was used. I then decided to attend at least one meeting of each committee (except the non-mixed woman committee which I could not participate, of course) and many activities as possible in a short period of time to get familiar with the organization and the people who were part. The SITT-IWW appeared to me very quickly unlike anything I had seen so far !

First of all, its constitution, regulations and structure, wrought-e- s after more than hundred years of existence by practice, made this union particularly the test of bourgeois or state recovery that had tamed all other unions that I knew existed except the CNT. Ensuite, culture rich in experience and literature oriented towards practical swarmed historical archives, case studies, organization tools, methods, training (theoretical and practical) and lifestyle habits to adopt more educational and transformative as each other. Furthermore, his vision of the struggle would both get to make gains every day, but also to build an inclusive labor movement and intersectional who actually turned people through solidarity struggle and organizing campaigns rather than believe that they and they were transformed-e- s after reading great theoretical ideas and agree with them, but happen to have the right mindset (and everything goes here, believe me !) to implement. I could not see so good that.

I then decided to get involved more seriously in both committees, either the organization and the communication / translation, then take over the task of building our log (Trade Union fight) when the fellow who took care returned to France. I also followed the organizer of training and organizing 101, then gradually started to organize my colleagues, ami-e- s and (let us say) e-mates disorganized- s who were and still are too many and many. Advocate with the IWW became a real drug, a way of life, a reason to get up every day, but going to bed every night wisely (ok ... I may still be a bit of difficulty with it hahaha) to be on top the next day and organize the damn revolution that continues not to arrive ! I love that I am helping to make a difference in the world and see it in motion on the ground, to myself and to the organization.

Campaigning in SITT-IWW

Advocate with the IWW-SITT, the rest of the world of Quebec radical left, is quite unique in either. It's about, from personal experience, a totally different conception of activism that I had previously practiced and which overcomes many flaws, frustrations and limitations of it (although she has her limits as, hence the importance always as great a diversity of tactics). I also believe that it is impossible to understand what the essence of revolutionary syndicalism as long as one does not become organizer or organizer and that we are not faced-e- s changes within, our own character and personality, that implies ; tou-te- s other organizers with whom I talked to seem totally agree about. I was indeed in the last nine months many taken major consciousness that it now seems to me important to share with the most militant-e- s possible because they will guarantee our success or not :

One of the main things I noticed is that the mindset that request and generates a person trying to organize their environment (not just working, but community, his social circle, all what !) as an e-inevitably create wobblie in it and among other radical changes that will benefit him, starting with being attentive and empathetic rather than talk and judge (this alone might have been able to allow the United States to avoid the election of Donald Trump !), then that of overcoming his embarrassment and fears, or that of learning to "Empowerer" (or empuissancer) others by giving them tasks and responsibilities (and accompanying them through them until they become autonomous and) that will lead them to become more versatile-e- s rather than trying to do everything by yourself and not get anything done or, even worse, recreate informally the hierarchy and dependency structures we slaved to eliminate.

This way to do, when applied, can not help but create a real rather than theoretical and intersectionality us away from what we call the "manarchisme", the "brocialisme", "white feminism", etc. ; to take only my personal example, the first person that I "organized" at my place of work was around the sexism of other employee- s, and just because SHE addressed to me as well. I listened, quite simply ! It only takes to let people talk to them or they tell us by them and themselves what their problems at work, or home, or in their neighborhood or city. Needless to embark on large class struggle intellectual discourse, citing the passage of the bearded old 19 century, to convince someone that her job and the system, this is shit ! But back to the main subject : since it appears to me impossible to advance without fighting against the sexism, He comes bosses or even inside our - possible, for now - Organizing Committee, branch union, or myself, and it is the same for all other causes, and in all other spheres of my life.

The second thing I notice is that industrial democracy, or socialism-libertarian, if you want to call, is much more than the revolution of a political-economic system, but is also a cultural revolution - and intrinsic, not just a lousy police "politicly correct", but a REAL mentality change - which must start now and will both cement, the sinews of war and watchdog revolutionary movements coming to North America. This is what the culture of the Wobblies allows me to spread all around me, I fight or not, and around my comrades fight or not - that is,- ie both with people who do qu'hocher head and agree with me without getting involved only to persons who join directly to the fight and rush headlong to the real sense of the term.

My third observation is that I can now advocate and being PAID to do 40 hours a week because I do it on my / my place(x) working. It allows me among others to overcome the false dilemma common among militant-e- s very dedicated-e- s between work less in order to advocate more or work more to be able to consume "more ethically" (... and let's say, not to live in a shabby slum area of ​​dumpsters !), but have less time to campaign. It also allows me to BRING the class struggle to colleagues or friend-e- s just committed-e- s politically rather than trying to MAKE UPCOMING the class struggle on their own time, they and they obviously have never done-e-s when I was using just the usual Marxist rhetoric - especially good old fetish of the event is a good tactic, but attracts only a very small number of people.

My fourth and final observation is that, although I do not detract from student activism or very marginal cultures (punk, for example) which I come, the real power is in the hands of workers', because it is mainly them and the ones who can actually block the economy (by their direct access to the means of production) and to give the State, but especially, for it is they and they who can appropriate the means of production to self-manage according to their knowledge and experience of these, and nobody else ! This detail is one little larger : all e-revolutionary knows that does not free anyone-e, but he or she is released. It is therefore crucial to organize these people more than anyone, because they will be our best-e- s ally-e- s or our worst enemy-e- s when we will have to emancipate the State claws and capitalists or defend against the reactionary (which will be roughly these people we have neglected to organize in advance). If we fail to remove the capitalists control over key sectors of the economy such as the food and that they work themselves into self when we want to free ourselves, we will go nowhere ! Come to work and organize society !

Generally, so ?

Adhering to SITT-IWW is probably the best decision I've made in my life activist. On the other hand, as is often repeated : " Join a union, is like enrolling in a gym, you have to work it so that something happens ! »

This is the essence of the Solidarity trade union : of Workers (employee- s and employable or not) struggling themselves and themselves in "to empowerant" the a-e- s other and helping each other to a workplace to another, even among union-e- s and non-syndicated- e-s IWW, and not only damaging bosses and not to other workers or to the quality of services offered to the population. We are a big family inclusive, growing, which matures, and made small. We will have, our revolution (or else, we bite hard enough to leave at least a piece of leg =) !


Wobbly Lifes: How I became a member of the IWW.

When I was asked if I could write a testimonial to share my journey with the IWW, my first response was "Haha, I met a guy on Tinder worse that's how I discovered the IWW ". This is ridiculous because it's true, but it's still a longer history than that.

There is 2 years, I impliquais asso with my student and I was getting in a class action against the Quebec City police. There is 2 years as, I was hanging on Tinder hopeless when I met someone good. And it turns out that someone is a member of the IWW ... Yes, that's how I discovered the union. Not even in demos, not even by the actions, even by his trade union, just a strange coincidence.

It was agreed at that time, I did not have much experience in activism. some demos, a brutal mousetrap, 2 week strike, presence on the executive of my asso ... It comes down to this, I believe. But I was already tanned student activism, its constraints and especially, the inability to establish real long-term projects : people come to their bacc then disappear, then we must build relationships quickly, work daily. It has its advantages, but for an introverted person like me, who needs to take his time with new people, it is difficult to overcome the constraints. I was made at a time in my life where I wanted to involve myself more sustainably, but I saw not many options ; it is precisely at this time -jolie coincidence- I found the IWW.

One could now believe that after discovering the union, I would have taken my card immediately. From what I could see in demo, and what I heard, it looked like a big family of people who stand tight bends ; it makes you want to reach, non? Yes, but at the same time, it is precisely so that it took me so long to make my decision. How I, who knew virtually no one group, who had almost never participated in direct actions, who do not believe in height, I was going to succeed in making my place in there? well, that the air that I arrived. I took my card and I am, one year later, to be involved in 3 Committees and Secretary of one of them, to be delegated, to giving 2 Introductory courses to the IWW and write an article for our blog. To all the people too shy to make the first move : you lose nothing to try, there's someone who will eat you.

And then the big question : why I ended up so hang on to that group? There are a thousand answers to this, but I find that the union embodies values ​​I share and I never really had the opportunity to express. I have a social work training and it's been years that I occupy jobs in the customer service ; after a while, I finally realize that the insecurity and suffering experienced by people working in counseling, the poverty that is struggling most of the people around me ... it can not last. It is not normal that we should live like this, I can not believe that there is no way to get out. We talk with colleagues, Yes, one complains, but for several reasons we never find ways to tackle the problem. What I think I have found with the IWW, this is a good starting point to do that.

Already, to have a space to talk about those problems and share our experiences, instead of saying that we are worse and we should shut up. Then find out what is done elsewhere, what motivates others, what could be done ; there are a host of possible actions to achieve our goals, phone calls to the occupations, through the demonstrations and discussion workshops. It's not just the strike to overcome a labor dispute : creativity and solidarity can -and will- carry us away.

And to end on a cute notes, it is all this involvement that made me discover a world of possibilities and extraordinary people, in addition to giving me a solid boost confidence in me. Yes, because I assume responsibility and that people trust me, but also because I realize today that I managed to create my network in a new city, in a group that I chose and representing my ideas. I also learned what it was, solidarity. I found the militant commitment that suits me ; active engagement, continual, more action-oriented in this respect than any price of an ideology. We did something together, and that, It does not have a price. This is to stop being passive towards the world and all, actively begin to take our place.
